RC2 / Sign-Off - Projects


RC2 / Sign-Off Feedback to Projects:

4/16 - 28% Completion

4/19- 43% Completion

4/22 - 85% Completion

4/26 - 98% Completion

4/29 - 100% Completion

RC2 / Sign-Off - Requirement Owners

RC2/Sign-Off Feedback to Req. Owners:

4/16 - 30% Completion

4/19 - 55% Completion

4/22 - 95% Completion

4/26 - 100% Completion

RC1 - Projects


RC1 Feedback to Projects:

3/24 - 39% Completion

3/26 - 57% Completion

3/29 - 60% Completion

4/5 - 64% Completion

4/7 - 70% Completion

4/8 - 90% Completion

4/16 - 97% Completion

4/22 - 100% Completion

RC1 - Requirement Owners

RC1 Feedback to Req. Owners:

3/24 - 32% Completion

3/26 - 54% Completion

3/29 - 71% Completion

4/7 - 89% Completion

4/8 -93% Completion

4/16 - 97% Completion

4/22 - 100% Completion

RC0 - Projects


RC0 Feedback to Projects:

3/10 - 69% Completion

3/11 - 76% Completion

3/15 - 86% Completion

3/16 - 89% Completion

3/17 - 91% Completion

3/24 - 94% Completion

3/26 - 99% Completion

3/27 - 100% Completion

4/7 - 82%

RC0 - Requirement Owners

RC0 Feedback to Req. Owners:

3/10: 46% Completion

3/11: 55% Completion

3/15 - 89% completion

3/16 - 95% Completion

3/17 - 100% Completion

M3 - Projects


M3 Feedback to Projects

Feb 24 - 73%

Feb 25- 81%

Feb 26 - 92%

Mar 1 - 96.5%

Mar 10 - 100% 

M3 - Requirement Owners

M3 Feedback to Req. Owners

Feb 25 - 74% - 10 out of 17

Feb 26 - 84% - 12 out of 17

Mar 1 - 95% - 14 out 16

Mar 10 - 100% Completion

M2 - Projects


M2 Feedback to Projects

1/14: 18% Completion

1/20: 62% Completion

1/21: 84% Completion - Some architecture reviews are scheduled post 1/21; platform maturity matrix not updated

1/22: 83% Completion due to Re-Open

1/25: 88% Completion

1/27: 93% Completion

1/27: 95% Completion

1/29: 96.4% Completion - "Delivered" Architecture Team to finalize review

2/25: 100% Completion

M2 - Requirement Owners

M2 Feedback to Req. Owners

1/21: 88% Completion - Need to remove tasks related to "REQ-537"

1/22: 100% Completion

M1 - Projects


M1 Feedback to Projects 

M1 - Requirement Owners

M1 Feedback to Req. Owners

  • 1/8: 24% Completion
  • 1/11: 52% Completion
  • 1/14: 81% Completion
  • 1/21: 100%  Completion - Need to remove tasks related to "REQ-537"