

as it seams the healthcheck of the policy is failing if proxy is used.

the ports 6969 and the 9696 of drools are open and active.

root@ecomp-vm1-policy:/home/ubuntu# nc -zv 6969
Connection to 6969 port [tcp/*] succeeded!

ubuntu@ecomp-vm1-robot:~$ nc -zv 6969
Connection to 6969 port [tcp/*] succeeded!

policy@drools:/tmp/policy-install$ http -a 'healthcheck:zb!XztG34' :6969/healthcheck
HTTP/1.1 504 Gateway Timeout
Content-Length: 2705

      504 DNS look up failed
    <div class="oc">
      <div class="ic">
        <div class="msg">
            504 DNS look up failed
              The proxy server reported that an error occurred while trying to access the website.  Please click

if I change the seddions http_proxy settings then the following result shows up:
policy@drools:/tmp/policy-install$ export http_proxy=
policy@drools:/tmp/policy-install$ http -a 'healthcheck:zb!XztG34' :6969/healthcheck
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Length: 276
Content-Type: application/json
Date: Thu, 14 Sep 2017 07:07:05 GMT
Server: Jetty(9.3.14.v20161028)
    "details": [
            "code": 200,
            "healthy": true,
            "message": "alive",
            "name": "PDP-D",
            "url": "self"
            "code": 200,
            "healthy": true,
            "message": "",
            "name": "PAP",
            "url": "http://pap:9091/pap/test"
            "code": 200,
            "healthy": true,
            "message": "",
            "name": "PDP",
            "url": "http://pdp:8081/pdp/test"
    "healthy": true

unfortunately if I exit the drools and reenter it the proxy settings are back.

but without the proxy settings I cannot install the drools container..
and I do not know what is the drools container root password.. to make the proxy setting system wide or to enter the pap,pdp,nexus,.. ip addresses to the hosts file.

Do you have any solution for this?

(I think this problem is also valid for other containers like in aai or in vid)

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    1 answer


      Hi Attila Jány

      Not sure how could proxy in maven blocking health-checks. I believe you might have updated in /etc/maven/settings.xml file. you can login to root use of docker container like following

      docker exec -ti -u 0 drools bash

      Give a try following and re-create (not restart) drools container

      Find/locate docker-install.sh for drools container in VM or technically we can mount /opt/policy/policy-drools/docker-install.sh to drools container by updating /opt/policy/docker-compose.yml 

      In docker-install.sh in function configure_base add proxy like following by adding a sed statement after configure_settings function call

      function configure_base() {
      if [[ $DEBUG == y ]]; then
      echo "-- ${FUNCNAME[0]} $@ --"
      set -x


      # check if fqdn is set in base.conf and use that value if set
      if [[ -z ${INSTALL_FQDN} ]]
      echo "FQDN not set in config...using the default FQDN ${FQDN}"
      echo "Using FQDN ${INSTALL_FQDN} from config"

      configure_component "${BASE_CONF}" "${POLICY_HOME}"

      sed -i "/<\/servers>/a\ \<proxies> <proxy> <id>http-proxy<\/id> <active>true<\/active> <protocol>http<\/protocol> <host>host<\/host> <port>port<\/port> <nonProxyHosts>localhost|<\/nonProxyHosts> <\/proxy> <proxy> <id>https-proxy<\/id> <active>true<\/active> <protocol>https<\/protocol> <host>host<\/host> <port>port<\/port> <nonProxyHosts>localhost|<\/nonProxyHosts> <\/proxy> <\/proxies>" $HOME_M2/settings.xml

      To re-create drools container

      docker rm -f drools

      Export following

      NEXUS_USERNAME=$(cat /opt/config/nexus_username.txt)
      NEXUS_PASSWD=$(cat /opt/config/nexus_password.txt)
      NEXUS_DOCKER_REPO=$(cat /opt/config/nexus_docker_repo.txt)
      DOCKER_IMAGE_VERSION=$(cat /opt/config/docker_version.txt)
      export MTU=$(/sbin/ifconfig | grep MTU | sed 's/.*MTU://' | sed 's/ .*//' | sort -n | head -1)

      cd /opt/policy

      /opt/docker/docker-compose up -d

      Then try health checks again

      1. Attila Jány

        I had to make an export http_proxy= with empty value and the same for https and after that it was working! (the root user is a nice thing to have (smile) )

      2. kranthi guttikonda

        Not sure why the proxy variables are set upon re-login. That's strange. If you want to avoid to unset of proxy variables each time then try the solution provided (smile)

      3. Attila Jány

        yes I did that too!

        that helped the robot health check to PASS !

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