
I wonder if you could provide advice/guidance for the following


We want to develop a prototype adapter for DCAE, this adapter could be used for collecting & translating events (different formats) and expose them back into the DMaaP after translated and potentially, use of the existing ONAP’s common services, such as, logging and policy capabilities


So for developing and testing, the approaches we’re thinking of :


  1. Deploy the whole ONAP with Containers per Wiki instructions

Since this is on the Operational Framework and we won’t have a real onboarded VNF, just using a simulator towards our adapter, is there any suggestion on how to pre-stage the events pub/sub or anything else we need to setup for referencing a “fake running VNF” , say for publishing /subscribing events during testing


  1. Is it possible to deploy  the DCAE & Common Services only, kind of following the “Building & Testing an ONAP Component Locally” however  kind of concern for the complexity of a manual integration steps


  1. Any better recommendation to stage a testing /validating environment to meet our needs


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    1 answer


      Hi Francisco,

      When you say that you are going to deploy the whole ONAP, there are 2 ways you can do this

      1) Use the heat template 

      2) Use the kuberneties created by OOM team

      I would recommend the OOM approach as it is easier.

      And regarding you questions about ripping a component out, I would not recommend that as it is a lot of work and will always result in a solution with lot of hacks.



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