The TSC Charter identifies individuals to aid the TSC and TSC Chairperson in coordinating various activities for the technical community.  This page lists the area of coordination and the person currently fulfilling the role.

External Standard Coordination

External Open Source Community Coordination

ONAP Liaisons

Area NameArea Name and DescriptionCoordinator Role DescriptionReporting CadenceDate CreatedStatusCoordinator

Marketing Liaison

Point of contact for ONAP marketing effortsAs RequiredProject launchActivePawel Pawlak 

Release Manager

To facilitate, monitor and report on all aspects of project development, cross project coordination, and the timely creation of release artifacts according to the ONAP Release plan(s) and schedule(s).

- Work with the ONAP TSC and Project PTLs to create and evolve the ONAP release process.
- Develop document, and maintain release automation tools and tracking artifacts as needed
- Coordinate the cross project release cycle, including intermediate milestones and release candidates, final releases, stable and security updates.

- Communicate with Project Technical Leaders, Technical Steering Committee and community at large regarding the status of the release.

- Help identify release-blocking issues to keep release process on schedule
- Deliver timely release artifacts (executable(s), documentation, testing output, etc.)

WeeklyProject LaunchActive

David McBride
Open to any member of the community, but currently staffed by the LF 

Security Coordinator

Coordinate the creation of security related processes and policies for the ONAP communityWork with community to identify what security processes and procedures are needed to ensure the security posture of the ONAP Project. Drive the the creation and documentation of those processes, policies, and supporting structures (such as needed subcommittees etc).WeeklyProject LaunchActiveConcurrent assignment to the Seccom Chair position