Executive Summary - Increasingly, edge locations are becoming K8S based as K8S can support multiple deployment types (VNFs, CNFs, VMs and containers).  This work enables ONAP to deploy workloads in K8S based sites.

Business Impact - This will enable operators to use both Openstack based sites as well K8s based sites to deploy workloads.  It also enables usage of common compute resources for both network functions and applications, thereby utilizing compute infrastructure efficiently. Since K8S supported with the same API, superior workload mobility can be achieved.

Business Markets - Applicable across compute continuum : On-prem edges, network edges, edge clouds and public clouds.

Funding/Financial Impacts - Potential of significantly avoiding multiple service orchestrators, avoid multiple infrastructure managers, thereby savings on CAPEX.

Organization Mgmt, Sales Strategies - There is no additional organizational management or sales strategies for this use case outside of a service providers "normal" ONAP deployment and its attendant organizational resources from a service provider. 

Technical Debt

R4 has many feature planned and there may be few items that may spill over to R5.  

Some of the features that are being done in R4 (for recollection)

Some features that are postponed to R5 are:

New requirements coming from various use cases

(Most of the requirements are coming from big data AI platform use case)

Functional requirements

ONAP Architecture impact


All the changes are expected to be done in Multi-Cloud project.  We don't expect any changes to API exposed by Multi-Cloud to the SO.  Also, there are no changes expected in SDC to Multi-Cloud interface. All the work that was done SDC and SO will be good enough in R6.  

There are some suggestions from the community to make "K8S workload support" as first class citizen and that may require changes to SDC and SO. But that is not planned for R6.

Few conceptual differences:

All these conceptual differences are localized to Multi-Cloud project and no change is expected in any other project.

R4 Page Link: K8S based Cloud Region Support