1- Brief Project Overview (brief as it should be known)

The use case (, ) intends to demonstrate the ETSI-Aligned modeling, package distribution, and orchestration by conforming to ETSI NFV. This use case shall support:

  1. VNF modeling with minimum CNF enhancements from ETSI NFV 4.1.1, by conforming to the ETSI SOL004 Package and SOL001 Modeling standards
  2. automated NSD and VNF/CNF package E2E distribution, by conforming to SOL005 and SOL003 Package Management APIs
  3. NS and VNF Orchestration through a modular architecture and standards-based (ETSI NFV) interfaces, by conforming to SOL005 and SOL003 LCM standards

1.1 Overall Architecture

The following diagram depicts overall ETSI-Alignment Architecture for Honolulu.

1.2 ONAP SO CNF Orchestration Support

There are two tracks in ONAP for CNF support: ONAP ETSI-Alignment and Direct Path for CNF (Based on models, SO selects a proper path):

2- New component capabilities for Honolulu, i.e. the functional enhancements, if applicable

3- New or modified interfaces

4- If they are modified, are they backwards compatible?

6- Interface naming (point to an example)

7- Consumed API from other projects


API Dependency


APi Specs


SO / SO NFVOETSI Catalog Manager Package Management APIs for NSETSI Catalog Manager APIshttps://wiki.onap.org/download/attachments/79200593/etsicatalog_API_v1.yaml?version=1&modificationDate=1579574658000&api=v2
SOL003 Adapter ETSI Catalog Manager Package Management APIs for VNFETSI Catalog Manager APIshttps://wiki.onap.org/download/attachments/79200593/etsicatalog_API_v1.yaml?version=1&modificationDate=1579574658000&api=v2

8- Published API




APi Specs


SOL003 AdapterETSI SOL003 Package Management & LCM APIsSupport APIs for VNFMhttps://forge.etsi.org/jenkins/view/All%20jobs/job/NFV%20-%20Network%20Functions%20Virtualisation/job/sol002-sol003-master/lastSuccessfulBuild/artifact/build/

9- Reference to the interfaces.

(Reference to the the swagger.json file(s) whenever possible)

10- What are the system limits?


11- Involved use cases, architectural capabilities or functional requirements.

12- Listing of new or impacted models used by the project (for information only).

(list all the relevant Jira tickets)

13-Test plan/Testing Strategy

  1. Unit Testing
  2. Dev-to-Dev Testing  and
  3. Integration

14- Any other details that are specific to this functional enhancement or UseCase.