

I am setting up vDNS usecase. I have deployed the 3 VMs. I can check the functionality of DNS. But when I am trying to run the command "nslookup hos1.dnsdemo.onap.org" from pktgen VM, I couldn't get any response. Even with "nslookup host1.dnsdemo.onap.org". 

I can see tappub and tap111 interfaces being created. And I can see packets coming to eth3 interface of vlb but not reaching to eth1.

Any help to further debug?

  1. Nikita Chouhan

    Hi Bharath ,

    I am trying to run vDNS usecase, VMs are getting deployed, But in each VM install.sh scripts runs the reboot for VMs and the Vms are not getting up after reboot. If any VM gets up then ip address does not get assigned to network interfaces , in case of PG - eth1 , in case of LB - eth1 & eth3.

    Can you share the heat you are using?

    And in case if you have faced the same issues can you help with it? 


  2. Bharath Thiruveedula

    Hi Nikita Chouhan

    I am not sure why it is not restarting the VMs, but it is expected to not get IPs to those interfaces. As these interfaces are controlled by VPP. Try running " nslookup dnsdemo.onap.org" in packet gen VM. If it gets the DNS response then we are good.

  3. Vijayalakshmi H

    Hi, I am also having the same issue. Many times the VMs are not reachable right from the time they are created. Or once the install scripts and init scripts run in the VMs, they become unreachable. I see there are some eth down cmds in the init scripts.

    Any solutions or  workarounds?



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