

In DCAE, I'm trying to deploy the policy handler via dcae-bootstrap in dcae-cloudify-manager. Here I'm successfully able to validate the policy handler blueprint and create a profile. While uploading the blueprint I'm facing the following issue,

CloudifyClientError: 400: Invalid blueprint - None of the resolver rules [{u'http://www.getcloudify.org/spec': u'fi
le:///opt/manager/resources/spec'}, {u'http://cloudify.co/spec': u'file:///opt/manager/resources/spec'}, {u'https:/
/www.getcloudify.org/spec': u'file:///opt/manager/resources/spec'}, {u'https://cloudify.co/spec': u'file:///opt/man
ager/resources/spec'}] was applicable, failed to resolve the original import url: Import failed: Unable to open imp
ort url https://nexus.onap.org/service/local/repositories/raw/content/org.onap.dcaegen2.platform.plugins/R3/k8splug
in/1.4.4/k8splugin_types.yaml; ('Connection aborted.', error(104, 'Connection reset by peer'))  
  in: /opt/manager/resources/k8s-policy_handler-b6d8dce5-d119-4eb0-a43a-147bc0270486/k8s-policy_handler.yaml
  in line: 26, column: 0
  path: imports
  value: ['http://www.getcloudify.org/spec/cloudify/3.4/types.yaml', 'https://nexus.onap.org/service/local/reposito

I'm successfully able to get those two file using wget inside the pod but it throws the aforementioned error while uploading.

Pls. let me know the details on how to solve this issue.


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