

I have deployed oom based ONAP Doublin .

I am running an VES agent(heart beat reporting) on one of my machine.

when i have checked ves collector logs, i found below error (stack trace)

is this mean ves agent not able to establish TCP connection with ves collector?? we are using ves agent code without any modification , why the invalid start frame error is coming here? how to resolve this?

Help me with some guidance

Thanks in advance

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    2 answers


      Hi Kamala,

       #1 - The vescollector can accept VES event from any source using standard http interface to post events into collector (you can also use curl command). For e.g curl -i -X POST -d @<filecontainer VESevent>  --header "Content-Type: application/json" -k

      The warning noted on the logs indicate the incoming heartbeat event did not comply to VES spec. You can change the version to 4.0.1 and vesEventListenerVersion to 7.0.1 and check.

      #2 Flow is correct

      #3 In onap/Dublin deployment, the collector is configured to use unathenticated topic. These topics gets created automatically when first event gets published (by collector). When we switch to AAF based topics in Dublin, these topics will be created part of MS deployment in DCAE.

      And yes, once the events are posted in dmaap - there should be another DCAE application (event processor or analytics) subscribing these events, determining if CL events are to be sent and if so - fwd them to Policy. For processing heartbeat, we have another Heartbeat MS which is deployed by default in ONAP (you can find more info on this ms here - https://docs.onap.org/en/latest/submodules/dcaegen2.git/docs/sections/services/heartbeat-ms/index.html)

      1. Kamala V

        Hi Vijay Venkatesh Kumar,

        Thank you for the reply. Your input helped me a lot

        yes i will go further deep to understand dcae thing.

        and now i am trying to change the version to 4.0.1 and vesEventListenerVersion to 7.0.1, to get rid of the warnings, but i am not getting where exactly i can update this values, i have tries making changes in evel library and compiled it, and also tried in some other files too, but it is not making any changes in that event version value(  checking in collector.logs), it is taking same values. i am further checking on this.

        Could you please let me know where exactly i can update version?

      2. Vijay Venkatesh Kumar

        Sorry, I'm not familiar with agent code. You could check with VNFSDK team for help on it.

      3. Kamala V

        I could able to update versions, now warnings all removed.

        below is the collector.log for the Heartbeat even sent by our vm

        t is successfully posting the event to Dmaap

        below is Dmaap log

        heatbeat even got published to Unauthenticated.SEC_HEARTBEAT_OUTPUT topic

        But when i am doing GET operation on the Dmaap on below url, 

        Curl  -X GET  --header "Content-Type: application/json"  http://<dmmap_message_router_ip>:30226/events/Unauthenticated.SEC_HEARTBEAT_OUTPUT/  

        not able to see these event

        Is any wrong in the url path?? or anything else is missing here?

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      It appears you are posting events to wrong collector (HV_VES instead of VES). The former supports protobuf voer TCP; and the later (VESCollector) supports standard http.

      Pls reconfigure the VESagent to send into VESCollector (on 30235).

      1. Kamala V

        Vijay Venkatesh Kumar Thank you for the reply.

        Yes, i have configured wrong ves collector, when configured ves colelctor with port 30235, i could able to see the heatbeat events coming on ves collector log.

        I have some more query,please help me with this

        1)here i have not brought up any VNF on ONAP, i am just running ves agent on one of my machine which is in same network of onap, i could able to see the ves heatbeat events on collector log and also some errors, like schema doesn't match, instance not found (on ves agent side also i am getting connection closed logs). Is it because, i am not running ves on any VNF?? VES only accepts the evenst from VNF on onap only?? 

        2)this is my understanding on dcae flow,

           Once ves collector accepts the event , it will POST this event to DMAAP Unauthenticated.SEC_HEARTBEAT_OUTPUT topic, this i can view by doing GET on below url

        http://<dmaap message router>: <message router port>/events/Unauthenticated.SEC_HEARTBEAT_OUTPUT/

        Please correct me if i am wrong.

        3) This topics on dmaap who will create? shall we create new topics?? once these events POST ed on dmaap topics it will used by tca anaytics/policy to trigger actions on APPC/MSO , is that correct? To do this where we have to create such policies?? 

        attached collector log here dcae_event_logs

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