
I am trying to run Portal using:

artifacts_version: 1.1.0-SNAPSHOT

docker_version: 1.1-STAGING-latest

gerrit_branch: master

 I was able to fix the first error by changing the name from "ecomp_sdk_os" to "ecomp_sdk". I cannot see any database with name "dbca_os". Any idea?

Caused by: com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.MySQLSyntaxErrorException: Unknown database 'ecomp_sdk_os'
ExternalAppInitializer: servlet configuration class is org.openecomp.portalapp.conf.ExternalAppConfig 
ExternalAppConfig: db.connectionURL is jdbc:mysql://portal.api.simpledemo.openecomp.org:3306/dbca_os 
java.sql.SQLException: Connections could not be acquired from the underlying database!

Complete log of 1610-1: 44371ba026ae9b583f0e598193aa4239063cf04eca5da054449921763d78e339-json.log

Complete log of ecompdb_portal: 3d7a023a3d4b811b2cc8a0e333b3e17cb6fef27f620f112239a7b0e01c516a66-json.log

  1. Stephen Moffitt

    I have the same issue, running on Vanilla OpenStack. I am also not able to open the following applications when logged in as Demo user on the portal - DMaap Bus Ctrl, Policy or VID.  The only application I can run is SDC.  I am not sure if this is cause by this error.  Any help appreciated.

  2. Manoop Talasila

    A bug is opened for this:  PORTAL-31 - cannot see any database with name "dbca_os" Closed

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1 answer


    PORTAL-31 - cannot see any database with name "dbca_os" Closed Delivered and closed on 8/2.

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