Table of Contents




Team (alphabetical order)

Wannabe part of it - just add your LF-ID


  File Modified
Microsoft Powerpoint Presentation owl-orbit-winlab-testbed.pptx Mar 13, 2021 by Martin Skorupski
Microsoft Powerpoint Presentation LFN-DDF OWL.pptx Jun 12, 2019 by Tracy Van Brakle
PDF File COSMOS-intro.pdf Mar 13, 2021 by Martin Skorupski


This indoor and outdoor test bed is part of the National Science Foundation Platform for Advanced Wireless Research initiative and is part of Wireless Information Network Laboratory (WINLAB)

at Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey -Technology Centre of New Jersey (Rutgers)

with close collaboration 

to the city-scale advanced wireless testbed (COSMOS

to the 5G-Berlin testbed (5G-Berlin)

and O-RAN Alliance and its


The open wireless lab are not only the 16 servers and its software stack and software functions and its configuration. It includes also

  • wireless transport devices,
  • distributed antenna system
  • high-end switches
  • several communication Networks for
    • Control
    • Data
    • Devices
    • Openstack
    • K8s
    • ONAP
    • Acumos (to be defined and setup)
  • several VPNs to vendor LABs and other testbeds
  • vendor specific adapters on vendor private VMs (only the vendor has root access)
  • Access to the outdoor equipment on the roof of Winlab, and there equipment,
  • processes for onboarding software, other labs, devices, users and
  • relationships to ONAP, O-RAN Alliance, IEEE, O-RAN-SC, ONF, and many more 


Open Question

How to setup a dashboard with status information? About ...

  • connectivity / latency
    • into OWL
    • OWL to internet
    • between the bare metal
    • between the OpenStack instances
    • within the VMs of one OpenStack instance
      • between control nodes
      • between compute nodes
    • between the k8s clusters
    • within k8s
      • between control nodes
      • between compute nodes
  • health check of ONAP instances
  • health check of Acumos instances.



Following actions are being planed/in process in OWL

Key Summary T Updated P Status

  • No labels