

  • Ramesh Jeyaraman, Jorge, Pam, Mike Z, Tarun, Ravi, Ali, Charles, Temoc, Daniel, Jorge and Saryu


Discussion items

  • Will be working on BRMS rule template Monday onwards

   AliStory 331 & 323 : Still working on changes to test in Rackspace environment 
  Charles Will be working with Daniel to test 
  Temoc Story 294 : Yesterday worked on operation history tables to clear the GUARD logs.
   : Also looked into Rackspace env for MariaDB Docker container.
  Daniel Yesterday worked on control loop exception issue and will be continuing today 
  Jorge Working on support tasks
Story  298 : Work in progress 
  Ravi Story 340 : There is no code change required this story.
Elastic surge installation issue -  Need some time to investigate what is going wrong. 

Action items
