Meeting Logistics

Meeting DayMeeting TimeConference Bridge
Fridays 6:00 AM to 7:00 AM (UTC-08:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada)

ZOOM Conference Bridge

Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android:

Or iPhone one-tap (US Toll):  +14086380968,,454599760# or +16465588656,,454599760#

Or Telephone:

    Dial: +1 408 638 0968 (US Toll) or +1 646 558 8656 (US Toll)

    Meeting ID: 454 599 760

    International numbers available:

Meeting Attendees

Meeting Agenda & Minutes

Agenda ItemsNotes


Review open action items

Review First Sprint (Tina Tsou)

Moving Wiki contentOpen-O Wiki has been exported and uploaded as files to VNF SDK Legacy Artifacts
Subteam status
Communication Tools
  • Could we use Atlassian's HipChat (Alex), or should we use IRC Channel (Chris)?
  • Sounds like the team is up for trying out HipChat

Action Items

  • Alexander Vul will create a tarball from Open-O to move content to ONAP.  This includes moving Wiki Content over.  Brian already moved the Use Cases (page) over.
  • Chris Donley will check on the status of the Package Tool repo.
  • Chris Donley will investigate blocks with SDC.
  • Chris Donley will look into getting access to HipChat for project communication.
  • Chris Donley will check with Andy on him attending the Modeling project on behalf of VNF SDK.

Meeting Recording

Recording-1 (103 KB):

Audio Only-1 (29 KB):

Meeting Contributions

  File Modified
PDF File ONAP Release TrackingV1.pdf Jul 26, 2017 by Brian Hedstrom
PDF File NFVSOL(17)000435r3_Draft_presentation_on_VNF_Packaging__SOL004_.pdf Jul 26, 2017 by Brian Hedstrom
Microsoft Powerpoint Presentation Market Place@ONAP.pptx Jul 26, 2017 by Brian Hedstrom
PNG File image2017-7-21_7-19-8.png Jul 26, 2017 by Brian Hedstrom