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Meeting Attendees

Meeting Agenda & Minutes

Agenda ItemsNotes

CSAR Format for R1 (Andrei Kojukhov)

See contributions below

Andrei presented ONAP_CSAR(1).pptx

  • This presentation recommends (Option 2) the YAML file at the root of the archive.
  • The team provided some inputs on changes needed in the PPT. For example, slide 8.
  • This change would affect several projects to repackage their VNFs (e.g., VNF-C).

shitao li presented TOSCA_CSAR_background_information.pptx

  • This presentation recommends (Option 1) the metadata directory which was used in Open-O.
  • Both options have a manifest file.
  • Option 1 is recommended from a committer perspective to reach R1 goals.
  • Should TOSCA deprecate Option 1?

Recommendation from the call is to support Option 1 for R1 and continue discussions around what will be used for R2+.

Sprint 3 Progress

No discussed

Any blockers?

Meeting Recording

Meeting Contributions

  File Modified
Microsoft Powerpoint Presentation ONAP_CSAR.PPTX Aug 23, 2017 by Brian Hedstrom
Microsoft Powerpoint Presentation VNF Package Discussion_1502958515537.pptx Aug 23, 2017 by Brian Hedstrom
Microsoft Powerpoint Presentation ONAP_CSAR(1).pptx Last slide added describing the CSAR arhcive Aug 24, 2017 by Andrei Kojukhov
Microsoft Powerpoint Presentation TOSCA_CSAR_background_information.pptx TOSCA CSAR background information Aug 25, 2017 by shitao li
Microsoft Powerpoint Presentation VNF Package Discussion_huawei_update.pptx Aug 25, 2017 by shitao li
PNG File image2017-8-25_7-26-7.png Aug 25, 2017 by Brian Hedstrom
PNG File image2017-8-25_7-26-48.png Aug 25, 2017 by Brian Hedstrom
Microsoft Powerpoint Presentation Delete Me Sep 07, 2017 by Brian Hedstrom

1 Comment

  1. Chris,

    I have a couple of comments/clarifications on the MoM you provided to make sure we reflect correctly the status of the CSAR discussion

    1. The Option 2 is presented on behalf of the VNF Package Modeling sub-project as a technological consensus within the VNF Package Modeling sub-project as part of VNF-SDK project. Taking this into account its socialization is formally started three weeks ago when consensus was reached and no formal objection received.
    2. Shitao's presentation does not actually recommend the Option 1 but mostly saying that both TOSCA and ETSI NFV SOL004 equally allows both CSAR structure options. The last slide presenting examples from existing product was challenged as not reflecting VNF products in industry (there are actually none) but older cloud applications.
    3. The Option 1 chosen for ONAP R1 does not include the Manifest file and does not support the TOSCA YAML additions so it can't be considered as relying on TOSCA YAML or ETSI NFV SOL002 but looks as Open-O proprietary CSAR based on pre-YAML TOSCA spec.
    4. The decision to go with Open-O CSAR was made based on time estimation provided by VNF vendor and VF-C representatives (3 weeks before closing the R1 content). The 3 weeks that passed after the VNF package Modeling sub-project consensus were not taken into account.

