Meeting Logistics

Meeting DayMeeting TimeConference Bridge
Fridays 6:00 AM to 7:00 AM (UTC-08:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada)

Chris is on vacation until 9/4.  Tina will host the meeting.

ZOOM Conference Bridge

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Meeting Attendees

Randy Levensalor

Meeting Agenda & Minutes

Agenda ItemsNotes

M4 milestone was moved to 9/28.  Let's discuss impacts to each sub-team.

Amsterdam is delayed 2 weeks

Action items from last week

Should we ask TOSCA to deprecate option 1?

Note: Not for Release 1 - discussion is long-term.

Andrei, Alex and Thinh participate. Alex indicates TOSCA will not deprecate this.

How about asking ETSI NFV team changing the wording in SOL004? They could tighten the requirements

Or go to VNF requirements package ONAP project and ask them to tighten up the requirements.

We should address this in ONAP regardless of whether we take this back to ETSI or OASIS.

Going to ETSI may be counterproductive as those participating companies voted to keep Option 1.

Option 1 is meta data type. Both options should support manifest files.

Sprint 3 Progress
  • Modeling subteam (Andy Mayer)
    • 2 weeks gives more time to SDC team
    • Need to hit the reset button for R1 on how modeling is done.
    • There needs to be a discussion with the other relevant PTLs.
    • The projects utilizing the package models should be participating in those meetings.
    • This sub project needs to share those models with the other teams.
    • VNF Descriptor specification needs to change for R1
    • Need correct references on the Wiki
  • Marketplace subteam (Weitao Gao)
    • Not on the call.
  • Validation Tools subteam (Murali Mohan Murthy Potham)
    • Not on the call.
  • Package Tools subteam (Lianhao Lu)
    • This subproject was behind and this will give the team more time.
    • Java and C libraries have been added. Core review has to be completed. Need to integrate the libraries for the CSAR file.
    • VNFSDK-51 and VNFSDK-21 need to move to Sprint 4
    • Documentation can move to Sprint 4
  • Compliance
    • Not in scope for R1
  • Documentation
    • This will be needed for M4 for modeling and user guides.
Preparation for Sprint 4

must contain all functionalities (R1 was delayed 2 weeks)

Sprint 4 definition:

Andy: -21, To be discussed on next call.

Victor: Not present

Validation: Not present

Lianhao: -52, -35

Any blockers or open issues that need to be addressed?

Harry: VNFSDK and OPNFV Automation relationship? What is the motiviation of the question? Need to clarify.

Alex: Leverage certification tests for VNFs from OPNFV for the ONAP Marketplace. There is someone on the liaison page for the OPNFV community.

VNF SDK is for VNF developers and platform integrators. There shouldn't be an overlap

Meeting Recording

  • Recording-1 (62 MB):
  • Audio Only-1 (23 MB):

Meeting Contributions

  File Modified
PNG File image2017-9-1_7-7-5.png Sep 01, 2017 by Brian Hedstrom
PNG File image2017-9-1_7-4-17.png Sep 01, 2017 by Brian Hedstrom
Microsoft Powerpoint Presentation Delete me Sep 07, 2017 by Brian Hedstrom

1 Comment

  1. Kindly find my updates for VNF Market place and Validation:

    1)      VNF Repository/Market place has finished  most of M3 criteria.

    (Code clean up, docker is built and pushed, Sonar clean up done, Unit test coverage also done)

    2)      Almost 90% CSIT test cases will be completed by September 14.

    3)      Only work pending which is not started is “ integrating with SDC”,

    Since, release is postponed by 2 weeks, we get more time to integrate with SDC team

    4)      Next week SDC team will help us to integrate VNF repository to SDC.

    5)      We are also analyzing Validation code in SDC and taking help with them on which part of

    code can be formed as seed code and enhance it in VNF SDK validation module.