Versions Compared


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Architecturally, the Policy Framework and CLAMP are complimentary as separate systems. The Policy Framework is part of control loops, and CLAMP is a control loop management system.


TechnologyPolicy FrameworkCLAMPRecommendationComment
Lifecycle ManagementPolicy CommonSpring Framework

RESTPolicy Common, using JAX-RS annotationsCamel

Parameter HandlingBuilt in parameter validation in policy commonSpring properties

TOSCA HandlingPolicy Models, integrated serialization and persistence for most TOSCA entitiesCLAMP TOSCA handling (more info)

PersistencePolicy Models using JPA/JDBC/Eclipselink/MariaDBSpring using JPA/JDBC/Hibernate/MariaDB

UINone (Angular in TOSCA PoC, APEX policy editor)React

Code Structure, Build, and Test

AreaPolicy FrameworkCLAMPRecommendationComment
Module StructureMaven multi module projectSingle module project, builds everything

Docker BuildCommon approach for all components and repos using a "packages" maven modulePart of Single module

Integration TestCSITs done per componentIntegration test part of build
PersistencePolicy Models using JPA/JDBC/Eclipselink/MariaDBSpring using JPA/JDBC/Hibernate/MariaDBUINone (Angular in TOSCA PoC)React

Use of Policy/Common or Spring Framework for component LCM

TOSCA Handling

Use of Angular or React for GUIs

Use of Camel or direct REST coding for operations

Introduction of executable components for Participants

Structuring of policy/clamp for multiple components


docsAll docs are in policy parentdocs in subdirectory in clamp repo

UISeparate policy gui repoui-react subdirectories in clamp repo

SimulatorsDMaaP Simulator and othersEmulator for CLAMP external interfaces

Needs for TOSCA Control Loop Requirements