Versions Compared


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TechnologyPolicy FrameworkCLAMPRecommendationComment
Lifecycle ManagementPolicy CommonSpring Framework

Spring for new (participant)

Migrate if doing something else

(Spring in policy-common?)

RESTPolicy Common, using JAX-RS annotationsCamelCamel the Commissining/Instantiation
Spring for Supervision/Monitoring
Use Camel where we need flexibility.

Parameter HandlingBuilt in parameter validation in policy commonSpring propertiesLet's investigate if the policy-common parameter handling can be got to work in Spring (javax validation)
TOSCA HandlingPolicy Models, integrated serialization and persistence for most TOSCA entitiesCLAMP TOSCA handling (more info)

Separate study ongoing in the Policy Framework on this

We should try and get this framework on Spring

PersistencePolicy Models using JPA/JDBC/Eclipselink/MariaDBSpring using JPA/JDBC/Hibernate/MariaDB
To be investigated
UINone (Angular in TOSCA PoC, APEX policy editor)ReactReact

Angular (Security issues raised), new version did not solve the issues. React is flexible and easier to understand, we moved in an earlier release from Angular to React. Used Jsoneditor (library), easier with React.

Develop the Monitoring GUI as a new tab in the CLAMP UI.

Code Structure, Build, and Test

AreaPolicy FrameworkCLAMPRecommendationComment
Module StructureMaven multi module projectSingle module project, builds everything

Docker BuildCommon approach for current components and repos using a "packages" maven modulePart of Single module

Integration TestCSITs done per componentComprehensive Integration test, part of build

docsAll docs are in policy parentdocs in subdirectory in clamp repoMove to policy parent
UISeparate "policy gui" repoui-react subdirectories in clamp repo

Let's think about it.

Would be good to do itTake the easiest approach for now
SimulatorsDMaaP Simulator and othersEmulator for CLAMP external interfaces


  • CLAMP planned improvements (Can we add?)
  • Caching policies in CLAMP vs accessing PF database (Mentioned in the demo video)
  • DCAE is evolving, how to work towards the K8S based DCAE

Needs for TOSCA Control Loop
