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Expectation of TSC Members

  • Community leadership
    • TSC members are expected to take on some manner of community leadership responsibility besides simply sitting on the TSC.  Examples includes but are not limited to:
      • Project PTL
      • Subcommittee Officer
      • TSC work group or taskforce leader
      • Community Coordinator (TAC, MAC, SPC, SDO or other OSS)
      • LFN (or other OSS) Whitepaper editor/contributor
      • LFN (or other OSS) Event organizer
    • Serving in such a  leadership capacity is not a pre-requisite for eligibility to run for a seat on the TSC.
    • The community leadership responsibility must serve the needs of the ONAP community as a whole and the exclusive needs of the member's company
  • Active participation - In addition to voting, TSC members are expected to actively take part in fulfilling the TSC responsibilities defined in the charter. That may include (but is not limited to):
    • Bringing forth proposals for improvements in the software or software development process.
    • Proposing solutions to issues raised by the community and brought to TSC decision.
    • Pulling in experts from their company or organization to help address issues brought before the TSC.
    • Advocating for the adoption and use of ONAP by their company/organization or other OSS projects and use cases. Advocacy may take the form of public posts (blogs, articles, white papers, etc.) or direct communication with the relevant parties.

The Role of a Company in Determining the Composition of the TSC


  • "Active Community Members" as currently defined in Section of the Community Document shall remain as the qualifications for both candidacy and voting for the TSC
    •  Anyone from the ONAP community with twenty (20) or more measurable contributions during the previous 12-month period, inclusive of code merged, code reviews performed, wiki page edits, or JIRA activities 
  • There shall be 834,267 seats on the TSC.
  • TSC members may assign a proxy that may both attend meetings and vote (either live or electronically) on their behalf
  • The TSC must be pre-notified of any proxy in advance of the meeting
    • All proxies must be time-bound
    • No "self-announced" proxies at the time of the meeting will be permitted
  • If any TSC member, without sending a proxy, misses any two consecutive regular TSC meetings, such member shall not be counted for quorum or voting purposes until she or he next attends.
  • If any TSC member, resigns their seat on the TSC or without sending a proxy, misses any four consecutive regular TSC meetings, the TSC may either call for a new election, or choose to leave the seat open until the next scheduled election, by a simple majority vote of the TSC
  • TSC members that do not engage in a "community leadership" or "active participation" role after being given ample opportunity may be removed as a member of the TSC by a simple majority vote.
