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In CPS temporal, the data can be filtered based on three criteria

  • Datetime 

    PurposeImplementation Statusparameter-nametypeDetailExample

    Data in last X



    Not Decideddurationstring
    1d, 2h
    Data after a particular
    DateTime ( epoch time in nanoseconds )

    Format:  'YYYY-mm-ddTHH:MM:SS.SS-TZ'

    Data before a particular

    DateTime ( epoch time in nanoseconds )Data at a particular time


    Yesbefore DateTime

    Format: 'YYYY-mm-ddTHH:MM:SS.SS-TZ'

    Last X network data

    Not Decided

  • DataTypes in CPS Core
    • Dataspace & schema-set

    • Dataspace & anchor
    • Dataspace & multiple anchors - To improve performance, if there is a need to fetch data for multiple anchors.
    • Dataspace
  • Payload
    • Based on a subsection or field in the payload. These criteria do need schema-set to be fixed to search in the same set of anchors

Adding payload filtering with DateTime criteria can make the query APIs complicated. Hence, we will implement the basic APIs first and will add complex ones when required.

Others ParametersParameters 

The query output can have many rows so it is important to limit the fetched data. To limit the number of records and to provide pagination, these two parameters can be used. 

"index" parameter represents the page number, starts with 0, and maxSize is the page size.

3point-in-timeDateTimeCurrentDateTimePagination does not work well if new data gets added which fulfils the search criteria. The user must provide this value to avoid this issue.
Proposed APIs - Approach 1 - GET 

In the GET APIs, all the filtering parameters are passed as query parameter. 

1.1 Get anchor data which is added after  

NoAPI endpointDescriptionExample

GET /dataspaces/{dataspace-name}​/anchors/{anchor-name}​?after=<epoch-time>&maxSize=1000&?payload={"abcd" : "abcd"}

Return all the data entries for an anchor after the specified epoch in nanoseconds
2.​GET /dataspaces/{dataspace-name}/schema-sets/{schema-set}?after=<epochtime>Return all the data entries based on provided schema-set after the specified epoch in nanoseconds.


Code Block
  "nextRecordsLink": "cps-temporal/api/v1/dataspaces/{dataspace-name}/anchors/{anchor-name}?after=<epoch-time>&maxSize=1000&before=<epoch-time>&index=2&point-in-time=DATE",
  "previousRecordsLink": "cps-temporal/api/v1/dataspaces/{dataspace-name}/anchors/{anchor-name}?after=<epoch-time>&maxSize=1000&before=<epoch-time>&index=0&point-in-time=DATE",
  "records": [
      "timestamp": "1234567788889",
      "dataspace": "my-dataspace",
      "schemaSet": "my-schema-set",
      "anchor": "my-anchor",
      "data": {
        "status" : "UP"

Open Items

  1. Datetime format format - YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.microseconds-timezone