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Follow the steps below to set up your development environment.

Linux Foundation account setup

Follow the instructions on the identity portal to create a Linux Foundation account and get access to the OpenECOMP Gerrit instance.  Then verify that you can log in at and that you can see the OpenECOMP list of repositories.

Git and Gerrit local setup

The OpenECOMP repositories are stored on Gerrit. You need a Git client to be able to pull/push code.


Follow those steps if you are a Windows user and need to interact with Gerrit; it will help you when you install git-review on your system.

Step-by-Step Guide

NOTE: it is assumed that you already have a Gerrit profile setup and you can connect to it.

Preliminary Step: Install Putty and Generate a Putty Key

NOTE: If you already have keys registered with putty, skip this section.

  1. Ensure you have the complete putty suite installed. You should have pageant.exe, plink.exe and puttygen.exe.
  2. Generate a key with puttygen. Choose a passphrase, then select "Save private key" and choose a target; also "Save public key" and select a target. It is recommended to use file names containing "private" and "public" for the keys as both will end in .ppk.
  3. Start pageant if not started, then add your newly generated private key.
  4. Under the control panel > system > advanced system properties > environment variables, add a GIT_SSH entry (if not present) and point to plink.exe.
  5. When done, start a command line (cmd.exe) and run 'env'; the newly added environment variable should appear.
  6. In your Gerrit profile, add the public key. Also, copy/paste the known_hosts entries listed, into a file named known_hosts under your .ssh profile (something like C:\Users\<ATTUID>\.ssh) (if known_hosts does not exist, create it).

Remaining Steps

  1. Download Python, based on the TSS approved version (2.7.10 at OpenECOMP Release 1):


NOTE: When entering the proxy username, you might be required to add the domain name in front of the username.

Selecting a connection method (SSH or HTTPS)

Once Git/Gerrit is installed, you will need to select a connection method to the remote server.
