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This API is a CRUD API that allows Control Loop Type definitions created in a design environment to be commissioned on the CLAMP runtime. It has endpoints that allow Control Loop Types to be created, read, updated, and deleted.

The body of the create and update end points is a TOSCA Service/Topology template that defines the new or changed Control Loop Type. The incoming TOSCA is verified and checked for referential integrity. On delete requests, a check is made to ensure that no Control Loop Instances exist for the Control Loop Type to be deleted.

Instantiation API

Monitoring API



Below this point, this page is not updated for Istanbul, the information below this point may or may not be correct for Istanbul.

3: APIs and Sequence Diagrams

3.1: Commissioning

Ajay Deep Singh to pad out this section

This section defines Commissioning/CRUD Operations that can be performed on ControlLoops.

A Client, in this case CLAMP, can perform CRUD operations or can commission ControlLoops from DesignTime to RunTime Inventory Database.




API_Gateway Service is for interacting to different database DesignTime/RunTime and should be responsible for responding success or failure status on different operations.

The commissioning of ControlLoops definition from DesignTime Catalogue to RunTime Inventory Database can we achived using the commissioning Rest Endpoint, in this process when a rest request is initiated from a client(Clamp) the API_Gateway Service take cares of fetching ControlLoops metadata from DesignTime and creates in RunTime Inventory Database, Commissioning API ControlLoop Sequence diagram will help you understand the flow.


In future commissioning Rest Endpoint might be updated to push ControlLoops not only in RunTime Database but to the participants involved in ControlLoop.

3.1.1: Commissioning REST API 

3.1.2: Commissioning Sequence Diagrams

GET, DELETE, CREATE API ControlLoop Sequence Diagram


3.2: Instantiation

Robertas Rimkus to pad out this section
