Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


PlantUML Macro
participant CLAMP_GUI
participant CLAMP_Runtime
participant Participant
database Database

CLAMP_GUI -> CLAMP_Runtime: [REST] Read Control Loop Type Definitions
CLAMP_Runtime -> Database: Read Control Loop Type DefinitionDefinitions
CLAMP_Runtime -> CLAMP_GUI: [REST] Type Definitions returned
CLAMP_GUI -> CLAMP_GUI: Select Control Loop Type Definition for Parameterization
CLAMP_GUI -> CLAMP_Runtime: [REST] Fetch GUI fields for Common Parameter Definitions

alt Control Loop Type Definition not Commissioned on Participants
  CLAMP_Runtime -> Database: Read Control Loop Type Definition
  CLAMP_Runtime -> CLAMP_Runtime: Generate fields for Common Parameters for GUI
  CLAMP_Runtime -> CLAMP_GUI: [REST] Return GUI fields Common Parameter Definitions
  CLAMP_GUI -> CLAMP_GUI: Render UI for Common Parameters
  CLAMP_GUI -> CLAMP_GUI: Get values for Common Parameters from user
  CLAMP_GUI -> CLAMP_Runtime: [REST] Set values for Common Parameters
  CLAMP_Runtime -> Database: Store values for Common Parameters
  CLAMP_Runtime -> CLAMP_GUI: [REST] Common Parameter values stored
else Control Loop Type Definition already Commissioned on Participants
  CLAMP_Runtime -> CLAMP_GUI: [REST] Cannot set Common Parameters on\nControl Loop Type Definition that has\nbeen commissioned on participants



PlantUML Macro
participant CLAMP_GUI
participant CLAMP_Runtime
participant Participant
database Database

CLAMP_GUI -> CLAMP_Runtime: [REST] Read Control Loop Type Definitions
CLAMP_Runtime -> Database: Read Control Loop Type DefinitionDefinitions
CLAMP_Runtime -> CLAMP_GUI: [REST] Type Definitions returned
CLAMP_GUI -> CLAMP_GUI: Select Control Loop Type Definition for Commissioning on Participants
CLAMP_GUI -> CLAMP_Runtime: [REST] Commission Control Loop Type Definition on Participants

alt Control Loop Type Definition not Commissioned on Participants
  CLAMP_Runtime -> Database: Read Control Loop Type Definition
  CLAMP_Runtime -> Database: Read Common Parameter Values for Control Loop Type Definition
  alt Common Parameter values set for Control Loop Type Definition
    CLAMP_Runtime -> Participants: [DMaaP] Update Participants with Control Loop Type Definition and values for Common Parameters
    CLAMP_Runtime -> CLAMP_GUI: [REST] Control Loop Type Definition commissioning ordered on participants
  else Control Loop Type Definition already Commissioned on Participants
    CLAMP_Runtime -> CLAMP_GUI: [REST] Common Parameters not set\non Control Loop Type Definition
else Control Loop Type Definition already Commissioned on Participants
  CLAMP_Runtime -> CLAMP_GUI: [REST] Cannot set Common Parameters on\nControl Loop Type Definition that has\nbeen commissioned on participants

== Participant Responses ==
Participants -> CLAMP_Runtime: [DMaaP] Result of Update with Control Loop Type Definition and values for Common Parameters
CLAMP_Runtime -> Database: Store result of Control Loop Type Definition Update on Participant

== Supervision ==
loop forever
  CLAMP_Runtime -> Database: Read Control Loop Type Definitions
  loop over each Control Loop Type Definition
    alt Control Loop Type Definition Participant Commission underway
	  CLAMP_Runtime -> Database: read result of Control Loop Type Definition Updates from Participant
      alt Updates completed on all participants
	    CLAMP_Runtime -> Database: set Control Loop Type Definition as Commissioned on Participants
      else Updates not completed
        alt Commissioning of Control Loop Type Definition on participants timed out
	      CLAMP_Runtime -> Database: set Control Loop Type Definition commissioning as timed out on Participants
	      CLAMP_Runtime -> CLAMP_Runtime: Log error
        else Wait for updates to complete
    else Control Loop Type Definition Participant Commission not underway


PlantUML Macro
participant CLAMP_GUI
participant CLAMP_Runtime
participant Participant
database Database

CLAMP_GUI -> CLAMP_Runtime: [REST] Read Control Loop Type Definitions
CLAMP_Runtime -> Database: Read Control Loop Type DefinitionDefinitions
CLAMP_Runtime -> CLAMP_GUI: [REST] Type Definitions returned
CLAMP_GUI -> CLAMP_GUI: Select Control Loop Type Definition for Decommissioning on Participants
CLAMP_GUI -> CLAMP_Runtime: [REST] Decommission Control Loop Type Definition on Participants

alt Control Loop Type Definition Commissioned on Participants
  alt Control Loop Instances do not exist for Control Loop Type Definition
    CLAMP_Runtime -> Participants: [DMaaP] Update Participants, removing Control Loop Type Definition and values for Common Parameters
    CLAMP_Runtime -> CLAMP_GUI: [REST] Control Loop Type Definition decommissioning ordered on participants
  else Control Loop Instances exist for Control Loop Type Definition
    CLAMP_Runtime -> CLAMP_GUI: [REST] Control Loop Type Definition cannot be\n decommissioned on participants\nit is in use on control loops
else Control Loop Type Definition not Commissioned on Participants
  CLAMP_Runtime -> CLAMP_GUI: [REST] Control Loop Type Definition has not\nbeen commissioned on participants

== Participant Responses ==
Participants -> CLAMP_Runtime: [DMaaP] Result of Update to remove Control Loop Type Definition and values for Common Parameters
CLAMP_Runtime -> Database: Store result of Control Loop Type Definition Update on Participant

== Supervision ==
loop forever
  CLAMP_Runtime -> Database: Read Control Loop Type Definitions
  loop over each Control Loop Type Definition
    alt Control Loop Type Definition Participant decommission underway
	  CLAMP_Runtime -> Database: read result of Control Loop Type Definition Updates from Participant
      alt Updates completed on all participants
	    CLAMP_Runtime -> Database: set Control Loop Type Definition as decommissioned on Participants
      else Updates not completed
        alt Commissioning of Control Loop Type Definition on participants timed out
	      CLAMP_Runtime -> Database: set Control Loop Type Definition decommissioning as timed out on Participants
	      CLAMP_Runtime -> CLAMP_Runtime: Log error
        else Wait for updates to complete
    else Control Loop Type Definition Participant decommission not underway


PlantUML Macro
participant CLAMP_GUI
participant CLAMP_Runtime
database Database

CLAMP_GUI -> CLAMP_Runtime: [REST] Read Control Loop Type Definitions
CLAMP_Runtime -> Database: Read Control Loop Type DefinitionDefinitions
CLAMP_Runtime -> CLAMP_GUI: [REST] Type Definitions returned
CLAMP_GUI -> CLAMP_GUI: Select Control Loop Type Definition for Decommissioning
CLAMP_GUI -> CLAMP_Runtime: [REST] Decommission Control Loop Type Definition

alt Control Loop Type Definition not Commissioned on Participants
  CLAMP_Runtime -> Database: Delete Control Loop Type Definition
  CLAMP_Runtime -> CLAMP_GUI: [REST] Type Definition Decommissioned
else Control Loop Type Definition not Commissioned on Participants
  CLAMP_Runtime -> CLAMP_GUI: [REST] Control Loop Type Definition cannot be decommissioned\nit is commissioned on participants



PlantUML Macro
participant CLAMP_GUI
participant CLAMP_Runtime
database Database

CLAMP_GUI -> CLAMP_Runtime: [REST] Read Control Loop Type Definitions
CLAMP_Runtime -> Database: Read Control Loop Type DefinitionDefinitions
CLAMP_Runtime -> CLAMP_GUI: [REST] Type Definitions returned



PlantUML Macro
participant CLAMP_GUI
participant CLAMP_Runtime
participant Participant
database Database

CLAMP_GUI -> CLAMP_Runtime: [REST] Read Control Loop Type Definitions
CLAMP_Runtime -> Database: Read Control Loop Type DefinitionDefinitions
CLAMP_Runtime -> CLAMP_GUI: [REST] Type Definitions returned
CLAMP_GUI -> CLAMP_GUI: Select Control Loop Type Definition to use to create Control Loop Instance
CLAMP_GUI -> CLAMP_Runtime: [REST] Fetch GUI fields for Instance Specific Parameter Definitions
CLAMP_Runtime -> Database: Read Control Loop Type Definition
CLAMP_Runtime -> CLAMP_Runtime: Generate fields for Instance Specific Parameters for GUI
CLAMP_Runtime -> CLAMP_GUI: [REST] Return GUI fields Instance Specific Parameter Definitions
CLAMP_GUI -> CLAMP_GUI: Render UI for Instance Specific Parameters
CLAMP_GUI -> CLAMP_GUI: Get values for Instance Specific Parameters from user
CLAMP_GUI -> CLAMP_Runtime: [REST] Request Creation of Control Loop Instance
CLAMP_Runtime -> CLAMP_Runtime: Create of Control Loop Instance
CLAMP_Runtime -> Database: Store Control Loop Instance
CLAMP_Runtime -> CLAMP_GUI: [REST] Control Loop Instance storedUpdated




Updating Instance Specific Parameters on a Control Loop Instance

2.3 Instantiating a Control Loop Instance on Participants

2.4 Updating the Parameters on a Control Loop Instance on Participants

PlantUML Macro
participant CLAMP_GUI
participant CLAMP_Runtime
participant Participant
database Database

CLAMP_GUI -> CLAMP_Runtime: [REST] Read Control Loop Instances
CLAMP_Runtime -> Database: Read Control Loop Instances
CLAMP_Runtime -> CLAMP_GUI: [REST] Control Loop Instances returned
CLAMP_GUI -> CLAMP_GUI: Select Control Loop Instance on which to Update Parameters
CLAMP_GUI -> CLAMP_Runtime: [REST] Fetch GUI fields for Instance Specific Parameter Definitions
CLAMP_Runtime -> Database: Read Control Loop Type Definition
CLAMP_Runtime -> CLAMP_Runtime: Generate fields for Instance Specific Parameters for GUI
CLAMP_Runtime -> CLAMP_GUI: [REST] Return GUI fields Instance Specific Parameter Definitions
CLAMP_GUI -> CLAMP_GUI: Render UI for Instance Specific Parameters
CLAMP_GUI -> CLAMP_GUI: Get values for Instance Specific Parameters from user
CLAMP_GUI -> CLAMP_Runtime: [REST] Request Update of Control Loop Instance
CLAMP_Runtime -> CLAMP_Runtime: Update Control Loop Instance
CLAMP_Runtime -> Database: Store Updated Control Loop Instance
CLAMP_Runtime -> CLAMP_GUI: [REST] Control Loop Instance Updated


2.3 Instantiating a Control Loop Instance on Participants

2.4 Updating the Parameters on a Control Loop Instance on Participants

22.5 Changing the state of a Control Loop Instance on Participants


2.7 Deleting a Control Loop Instance

2.7 Reading Control Loop Instances

3. Monitoring Dialogues

Monitoring dialogues are used to monitor and to read statistics on Control Loop Instances.
