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serverONAP Jira


DMI URI format to follow below pattern 

<OP> dmi/ <v{v-number}> / <data|operations|dmi-action> / ch /<cmHandle>  /ds/{datastore} / [rp:]<resource-path> ?<query>

<OP>mandatorythe HTTP method
dmimandatorythe dmi root resource
<v{v-number}>mandatoryversion of the dmi interface is the target resource URI is the query parameter list
<data|operations|dmi-action>mandatoryyang data, rpc operation or a (non-modelled) ncmp api action
<cmHandle>mandatoryunique (string) identifier of a yang tree instance.
{datastore}optionaloptional datastore
<resource-path>optionalthe path expression identifying the resource that is
being accessed by the operation. If this field is not
present, then the target resource is the API itself.
<query>optionalthe set of parameters associated with the RESTCONF message;
see Section 3.4 of [RFC3986]. RESTCONF parameters have 
the familiar form of "name=value" pairs. Most query parameters are
optional to implement by the server and optional to use by the client. Each optional query parameter is identified by a URI


If datastore (ds/{datastore}) is not included in the URL then the request is defaulted to ncmp-datastore:running/operational.

If the cmhandle metadata indicates that data is not synched in CPS then the request is forwarded to the dmi-plugin


Image Modified


UsecaseREST MethodURIExample
1Add a data resource

for a cmHandlePOST





Content-Type: application/json

"data" payload : yang-data+json

2Delete a data

resource for a

3Patch a data

resource for a




Content-Type: application/json

"data" payload : yang-data+json

Patch multiple child

resources for a

single cmHandlePATCH


Content-Type: application/json

"data" payload : yang-patch+json

5Execute a yang

action on a

cmhandle instancePOST


input: {
"param1Name" :"param1Value”,
"param2Name" : "param2Value”

Note : If the "action" statement has no "input" section, the request message MUST NOT include a message-body

6Execute an rpc


{dmi-root}/dmi/v1/operations/ch/<cm-handle>/ {module-name}:{action}

input: {
"param1Name" : "param1Value”,
"param2Name" : "param2Value”

Note : If there is no "input" section, the request MUST NOT include a message-body

7Read a filtered set

of data under

a data resource for

a cmHandlePUT


fieldsRequest a subset of the target
resource contents

8Read data

resources with

specified fields

under a given data

resource for a given



fieldsRequest a subset of the target
resource contents

9Get data resource with 'fileds' for a cmhandle with a given scope conditionPUT{dmi-root}/dmi/v1/data/ch/{cm-handle}/{resourcepath}?fields={fields}&scope={scope}
10Read descendant nodes to a given depth for a given cmHandlePUT


depthRequest limited sub-tree depth in
the reply content
If '1' then only immediate resource
is retrieved
If '2' then resource plus next level
resources are retrieved

11Replace data for a CMHandlePUT



   data : {

            .... the complete tree config to be replaced



DMI Inventory

Use CaseRest MethodURIExample
1DMI registers a new data source with NCMP POST

    "dmi-plugin-id : { dmi-plugin-id }
     "dmi-source-id" : { unique-data-source-id }

dmi-plugin-id should be resolvable service name ink8s DNS

2Delete a data source from NCMP DMI Plugin NCMPDELETE{ncmp-root}/ncmp/v1/dmi-pluigin/ { dmi-plugin-id}/dmi-source/ { unique-data-source-id }
3NCMP requests cmhandles for a datasource (may be refresh of existing
datasource or for a newly registered datasource) NCMP DMI plugin


Content-Type: application/json

Note - the following will refresh ALL dmi data sources managed by a dmi plugin

4Notify of change to CMHandle(s)
Topic : 'NCMP_INVENTORY' / sync request topic
Topic name should come from Data Catalog OR should DMI registry store the topic from the initialNCMP sync request?)

Model API


Use CaseRest MethodURIExample
1Get model (module
set) for cmhandles



GET Request with body

The HTTP libraries of certain languages (notably JavaScript) don’t allow GET requests to have a request body. In fact, some users are surprised that GET requests are ever allowed to have a body.

The truth is that RFC 7231—the RFC that deals with HTTP semantics and content—does not define what should happen to a GET request with a body! As a result, some HTTP servers allow it, and some—especially caching proxies—don’t.

The authors of Elasticsearch prefer using GET for a search request because they feel that it describes the action—retrieving information—better than the POST verb. However, because GET with a request body is not universally supported, the search API also accepts POST requests: }

The same rule applies to any other GET API that requires a request body.
See Elasticsearch details here for more info

yang-patch operations (see rfc8072)

"create", "delete", "insert", "merge", "move", "replace", and "remove"

YANG Data Structure Extensions


Follow principles/patterns of RESTCONF RFC-8040
Follow principles/patterns of yang-patch RFC-8072
Follow principles/patterns of RESTCONF NMDA RFC-8527
