Versions Compared


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  • liquibase.rollbackCount - reverts a specified number of changesets sequentially, starting with the most recent changes and working backward until the value specified is reached :

    • Code Block
      mvn clean compile org.liquibase:liquibase-maven-plugin:3.8.7:rollback -Dliquibase.url=jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/cpsdb -Dliquibase.username=cps -Dliquibase.password=cps -Dliquibase.changeLogFile=changelog/changelog-master.yaml -Dliquibase.rollbackCount=x

  • liquibase.rollbackTag - reverts all changes that were made to the database after the specified tag:

    • Code Block
      mvn clean compile org.liquibase:liquibase-maven-plugin:3.8.7:rollback -Dliquibase.url=jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/cpsdb -Dliquibase.username=cps -Dliquibase.password=cps -Dliquibase.changeLogFile=changelog/changelog-master.yaml -Dliquibase.rollbackTag=<liquibase_tag_for_changesets_to_be_rolled_back>

  • liquibase.rollbackDate - reverts all changes made to your database from today's date to the date and time you specify.

    • Code Block
      mvn clean compile org.liquibase:liquibase-maven-plugin:3.8.7:rollback -Dliquibase.url=jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/cpsdb -Dliquibase.username=cps -Dliquibase.password=cps -Dliquibase.changeLogFile=changelog/changelog-master.yaml -Dliquibase.rollbackDate=2020-11-26

Steps to create checksum for yang-resource:

1. Build locally using

  • Code Block
    /onap/cps/cps-application$ mvn clean install -Pcps-ncmp-docker -DskiptTests=true
    then run 
    /onap/cps/docker-compose$ VERSION=latest DB_USERNAME=cps DB_PASSWORD=cps docker-compose up -d

2. Run to create new dataspace

  • Code Block
    curl --location --request POST 'http://localhost:8883/cps/api/v1/dataspaces?dataspace-name=NSODemo' \
    --header 'Authorization: Basic Y3BzdXNlcjpjcHNyMGNrcyE='

3. Run to insert a yang resource.

     NOTE: Remove all escape characters from file, check attached file for reference.

  • Code Block
    curl --location --request POST 'http://localhost:8883/cps/api/v1/dataspaces/NSODemo/schema-sets' \
    --header 'Authorization: Basic Y3BzdXNlcjpjcHNyMGNrcyE=' \
    --form 'file=@"****path-to-yang-file****"' \
    --form 'schema-set-name="dmi-registry@2021-05-20.yang"'

    View file

4. login to postgres and check the entry in table to verify checksum

  • Code Block
    psql -h localhost -p 5432 -U cps -d cpsdb
    select * from yang_resource where name like '%dmi%'; //replace dmi with your names

Note about rollback


* in "Always think about rollback" section