Versions Compared


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titleAPI Details

*For response output, where applicable the yang-library format and conventions are used 'as is'  or extended

#Use CaseRest MethodServiceURIExample*
1DMI notifies NCMP of new , deleted or changed cmhandles DMI Plugin NCMP. Including initial registration

POST for creating.

For update, replace and patch is distinguished by the HTTP method (PUT or PATCH).

json attributes:

  • "dmi-plugin" resolvable servicename
  • "created-cm-handles" used for initial cm handle registrations or subsequent
    cmhandle creations
  • "updated-cm-handles"
    Used for updates to cmhandles. Same structure as for create handles
  • "removed-cm-handles"  array of cmhandles that have been deleted
    from the network (no additional properties


Scenario : DMI notifies NCMP of new cmhandles
Method : POST
URI : {ncmp-root}/ncmp-dmi/v1/ch/
Header :
Content-Type: application/json

Code Block
titleRequest Body
Request Body : {

      "dmi-plugin" : "onap.dmi.plugin", 

      "created-cm-handles" : [ {   "cmhandle" : "rf4er5454",

                                 "additionalProperties" :

                                   { "subsystemId" : "system-001" }

                             }, {..} ],

      "updated-cm-handles" : [ .. ],

      "removed-cm-handles" : [ "node-1", "node-2" , ... ]


2Get all the registered cmhandles for a given pluginGETNCMP{ncmp-root}/ncmp-dmi/v1/dmi-plugins/{plugin-id}/ch
Scenario : Get all cmhandles from NCMP for a given dmi-plugin. May be used
for conciliation
Method : GET
URI : {ncmp-root}/ncmp-dmi/v1/dmi-plugins/{dmi-plugin}/ch
Header :
Content-Type: application/json

Code Block
titleResponse Body
Success Response :

    HTTP/1.1 200 Ok

Date: Thu, 26 Jan 2021 20:56:30 GMT

Server: example-server

  { "cmhandles" : [ {

          "cmhandle" : "node-1",

          "additionalProperties" : { "subSystem" : "system-001" }

       } ]



Get module set for a cmhandle


Header :
Content-Type: application/json

Code Block
titleRequest Body
  "operation": "read",
  "data-type": "application/json",
    "data": { },
    "additionalProperties": {
      "subsystemId": "system-001"

Code Block


"ietf-yang-library:yang-library" : [ 

 { "module-set" : [ {

 "name" : "sample-module",

 "module" : [

"name" : "
: "_3gpp-nr-nrm
"revision" : "2020-12-09",
 "revision" : "2020-12-09",
 "namespace" : "urn:3gpp:sa5:_3gpp-nr-nrm-nrnetwork-nrsectorcarrier",



4Get yang module source for a list of modulesPOSTDMI-Plugin


DMI PLugin will make multiple requests to xNF and combine the result in a list

Code Block
titleRequest Body
  "operation": "read",
  "data-type": "application/json",
    "data": {
       "modules": [
          "namespace": "urn:3gpp:sa5:_3gpp-nr-nrm-nrnetwork-nrsectorcarrier",
          "name": "_3gpp-nr-nrm-nrsectorcarrier",
          "revision": "2020-12-09"
    "additionalProperties": {
      "subsystemId": "system-001"

Response: a list yang module references and source for each

Code Block
titleResponse Body
{ [
"name" : "_3gpp-nr-nrm-nrsectorcarrier",
"revision" : "2020-12-09",
"namespace": "urn:3gpp:sa5:_3gpp-nr-nrm-nrnetwork-nrsectorcarrier" },
"yang-source": "module pnf-sw-upgrade {\n namespace \"\";\n prefix upgrade;\n\n import ietf-yang-types {\n prefix yang;\n }
\n\n revision 2019-12-03 {\n description\n \"initial version\";\n }\n\n container software-upgrade {\n list upgrade-package {\n key \"id\";\n leaf id {\n type string;\n }
\n\n leaf current-status {\n type enumeration {\n enum \"CREATED\";\n enum \"INITIALIZED\";\n enum \"DOWNLOAD_IN_PROGRESS\";\n enum \"DOWNLOAD_COMPLETED\";\n
 enum \"ACTIVATION_IN_PROGRESS\";\n enum \"ACTIVATION_COMPLETED\";\n }\n description\n \"List of possible states of the upgrade\";\n }\n\n leaf state-change-time 
{\n type yang:date-and-time;\n mandatory false;\n description\n \"Date and time of the last state change.\";\n }\n\n leaf action {\n type enumeration 
{\n enum \"NONE\";\n enum \"PRE_CHECK\";\n enum \"DOWNLOAD_NE_SW\";\n enum \"ACTIVATE_NE_SW\";\n enum \"CANCEL\";\n }\n mandatory false;\n description\n 
\"List of possible actions for the upgrade\";\n }\n\n leaf software-version {\n type string;\n description\n \"Possible name or release version of the UP\";\n }
\n\n leaf uri {\n type string;\n description\n \"A URI that points to the directory where the UP can be found.\";\n }\n\n leaf user {\n type string;\n description\n
 \"Indicates the user.\";\n }\n\n leaf password {\n type string;\n description\n \"Indicates the password.\";\n }\n\n leaf user-label {\n type string;\n description\n
 \"Free-text description of the UP.\";\n }\n\n leaf node-health {\n type string;\n description\n \"Reflect Node Health Status\";\n }\n }\n }\n}"
}, {...} ]
