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  • ASD Updates after discussion with Nokia, Verizon - Byung-Woo Jun - Pending scheduling meetings (postponed)
  • ONAP "cloud-native" roadmap. Request from LFN to provide vision/timeline slide
    • RI2 alignment
    • CNF on-boarding
    • There is a cross-LFN effort to update the messaging. Last time this was done was 18 months ago. The landscape has changed since then. "cloud-native" is emerging as an area of focus.
    • For ONAP - Updates from the progress of the CNF Taskforce. How ONAP is evolving. Request is to have one slide summarizing the journey ONAP is going through. Should be anchored in actual steps taken, but also some forward looking part. 
    • Anuket RI2 alignment - 5G Super blueprint
    • CNF on-boarding - Including hybrid cloud
    • Q: What is a "cloud-native" ONAP? What is the end goal? That is still being debated in the industry. Meanwhile ONAP is making steps towards this goal. We should be able to highlight this in the messaging slide, even if the end goal is still a moving target.
    • We should not mix the two topics:(1) ONAP orchestrating CNFs (2) ONAP itself adopting a cloud-native architecture. Both topics should be addressed in the messaging slide, but let's keep them separate.

July 22nd, 2021 at 1pm UTC

  • ASD Updates after discussion with Nokia, Verizon - Byung-Woo Jun - Pending scheduling meetings (postponed)

Action Items (In Progress)

  •  Ranny Haiby - Create a first draft of the "ONAP cloud-native" messaging slide and share with the Taskforce.
  •  Lukasz Rajewski - Ask Orange colleagues to present EMCO↔Multicloud comparison
  •  (All) Feel free to provide feedback about ASD packaging (Orchestration Scenarios)
  •  Ranny Haiby , Byung-Woo Jun , Timo Perala , Seshu Kumar Mudiganti  to discuss the enhancement of our ONAP Cloud Native Vision/Roadmap, this with Architecture, Requirement & MAC subcommittees
  •  (CNF Task Force): What do we need to ask to CNF Vendors to be onboarded on the ONAP Platform? These reqs could be shared with Anuket Assurance for the CNF badging
  •  (Modeling/Requirements): Need to determine what ETSI CNF package solution we want to move forward (Fernando OliveiraByung-Woo Jun vs Thinh Nguyenphu)
  •  (Olivier): Check with CNCF if any cross-meeting with ONAP could be scheduled 
  •  (All): Collect feedback about our current CNF onboarding capabilities from 3rd party vendors
