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List of Containers

Total pods is 4947

Docker container list - source of truth:

below any coloured container had issues getting to running state (currently 32 of 33 come up after 45 min) - there are an addition 11 dcae pods - bringing the total to 44 with an additional 4 for appc/sdnc and the config-init pod


Content to edit/merge


    Missed that you have config-init in your mail – so covered OK.

    I stood up robot and aai on a clean VM to verify the docs (this is inside an openstack lab behind a firewall – that has its own proxy)

    Let me know if you have docker proxy issues – I would also like to reference/doc this for others like yourselves.

    Also, just verifying that you added the security workaround step – (or make your docker repo trust all repos)


vi oom/kubernetes/oneclick/createAll.bash

create_namespace() {

  kubectl create namespace $1-$2

+  kubectl --namespace $1-$2 create secret docker-registry regsecret --docker-username=docker --docker-password=docker

+  kubectl --namespace $1-$2 patch serviceaccount default -p '{"imagePullSecrets": [{"name": "regsecret"}]}'



    I just happen to be standing up a clean deployment on openstack – lets try just robot – it pulls the testsuite image


root@obrienk-1:/home/ubuntu/oom/kubernetes/config# kubectl create -f pod-config-init.yaml

pod "config-init" created

root@obrienk-1:/home/ubuntu/oom/kubernetes/config# cd ../oneclick/

root@obrienk-1:/home/ubuntu/oom/kubernetes/oneclick# ./createAll.bash  -n onap -a robot

********** Creating up ONAP: robot

Creating namespaces **********

namespace "onap-robot" created

secret "regsecret" created

serviceaccount "default" patched

Creating services **********

service "robot" created

********** Creating deployments for  robot **********


deployment "robot" created

**** Done ****

root@obrienk-1:/home/ubuntu/oom/kubernetes/oneclick# kubectl get pods --all-namespaces | grep onap

onap-robot    robot-4262359493-k84b6                 1/1       Running   0          4m


One nexus3 onap specific images downloaded for robot


root@obrienk-1:/home/ubuntu/oom/kubernetes/oneclick# docker images

REPOSITORY                                             TAG                  IMAGE ID            CREATED             SIZE              1.0-STAGING-latest   3a476b4fe0d8        2 hours ago         1.16 GB


next try one with 3 onap images like aai

uses               1.0-STAGING-latest   c45b3a0ca00f        2 hours ago         1.352 GB

aaidocker/aai-hbase-1.2.3                              latest               aba535a6f8b5        7 months ago        1.562 GB


hbase is first

root@obrienk-1:/home/ubuntu/oom/kubernetes/oneclick# ./createAll.bash  -n onap -a aai

root@obrienk-1:/home/ubuntu/oom/kubernetes/oneclick# kubectl get pods --all-namespaces | grep onap

onap-aai      aai-service-3351257372-tlq93            0/1       PodInitializing   0          2m

onap-aai      hbase-1381435241-ld56l                  1/1       Running           0          2m

onap-aai      model-loader-service-2816942467-kh1n0   0/1       Init:0/2          0          2m

onap-robot    robot-4262359493-k84b6                  1/1       Running           0          8m


aai-service is next

root@obrienk-1:/home/ubuntu/oom/kubernetes/oneclick# kubectl get pods --all-namespaces | grep onap

onap-aai      aai-service-3351257372-tlq93            1/1       Running    0          5m

onap-aai      hbase-1381435241-ld56l                  1/1       Running    0          5m

onap-aai      model-loader-service-2816942467-kh1n0   0/1       Init:1/2   0          5m

onap-robot    robot-4262359493-k84b6                  1/1       Running    0          11m


model-loader-service takes the longest


Subject: Re: [onap-discuss] [OOM] Using OOM kubernetes based seed code over Rancher


   Hi , Search line limits turn out to be a red-herring – this is a non-fatal bug in Rancher you can ignore – they put too many entries in the search domain list (Ill update the wiki)

   Verify you have a stopped config-init pod – it won’t show in the get pods command – goto the rancher or kubernetes gui.

   The fact you have non-working robot – looks like you may be having issues pulling images from docker – verify your image list and that docker can pull from nexus3



>docker images

   Should show some ones if the pull were ok



If not try an image pull to verify this:


ubuntu@obrienk-1:~/oom/kubernetes/config$ docker login -u docker -p docker

Login Succeeded

ubuntu@obrienk-1:~/oom/kubernetes/config$ docker pull

1.0-STAGING-latest: Pulling from openecomp/mso


23a6960fe4a9: Extracting [===================================>               ] 32.93 MB/45.89 MB

e9e104b0e69d: Download complete


If so then you need to set the docker proxy – or run outside the firewall like I do.


Also to be able to run the 34 pods (without DCAE) you will need 37g+ (33 + 4 for rancher/k82 + some for the OS) – also plan for over 100G of HD space.

