Versions Compared


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#Questions/Open IssuesNotesDecision/Answer
1Should state details be part of Response - get CM Handles RequestDon't think so. Check with StakeholderDo not return state details as part of this change, may be added later as needed.
2Should filter be applied to the API which queries cm handles based on public propertiesCheck with StakeholderShould still return all cm-handles regardless of state.
3Are all data API's which interact with CM-Handles affected by this - such as GET/POST/PATCH/DELETE operations 

CPS-NCMP ↔ DMI-Plugin Interface Details Jakarta-R10
CPS-E-05 list all methods and check/decide in this study (List of API's given below)

Also consider CPS-NCMP-I-01

4What is the default value of a state if it is not specified when registering a cm-handle.Consider anything as NOT equals to 'READY' as NOT ready 'ADVISED'
5Should the user be told if the cm-handle isn't active'READY'?

Should any excluded cm-handles as part of a query/operation be explicitly stated to the user?

If yes, should any query which can potentially return multiple cm-handles also state if CM-Handles haven't been returned due to not being in a 'READY' state?

Yes, return error message citing state mismatch, on passthrough.

List of API's and possible impact.

#HTTP MethodEndpointPossible Impact

Included in this change?



/v1/ch/{cm-handle}/data/ds/ncmp-datastore:passthrough-operationalThe given Cm-Handle's resource data cannot be obtained through passthrough operational if state is not 'READY'.Yes
2GET/v1/ch/{cm-handle}/data/ds/ncmp-datastore:passthrough-runningThe given Cm-Handle's resource data cannot be obtained through passthrough running if state is not 'READY'.Yes
3PUT/v1/ch/{cm-handle}/data/ds/ncmp-datastore:passthrough-runningThe given CM-Handles resource data cannot be updated if the state is not READY.Yes
4POST/v1/ch/{cm-handle}/data/ds/ncmp-datastore:passthrough-runningThe given CM-Handles resource data cannot be created if the state is not 'READY'. Yes
5DELETE/v1/ch/{cm-handle}/data/ds/ncmp-datastore:passthrough-runningThe given CM-Handles resource data cannot be deleted if the state is not 'READY'Yes
6PATCH/v1/ch/{cm-handle}/data/ds/ncmp-datastore:passthrough-runningThe given CM-Handles resource data cannot be partially updated if the state is not 'READY'.Yes


CM-Handles not in the 'READY' will not be returned for the given such module namesNo
8GET/v1/ch/{cm-handle}CM-Handle details won't be given for the following CM-Handle if it is not in a 'READY' state.No
9POSTv1/data/ch/searches CM-Handles won't be returned based on the properties provided if they are not in a 'READY' state.No