Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Open items from 6/21Lots of different wiki pages about ONAP Service Mesh - can we consolidate i.e. Service Mesh POCONAP on Service Mesh - Developer Wiki - ConfluenceService MeshRisk,  Analysis - Developer Wiki - Confluence ( Mesh - Developer Wiki - Confluence ( MeshPoC plan - Developer Wiki - Confluence (
  • Any ONAP project to participate to "Container Signing"- Amy will present the concept to the next PTL call - June 27th, 2022.

Work started. Results for root_pods and unlimitted_pods from Guilin to Jakarta.

Jira No
  • Consolidate ONAP ServiceMesh wiki pages
  • Present container signing to PTLs - 6/27 PTL call was used to evaluate the Jakarta release status. Present 7/1

Waiver Analysis

Waiver analysis was reviewed.

  • Testing components are never part of the release.
  • Upstream components will not be solved as well
  • For a code produced in ONAP we are in a very good position.
  • Have we moved to shared DBs?
  • To be checked with Buyng on shared DBs.
  • Why ESR is still showing up? It is not part of Jenkins jobs, so some cleaning is needed.

Pawel to check formatting for versions_xfail.txt and Jakarta - checked it is ok.

Specific tickets to be opened for projects.

Next LFN events

ONE Summit NARegistration Open

  • CFP - Deadline: July 8th; 2022
  • Nov. 15 & 16 2022 Seattle, WA, USA
  • In Person

LFN Developer & Testing Forum NARegistration Open

  • Nov. 17 & 18 2022 Seattle, WA, USA
  • In Person
  • Securiung software supply chain by LFN - new topic to be proposed

Proppsals to be submitted.

David to be contacted and invited by Maggie to SECCOM meeting.

Update on Jakarta release

TSC approved the sign off of the Jakarta release on June 30th

Security tests results

Jakarta statusRelease approval waiting for input from CLI about the failed nodeport test: port 30271 refusing a connection ( status

Package upgrade tickets created for each project and set to block REQ-1211

Infrastructure recommendations at Database, Java, Python, Docker, Kubernetes, and Image Versions

ongoingMITRE FiGHTMuddasar presented MITRE FiGHT frameworkcomplete

View file
nameFiGHT_ONAP SECCOM_ Jun2022_v3.pptx


Ongoing issue with SBOM - Muddasar

Muddasar contacted CPS, A&AI and SDNC to as them to try adding SBOM creation to their Jenkins jobs.

Issue with the repo structure - LFIT/LFDEV has not yet delivered a solution.

ongoingGovernance board to be escalated to for SBOM and LF IT proper focus. Ranny was contatced by e-mail as a follow-up of DTF discussion.Last TSC June 23rd

Sign-off pushed to 27th of June PTL call. CLI nodeport failure.

Conditional approval of Kohn M1

Ongoing SBOM creation issue - Muddasar to follow up with PTLs, LFIT and Ranny Haiby

Nominations for new LFNGB committer delegate underway. Candidate cannot be from ONAP this year.

Logging Global RequirementPromoting Logging Best Practice to Global Requirement  - BobBob will follow process: present GR proposal to PTLs for feedback, then request approval to make it a CR for London.

Tata Communications  production logging implementation

Overview of Tata Communications DTF presentation on their production logging implementation – Bob [move to 7/12]

Bob to present on 7/12Waivers review between releasesstarted

To be completed for remaining categories by Pawel - done

Review on 7/1

Synch with OOM:

Security dashboard

at 60%:










Versions reporting at 57%:

https:// latest run by Michal for the weekend
Overview of Tata communication Logging solutionOlder ONAP version used. https://wiki.lfnetworking.

To be shared what we are doing with them.Whitesource ( container scans


SBOM status updateMuddasar contacted with several PTLs and waiting for their feedback.
We need LF IT support, GB was informed by Amy. We ned to run SBOM in the pipeline. Amy to talk to Kenny, Muddasar and Ranny.

Technical debt

Muddasar reviewed Jira tickets recently. Some PTLs are using TechnicalDebt tagging and some not at all. Grooming the tickets would be helpful.

Updating packages is technical debt for us.

OSA branchWE have not had any vulnerability raised within the process, so nothing to be added in OSA for Jakarta release.
Thomas to be contacted during unmaintained meeting on Monday.

Last SECCOM meeting link2022-06-28 Security Subcommittee Meeting Notes

DevOPS Pipelines IRS presentation

New ticket submitted to LFN IT: IT-24112 - Jess was asked for an update.ongoingTechnical debtPTLs to be consulted. to know how PTL thinks when looking at Jira tickets. Vijay will be on PTO for next 2 weeks, so it will not be DCAE, AAI under consideration.ongoingAsk at the next PTLs meeting for volunteering PTLs. Amy and Muddasar to synch each other on that.Automation for dependency management  

SECCOM MEETING CALL WILL BE HELD ON 5th 12th OF July'22. 15 minutes for Muddasar to present 5G security.

Potentially session with David Wheeler on SBOM.

Overview of Tata Communications DTF presentation on their production logging implementation 


View file

SECCOM presentation:

View file
name2022-07-05 ONAP Security Meeting - AgendaAndMinutes.pptx