Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  1. Get all dataspaces


    GET  http://IP:PORT/cps/api/v1/admin/dataspaces

    Response body

    Code Block
    {“dataspace-names”: [“data-space1”,” data-space2”,” data-space3”] }

  2. Get single dataspace


    GET   http://IP:PORT/cps/api/v1/admin/dataspaces/<dataspace-name>

    Response body

    Code Block

  3. Get all schema sets for a dataspaces


    GET   http://IP:PORT/cps/api/v1/admin/dataspaces/<dataspace-name>/schema-sets

    Response body (Reference get all dataspaces)

    Code Block
    {“schemaSetNames”: [“schemaset-1”,” schemaset-1”,” schemaset-1”] }


  1. Create multiple root nodes in parallel (ref. Jira- CPS-341)

    URL : POST http:// IP:PORT/cps/api/v1/dataspaces/<dataspace-name>/anchors/<anchor-name>/nodes?xpath=/

    Existing request payload

    New request payload (ref JSON file in CPS-341)

    Code Block
      "first-container": {
        "a-leaf": "a-value",
        "b-leaf": "b-value"

    Code Block
      "first-container": {
        "a-leaf": "a-value",
        "b-leaf": "b-value"
      "second-container": {
        "x-leaf": "x-value",
        "y-leaf": "y-value"
      "last-container": {
        "x-leaf": "x-value",
        "y-leaf": "y-value"

    Note: For get multiple nodes we will use same API for get singular node to return. Can we have new end point for getting all root nodes ‘/nodes’.

  2. Create Dataspace should not return have response body

    URL : POST http://IP:PORT/cps/api/v1/dataspaces?dataspace-name=testDataspace

    Current response body


    Current response type


    New response body

    No response body

    New response type

    No response type

  3. Create schema-set should return JSON not have response body

    URL : POST http://IP:PORT/cps/api/v1/dataspaces/<dataspace-name>/schema-sets

    Current response body


    Current response type


    New response body

    No response body

    New response type

    No response type

  4. Create an anchor should return JSON not have response body

    URL : POST http://IP:PORT/cps/api/v1/dataspaces/<dataspace-name>/anchors?schema-set-name=<schema-set-name>&anchor-name=<anchor_name>

    Current response body


    Current response type


    New response body

    No response body

    New response type

    No response type

  5. Create Node: if leaf list has only one leaf, then don’t force to use [] in request payload?

    Current error message:

    Only error code 500 Internal Server Error is returned.

    The logs are as follows

    Code Block
    org.springframework.web.util.NestedServletException: Request processing failed; nested exception is java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Node (org:onap:ccsdk:sample?revision=2020-09-15)authors is not a simple type

    here authors is name of leaf-list in schema/yang resource


    Code Block
    leaf-list authors {
                    type string;

    Sample error message:

    Code Block
    Node (org:onap:ccsdk:sample?revision=2020-09-15)authors in schema is a leaf-list. Data received is of type list (or leaf).

    Note: We need to handle above error and add a leaf list if there is only one leaf in leaf-list without forcing []. Include list as it accepts data without [], so do we need the error or change leaf-list to accept without []
