Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


When an official release is completed, a tag for that release is created on each repository in Gerrit. The official releases from the Policy Framework are catalogued on the Policy Framework Project: Component Versions page. The following types of releases are tagged:

ONAPx.y.0-ONAPAn ONAP Full Release, where x.y.0 is the ONAP release version
ONAP Maintenancex.y.z-ONAPAn ONAP Maintenance Release, where x.y.z is the ONAP release patch version
Policy Framework Interimx.y.z-PF-In

An interim release of the Policy Framework for Policy Framework stakeholders, to be included in the next ONAP Maintenance release on that branch. x.y.z is the ONAP release version and n is the Policy Framework Interim release number on that ONAP release version.

If a release is not made available to ONAP or to stakeholders (such as a release for integration testing), the release need not be tagged.


Branching is where a new branch is created on each repository in the Policy Framework and the minor revision of each repository is stepped. Branching is usually performed when development is completed for a release and development is moving onto the next release.


Example of Performing a Release

A Release is where the all the Maven artifacts and Docker images are released on the current branch and and the snapshot version of the repositories is stepped.


To branch, perform the following steps:

  1. In Gerrit, create the new branch off the master branch in each repository
  2. Check that all the branches have been created correctly
  3. On the master branch, run the script to update the pf_release_data.csv file

    Code Block
    languagebash -l onap

  4. Run the script to update the snapshot versions and various references on all the repositories

    Code Block
    languagebash -l onap -i POLICY-112911

The snapshot versions and references are now set correctly on the master branch for the next release.

Example of Performing a Release

A Release is where the all the Maven artifacts and Docker images are released on the current branch and and the snapshot version of the repositories is stepped.

The process of performing a release is best illustrated by example. Let's assume we are on the Jakarta release. We have checked out the Policy Framework repositories into the onap/policy subdirectory of the current directory and the release scripts are in our PATH.

Code Block
% echo $PATH
/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/% echo $PATH
% ls onap/policy
apex-pdp	clamp			distribution	drools-applications	gui			pap			xacml-pdp
api			common			docker			drools-pdp		models			parent


Code Block
% -l onap -b jakarta
updating the policy framework data from 'onap' to data file './pf_release_data.csv' . . .

updating data from repo policy/parent branch jakarta to data file './pf_release_data.csv' . . .
updating repository 'policy/parent' . . .
Already on 'jakarta'
Your branch is up to date with 'origin/jakarta'.
Already up to date.
Current branch jakarta is up to date.
data from repo policy/parent updated to data file './pf_release_data.csv' . . .

updating data from repo policy/docker branch jakarta to data file './pf_release_data.csv' . . .
updating repository 'policy/docker' . . .
Already on 'jakarta'
Your branch is up to date with 'origin/jakarta'.
Already up to date.
Current branch jakarta is up to date.
data from repo policy/docker updated to data file './pf_release_data.csv' . . .

updating data from repo policy/common branch jakarta to data file './pf_release_data.csv' . . .
updating repository 'policy/common' . . .
Already on 'jakarta'
Your branch is up to date with 'origin/jakarta'.
Already up to date.
Current branch jakarta is up to date.
data from repo policy/common updated to data file './pf_release_data.csv' . . .

updating data from repo policy/models branch jakarta to data file './pf_release_data.csv' . . .
updating repository 'policy/models' . . .
Already on 'jakarta'
Your branch is up to date with 'origin/jakarta'.
Already up to date.
Current branch jakarta is up to date.
data from repo policy/models updated to data file './pf_release_data.csv' . . .

updating data from repo policy/api branch jakarta to data file './pf_release_data.csv' . . .
updating repository 'policy/api' . . .
Already on 'jakarta'
Your branch is up to date with 'origin/jakarta'.
Already up to date.
Current branch jakarta is up to date.
data from repo policy/api updated to data file './pf_release_data.csv' . . .

updating data from repo policy/pap branch jakarta to data file './pf_release_data.csv' . . .
updating repository 'policy/pap' . . .
Already on 'jakarta'
Your branch is up to date with 'origin/jakarta'.
Already up to date.
Current branch jakarta is up to date.
data from repo policy/pap updated to data file './pf_release_data.csv' . . .

updating data from repo policy/apex-pdp branch jakarta to data file './pf_release_data.csv' . . .
updating repository 'policy/apex-pdp' . . .
Already on 'jakarta'
Your branch is up to date with 'origin/jakarta'.
Already up to date.
Current branch jakarta is up to date.
data from repo policy/apex-pdp updated to data file './pf_release_data.csv' . . .

updating data from repo policy/drools-pdp branch jakarta to data file './pf_release_data.csv' . . .
updating repository 'policy/drools-pdp' . . .
Already on 'jakarta'
Your branch is up to date with 'origin/jakarta'.
Already up to date.
Current branch jakarta is up to date.
data from repo policy/drools-pdp updated to data file './pf_release_data.csv' . . .

updating data from repo policy/xacml-pdp branch jakarta to data file './pf_release_data.csv' . . .
updating repository 'policy/xacml-pdp' . . .
Already on 'jakarta'
Your branch is up to date with 'origin/jakarta'.
Already up to date.
Current branch jakarta is up to date.
data from repo policy/xacml-pdp updated to data file './pf_release_data.csv' . . .

updating data from repo policy/distribution branch jakarta to data file './pf_release_data.csv' . . .
updating repository 'policy/distribution' . . .
Already on 'jakarta'
Your branch is up to date with 'origin/jakarta'.
Already up to date.
Current branch jakarta is up to date.
data from repo policy/distribution updated to data file './pf_release_data.csv' . . .

updating data from repo policy/clamp branch jakarta to data file './pf_release_data.csv' . . .
updating repository 'policy/clamp' . . .
Already on 'jakarta'
Your branch is up to date with 'origin/jakarta'.
Already up to date.
Current branch jakarta is up to date.
data from repo policy/clamp updated to data file './pf_release_data.csv' . . .

updating data from repo policy/gui branch jakarta to data file './pf_release_data.csv' . . .
updating repository 'policy/gui' . . .
Already on 'jakarta'
Your branch is up to date with 'origin/jakarta'.
Already up to date.
Current branch jakarta is up to date.
data from repo policy/gui updated to data file './pf_release_data.csv' . . .

updating data from repo policy/drools-applications branch jakarta to data file './pf_release_data.csv' . . .
updating repository 'policy/drools-applications' . . .
Already on 'jakarta'
Your branch is up to date with 'origin/jakarta'.
Already up to date.
Current branch jakarta is up to date.
data from repo policy/drools-applications updated to data file './pf_release_data.csv' . . .
policy framework data from 'onap' updated to data file './pf_release_data.csv' . . .
Repo, Last Tag Version,Snapshot Version,Changed Files,Docker Images
policy/docker,2.4,Snapshot Version,Changed Files,Docker Images

Perform Phase 1, update of references in policy/parent


Perform Phase 1, update of references in policy/parent

Code Block
% -l onap -i POLICY-112911 -p 1
Updating parent references in the parent pom and generating commit . . .
updating policy parent reference to 3.5.5 on onap/policy/parent . . .
policy parent reference updated on onap/policy/parent
generating commit 'update parent references in policy/parent pom' . . .
[jakarta ae6cc59] update parent references in policy/parent pom
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
commit 'update parent references in policy/parent pom' generated
sending commit 'update parent references in policy/parent pom' to gerrit . . .
remote: Processing changes: refs: 1, new: 1        
remote: Processing changes: refs: 1, new: 1        
remote: Processing changes: refs: 1, new: 1        
remote: Processing changes: refs: 1, new: 1, done            
remote: SUCCESS        
Code Block
% -l onap -i POLICY-112911 -p 1
Updating parent references in the parent pom and generating commit . . .
updating policy parent reference to 3.5.5 on onap/policy/parent . . .
policy parent reference updated on onap/policy/parent
generating commit 'update parent references in policy/parent pom' . . .
[jakarta ae6cc59] update parent references in policy/parent pom
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
commit 'update parent references in policy/parent pom' generated
sending commit 'update parent references in policy/parent pom' to gerrit . . . [NEW]        
remote: Processing changes: refs: 1, new: 1        
remote: Processing changes: refs: 1, new: 1        
remote: Processing changes: refs: 1, new: 1        
remote: Processing changes: refs: 1, new: 1, done            
remote: SUCCESS        
remote: update parent references in policy/parent pom [NEW]        
To ssh://
 * [new reference]   HEAD -> refs/for/jakarta
commit 'update parent references in policy/parent pom' sent to gerrit . . .
Updated parent references in the parent pom and generated commit

The references are updated in the local repositories and a commit is created in Gerrit for the change.

The commit is reviewed and merged as normal.

Phase 2: Release policy/parent

When the commit for Phase 1 has been merged and the merge job has completed, stage the release of the policy/parent Maven artifacts by giving the stage-release magic word as a comment on the release commit. When the stage release job has completed in Gerrit, you can proceed to run Phase 2.

Get the release data.


The output from git on the script is omitted from Phase 2 for brevity.

Code Block
% -l onap -b jakarta
Repo, Last Tag Version,Snapshot Version,Changed Files,Docker Images

Perform Phase 2, release policy/parent

To ssh://
 * [new reference]   HEAD -> refs/for/jakarta
commit 'update parent references in policy/parent pom' sent to gerrit . . .
Updated parent references in the parent pom and generated commit

The references are updated in the local repositories and a commit is created in Gerrit for the change.

The commit is reviewed and merged as normal.

Phase 2: Release policy/parent

When the commit for Phase 1 has been merged and the merge job has completed, stage the release of the policy/parent Maven artifacts by giving the stage-release magic word as a comment on the release commit. When the stage release job has completed in Gerrit, you can proceed to run Phase 2.

Get the release data.


The output from git on the script is omitted from Phase 2 for brevity.

Code Block
% -l onap -b jakarta
Repo, Last Tag Version,Snapshot Version,Changed Files,Docker Images

Perform Phase 2, release policy/parent

Code Block
% -l onap -i POLICY-112911 -p 2
Generating artifact release yaml file and commit for policy/parent . . .
have you run 'stage-release' on the 'policy/parent' repo? y
Branch: jakarta
Project: policy/parent
Version: 3.5.5
Stage ID: policy-parent-maven-stage-jakarta/145/
Creating /Users/liam/work/releases/onap/policy/parent/releases/3.5.5.yaml
generating commit for policy/parent release: 3.5.4-->3.5.5 . . .
generating commit 'Release policy/parent: 3.5.5' . . .
[jakarta 2f0ceb1] Release policy/parent: 3.5.5
 1 file changed, 4 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 releases/3.5.5.yaml
commit 'Release policy/parent: 3.5.5' generated
sending commit 'Release policy/parent: 3.5.5' to gerrit . . .
remote: Processing changes: refs: 1, new: 1        
remote: Processing changes: refs: 1, new: 1, done            
remote: SUCCESS        
remote: Release policy/parent: 3.5.5 [NEW]        
To ssh://
 * [new reference]   HEAD -> refs/for/jakarta
Code Block
% -l onap -i POLICY-112911 -p 2
Generating artifact release yaml file and commit for policy/parent . . .
have you run 'stage-release' on the 'policy/parent' repo? y
Branch: jakarta
Project: policy/parent
Version: 3.5.5
Stage ID: policy-parent-maven-stage-jakarta/145/
Creating /Users/liam/work/releases/onap/policy/parent/releases/3.5.5.yaml
generating commit for policy/parent release: 3.5.4-->3.5.5 . . .
generating commit 'Release policy/parent: 3.5.5' sent to gerrit . . .
[jakarta 2f0ceb1] Releasecommit for policy/parent release: 33.5.4-->3.5.5 generated
Generated 1artifact filerelease changed,yaml 4 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 file and commit for policy/parent

The onap/policy/parent/releases/3.5.5.yaml


file is created and a commit is raised on gerrit.

The commit is reviewed and merged as normal.

Subsequent Phases

Subsequent phases proceed in a similar manner with executions of followed by executions of

Appendix I: Release Script Usage

ScriptDescription - generate commits to bump the snapshot version and update references to snapshot references
               on any repos that need to be bumped or updated

       usage: [-options]

         -h           - this help message
         -d data_file - the policy release data file to use, defaults to './pf_release_data.csv'
         -l location  - the location of the policy framework repos on the file system,
                        defaults to './'
         -i issue-id  - issue ID in the format POLICY-nnnn

 examples: -l /home/user/onap -d /home/user/data/pf_release_data.csv -i POLICY-1234
    bump snapshots on the repos at location '/home/user/onap' using the release data
    in the file '/home/user/data/pf_release_data.csv' - generates a new commit or a patch on an existing commit for PF releases

The onap/policy/parent/releases/3.5.5.yaml file is created and a commit is raised on gerrit.

The commit is reviewed and merged as normal.

Subsequent Phases

Subsequent phases proceed in a similar manner with executions of followed by executions of

Appendix I: Release Script Usage

ScriptDescription - generate commits to bump the snapshot version and update references to snapshot references
               on any repos that need to be bumped or updated

       usage:  bumpSnapshots [-options]

         -h                - this help message
         -d data_file -l location       - the location of the policy release data file to use, defaultsframework repos on the file system,
                             defaults to './pf_release_data.csv'
         -l locationr repo      - the  location  of- the policy repo frameworkto reposwhich onto thecommit
  file  system,
     -i issue-id       - issue ID in the format POLICY-nnnn
         -e commit-header   defaults to './'- the header for the commit
         -im issuecommit-idmessage  - the issuemessage IDbody infor the format POLICY-nnnn

 example: -l /home/usergit/onap -dr /home/user/data/pf_release_data.csvpolicy/pap -i POLICY-1234 -e commit-header -m commit-message
    bumpcreate snapshotsa onnew thecommit reposor atupdate location '/home/user/onap' using the release data
    in the file '/home/user/data/pf_release_data.csv'an existing commit on policy/pap with the given details
getReleaseData - generatesgets ainformation new commit or a patch on an existing commit for PF releasesfrom the checked out Policy Framework repos for the release process

       usage:  generateCommit [-options]

         -h           - this help message
         -b branch    - the branch to release on, defaults to 'master'
         - this help messaged data_file - the policy release data file to create, defaults to './pf_release_data.csv'
         -l location       - the location of the policy framework repos on the file system,
                         defaults    defaults to './'         -r repo           - the policy repo to which to commit - create the release yaml file to release the current snapshot on the current repo

     -i issue-id       - issue ID in the format POLICY-nnnn
         -e commit-header  - the header for the commit
 usage: [-options]

       -d  -m commit-messagecreate -a therelease messageyaml bodyfoie for the commit
  generateCommita repo that has Docker images -l /home/git/onap -r policy/pap -i POLICY-1234 -e commit-header -m commit-message
    create a new commit or update an existing commit on policy/pap with the given details create the release container yaml file to release the docker images on the current repo

   usage: docker-container-name1 docker-container-name2 ...
on release changes, generate commits to set the snapshot version and update
references on any repos that reference other repos - gets information from the checked out Policy Framework repos for the release process

       usage:  getReleaseData [-options]

         -h           - this help message
         -b branch    - the branch to release on, defaults to 'master' help message
         -d data_file - the policy release data file to createuse, defaults to './pf_release_data.csv'
         -l location  - the location of the policy framework repos on the file system,
                        defaults to './' - create the release yaml file to release the current snapshot on the current repo
     usage: [-options]
   -i  issue-id  -d -issue createID ain releasethe yaml foie for a repo that has Docker images
mkdockformat POLICY-nnnn

 examples: - create the release container yaml file to release the docker images on the current repo
   usage: docker-container-name1 docker-container-name2 ...l /home/user/onap -d /home/user/data/pf_release_data.csv -i POLICY-1234
    set snapshots on the repos at location '/home/user/onap' using the release data
    in the file '/home/user/data/pf_release_data.csv' - execute a certain policy framework release phase

       usage: [-options]

         -h           - this help message
         -d data_file - the policy release data file to use, defaults to './pf_release_data.csv'
         -l location  - the location of the policy framework repos on the file system,
                        defaults to './'
         -i issue-id  - issue ID in the format POLICY-nnnn
         -p phase     - the release phase, a positive integer

 examples: -l /home/user/onap -d /home/user/data/pf_release_data.csv -i POLICY-1234 -p 3
    perform release phase 3 on the repos at location '/home/user/onap' using the release data
    in the file '/home/user/data/pf_release_data.csv' - release the specified repository by generating the release yaml file and the release commit

       usage: [-options]

         -h           - this help message
         -d data_file - the policy release data file to use, defaults to './pf_release_data.csv'
         -l location  - the location of the policy framework repos on the file system,
                        defaults to './'
         -r repo      - the policy repo to release
         -i issue-id  - issue ID in the format POLICY-nnnn

 examples: -l /home/user/onap -d /home/user/data/pf_release_data.csv -r policy/common -i POLICY-1234
    release the 'policy/common' repo at location '/home/user/onap' using the release data
    in the file '/home/user/data/pf_release_data.csv' - release the docker images for the specified repository by generating the release yaml file and
               the release commit
       usage: [-options]

         -h           - this help message
         -d data_file - the policy release data file to use, defaults to './pf_release_data.csv'
         -l location  - the location of the policy framework repos on the file system,
                        defaults to './'
         -r repo      - the policy repo to release
         -i issue-id  - issue ID in the format POLICY-nnnn

 examples: -l /home/user/onap -d /home/user/data/pf_release_data.csv -r policy/common -i POLICY-1234
    release the 'policy/common' repo at location '/home/user/onap' using the release data
    in the file '/home/user/data/pf_release_data.csv' - generate an OOM commit to update the versions of Policy Framework images in values.yaml files

       usage: [-options]

         -h           - this help message
         -d data_file - the policy release data file to use, defaults to './pf_release_data.csv'
         -l location  - the location of the OOM repo on the file system,
                        defaults to './'
         -i issue-id  - issue ID in the format POLICY-nnnn

 examples: -l /home/user/onap -d /home/user/data/pf_release_data.csv -i POLICY-1234
    update the version of policy framework images at location '/home/user/onap/oom' using the release data
    in the file '/home/user/data/pf_release_data.csv' - update the parent reference in a POM file
       usage: [-options]
         -h             - this help message
         -f pom_file    - the POM file to update
         -g group_id    - the parent group ID
         -a artifact_id - the parent artifact ID
         -v version     - the parent version - updates the inter-repo references in Policy Framework POM files

       usage: [-options]

         -h           - this help message
         -d data_file - the policy release data file to use, generated by the '' script,
                        defaults to './pf_release_data.csv'
         -l location  - the location of the policy framework repos on the file system,
                        defaults to './'
         -r repo      - the policy repo to update
         -p           - update policy/parent references
         -c           - update policy/common references
         -m           - update policy/model references
         -o           - update policy/drools-pdp references
         -x           - update policy/apex-pdp references
         -k           - update docker base images in Dockerfiles
         -f           - update release data in policy parent
         -s           - update release references to snapshot references,
                        if omitted, snapshot references are updated to release references

 examples: -pcm -r policy/pap
              update the parent, common, and models references of policy/pap
              to the current released version -c -m -s -r policy/api
              update the common and models references of policy/api
              to the current snapshot version
