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titleWarning: Draft Content

This wiki is under construction - this means that content here may be not fully specified or missing.

TODO: determine/fix containers not ready, get DCAE yamls working, fix health tracking issues for healing

Official Documentation:


The OOM (ONAP Operation Manager) project has pushed Kubernetes based deployment code to the oom repository - based on ONAP 1.0 and currently being reworked for 1.1/R1/master (see AAI)not 1.1).  This page details getting ONAP running (specifically the vFirewall demo) on Kubernetes for various virtual and native environments.  This page assumes you have access to any type of bare metal or VM running a clean Ubuntu 16.04 image - either on Rackspace, Openstack, your laptop or AWS spot EC2.


For example we can see when the AAI model-loader container was created
  • "id": "1ce88",
  • "type": "containerEvent",
  • "links": {},
  • "actions": {},
  • "baseType": "containerEvent",
  • "state": "created",
  • "accountId": "1a7",
  • "created": "2017-09-17T20:07:37Z",
  • "createdTS": 1505678857000,
  • "data": {
    • "fields": {
      • "dockerInspect": {
        • "Id": "59ec11e257fb9061b250fe7ce6a7c86ffd10a82a2f26776c0adc9ac0eb3c6e54",
        • "Created": "2017-09-17T20:07:37.750772403Z",
        • "Path": "/pause",
        • "Args": [ ],
        • "State": {
          • "Status": "running",
          • "Running": true,
          • "Paused": false,
          • "Restarting": false,
          • "OOMKilled": false,
          • "Dead": false,
          • "Pid": 25115,
          • "ExitCode": 0,
          • "Error": "",
          • "StartedAt": "2017-09-17T20:07:37.92889179Z",
          • "FinishedAt": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z"
        • "Image": "sha256:99e59f495ffaa222bfeb67580213e8c28c1e885f1d245ab2bbe3b1b1ec3bd0b2",
        • "ResolvConfPath": "/var/lib/docker/containers/59ec11e257fb9061b250fe7ce6a7c86ffd10a82a2f26776c0adc9ac0eb3c6e54/resolv.conf",
        • "HostnamePath": "/var/lib/docker/containers/59ec11e257fb9061b250fe7ce6a7c86ffd10a82a2f26776c0adc9ac0eb3c6e54/hostname",
        • "HostsPath": "/var/lib/docker/containers/59ec11e257fb9061b250fe7ce6a7c86ffd10a82a2f26776c0adc9ac0eb3c6e54/hosts",
        • "LogPath": "/var/lib/docker/containers/59ec11e257fb9061b250fe7ce6a7c86ffd10a82a2f26776c0adc9ac0eb3c6e54/59ec11e257fb9061b250fe7ce6a7c86ffd10a82a2f26776c0adc9ac0eb3c6e54-json.log",
        • "Name": "/k8s_POD_model-loader-service-849987455-532vd_onap-aai_d9034afb-9be3-11e7-ac87-024d93e255bc_0",
        • "RestartCount": 0,
        • "Driver": "aufs",
        • "MountLabel": "",
        • "ProcessLabel": "",
        • "AppArmorProfile": "",
        • "ExecIDs": null,
        • "HostConfig": {
          • "Binds": null,
          • "ContainerIDFile": "",
          • "LogConfig": {
            • "Type": "json-file",
            • "Config": { }
          • "NetworkMode": "none",
          • "PortBindings": { },
          • "RestartPolicy": {
            • "Name": "",
            • "MaximumRetryCount": 0
          • "AutoRemove": false,
          • "VolumeDriver": "",
          • "VolumesFrom": null,
          • "CapAdd": null,
          • "CapDrop": null,
          • "Dns": null,
          • "DnsOptions": null,
          • "DnsSearch": null,
          • "ExtraHosts": null,
          • "GroupAdd": null,
          • "IpcMode": "",
          • "Cgroup": "",
          • "Links": null,
          • "OomScoreAdj": -998,
          • "PidMode": "",
          • "Privileged": false,
          • "PublishAllPorts": false,
          • "ReadonlyRootfs": false,
          • "SecurityOpt": [
            • "seccomp=unconfined"
          • "UTSMode": "",
          • "UsernsMode": "",
          • "ShmSize": 67108864,
          • "Runtime": "runc",
          • "ConsoleSize": [ 2 items
            • 0,
            • 0
          • "Isolation": "",
          • "CpuShares": 2,
          • "Memory": 0,
          • "CgroupParent": "/kubepods/besteffort/podd9034afb-9be3-11e7-ac87-024d93e255bc",
          • "BlkioWeight": 0,
          • "BlkioWeightDevice": null,
          • "BlkioDeviceReadBps": null,
          • "BlkioDeviceWriteBps": null,
          • "BlkioDeviceReadIOps": null,
          • "BlkioDeviceWriteIOps": null,
          • "CpuPeriod": 0,
          • "CpuQuota": 0,
          • "CpuRealtimePeriod": 0,
          • "CpuRealtimeRuntime": 0,
          • "CpusetCpus": "",
          • "CpusetMems": "",
          • "Devices": null,
          • "DiskQuota": 0,
          • "KernelMemory": 0,
          • "MemoryReservation": 0,
          • "MemorySwap": 0,
          • "MemorySwappiness": -1,
          • "OomKillDisable": false,
          • "PidsLimit": 0,
          • "Ulimits": null,
          • "CpuCount": 0,
          • "CpuPercent": 0,
          • "IOMaximumIOps": 0,
          • "IOMaximumBandwidth": 0
        • "GraphDriver": {
          • "Name": "aufs",
          • "Data": null
        • "Mounts": [ ],
        • "Config": {
          • "Hostname": "model-loader-service-849987455-532vd",
          • "Domainname": "",
          • "User": "",
          • "AttachStdin": false,
          • "AttachStdout": false,
          • "AttachStderr": false,
          • "Tty": false,
          • "OpenStdin": false,
          • "StdinOnce": false,
          • "Env": null,
          • "Cmd": null,
          • "Image": "",
          • "Volumes": null,
          • "WorkingDir": "",
          • "Entrypoint": [
            • "/pause"
          • "OnBuild": null,
          • "Labels": {}
        • "NetworkSettings": {
          • "Bridge": "",
          • "SandboxID": "6ebd4ae330d1fded82301d121e604a1e7193f20c538a9ff1179e98b9e36ffa5f",
          • "HairpinMode": false,
          • "LinkLocalIPv6Address": "",
          • "LinkLocalIPv6PrefixLen": 0,
          • "Ports": { },
          • "SandboxKey": "/var/run/docker/netns/6ebd4ae330d1",
          • "SecondaryIPAddresses": null,
          • "SecondaryIPv6Addresses": null,
          • "EndpointID": "",
          • "Gateway": "",
          • "GlobalIPv6Address": "",
          • "GlobalIPv6PrefixLen": 0,
          • "IPAddress": "",
          • "IPPrefixLen": 0,
          • "IPv6Gateway": "",
          • "MacAddress": "",
          • "Networks": {
            • "none": {
              • "IPAMConfig": null,
              • "Links": null,
              • "Aliases": null,
              • "NetworkID": "9812f79a4ddb086db1b60cd10292d729842b2b42e674b400ac09101541e2b845",
              • "EndpointID": "d4cb711ea75ed4d27b9d4b3a71d1b3dd5dfa9f4ebe277ab4280d98011a35b463",
              • "Gateway": "",
              • "IPAddress": "",
              • "IPPrefixLen": 0,
              • "IPv6Gateway": "",
              • "GlobalIPv6Address": "",
              • "GlobalIPv6PrefixLen": 0,
              • "MacAddress": ""


Rancher fails to restart on server reboot
