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This is a wiki page that captures the intent and planned/ongoing actions for the support of security coordination in ONAP.

This covers both the organizational setup and the operations of the onap security subcommittee. 


ONAP Security sub-committee Operations

Agenda for next meeting:

  • Information Update
  • S3P (carrier grade) - security aspects. Re: Carrier Grade Requirements (consolidated) common authentication/authorization service (amy)
    • There has been comments and discussion on the security part, this is to consolidate and finalize our input.
  • Topics to advance
    • Static Code Scanning
      • Status update of using Coverity. 
      • Next steps
    • Credential protection and managementStatic Code Scanningmanagement
      • Proposal walkthrough.
    • Next steps to close on our proposal
    • If time: Sonatype CLM / Nexus IQ Tool (management of dependancies and known vulnerabilities)
  • AOB

Requested Agenda Items: Please feel free to add topics here that you would like to have on the agenda (or send an email to stephen.Terrill(at)
