Versions Compared


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Comment: Enhanced the affinity section (and renamed it) and added upgrades and federation


Some of the ONAP components many need a more deterministic deployment; for example to enable intra-cluster communication. For these applications the component can be deployed as a Kubernetes StatefulSet which will maintain a persistent identifier for the pods and thus a stable network id for the pods. For example: the pod names might be web-0, web-1, web-{N-1} for N 'web' pods with corresponding DNS entries such that intra service communication is simple even if the pods are physically distributed across multiple nodes. An example of how these capabilities can be used is described in the Running Consul on Kubernetes tutorial.  


Pod Placement Rules

OOM will use the rich set of Kubernetes node and pod affinity / anti-affinity rules to minimize the chance of a single failure resulting in a loss of ONAP service. Node affinity / anti-affinity is used to guide the Kubernetes orchestrator in the placement of pods on nodes (physical or virtual machines).  For example:

  • if a container used Intel DPDK technology the pod may state that it as affinity to an Intel processor based node


  • , or
  • geographical based node labels (such as the Kubernetes standard zone or region labels) may be used to ensure placement of a DCAE complex close to the VNFs generating high volumes of traffic thus minimizing networking cost. Specifically, if nodes were pre-assigned labels East and West, the pod deployment spec to distribute pods to these nodes would be: 
Code Block
nodeSelector: {{ .Values.location }}

Where location = “West” is specified in the values.yaml file used to deploy one DCAE cluster and  location = “East” is specified in a second values.yaml file (see OOM Configuration Management for more information about configuration files like the values.yaml file).

Node affinity can also be used to achieve geographic redundancy if pods are assigned to multiple failure domains. For more information refer to Assigning Pods to Nodes.  Kubernetes has a comprehensive system called Taints and Tolerations that can be used to force the container orchestrator to repel pods from nodes based on static events (an administrator assigning a taint to a node) or dynamic events (such as a node becoming unreachable or running out of disk space). There are no plans to use taints or tolerations in the ONAP Beijing release.

Pod affinity / anti-affinity is the concept of creating a spacial relationship between pods when the Kubernetes orchestrator does assignment (both initially an in operation) to nodes as explained in Inter-pod affinity and anti-affinity. For example, one might choose to co-located all of the ONAP SDC containers on a single node as they are not critical runtime components and co-location minimizes overhead. On the other hand, one might choose to ensure that all of the containers in an ODL cluster (SDNC and APPC) are placed on separate nodes such that a node failure has minimal impact to the operation of the cluster.  An example of how pod affinity / anti-affinity is shown below::

Code Block
titlePod Affinity / Anti-Affinity
apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
  name: with-pod-affinity

Pod affinity / anti-affiity is the concept of creating a spacial relationship between pods when the Kubernetes orchestrator does assignment (both initially an in operation) to nodes as explained in Inter-pod affinity and anti-affinity. For example, one might choose to co-located all of the ONAP SDC containers on a single node as they are not cirtical runtime components and co-location minimizes overhead. On the other hand, one might choose to ensure that all of the containers in an ODL cluster (SDNC and APPC) are placed on separate nodes such that a node failure has minimal impact to the operation of the cluster.  An example of how pod affinity / anti-affinity is shown below:

Code Block
titlePod Affinity / Anti-Affinity
apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
  name: with-pod-affinity
      - labelSelector:
          - key: security
            operator: In
            - S1
      - weight: 100
      - labelSelector:
            - key: security
            operator: In
            -  operator: In
              - S2
  - name: with-pod-affinity

 This example contains both podAffinity and podAntiAffinity rules, the first rule is is a must (requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution) while the second will be met pending other considerations (preferredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution).

  Taints and Tolerations

ONAP S/W Upgrades & Rollbacks

...coming.. but take a look at this old but good video showing a Zero Downtime Upgrade of a web application while under a 10 million transaction per second load. 

Container Lifecycle Hooks

Geo-Redundant Deployments

      - weight: 100
            - key: security
              operator: In
              - S2
  - name: with-pod-affinity

 This example contains both podAffinity and podAntiAffinity rules, the first rule is is a must (requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution) while the second will be met pending other considerations (preferredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution).

ONAP S/W Upgrades & Rollbacks

Kubernetes has built-in capabilities to enable the upgrade of pods without causing a loss of the service being provided by that pod or pods (if configured as a cluster).  As described in the OOM User Guide, ONAP components provide an abstracted ‘service’ end point with the pods or containers providing this service hidden from other ONAP components by a load balancer. This capability is used during upgrades to allow a pod with a new image to be added to the service before removing the pod with the old image. This ‘make before break’ capability ensures minimal downtime.

When upgrading a cluster a parameter controls the minimum size of the cluster during the upgrade while another parameter controls the maximum number of nodes in the cluster.  For example, SNDC configured as a 3-way ODL cluster might require that during the upgrade no fewer than 2 pods are available at all times to provide service while no more than 5 pods are ever deployed across the two versions at any one time to avoid depleting the cluster of resources. In this scenario, the SDNC cluster would start with 3 old pods then Kubernetes may add a new pod (3 old, 1 new), delete one old (2 old, 1 new), add two new pods (2 old, 3 new) and finally delete the 2 old pods (3 new).  During this sequence the constraints of the minimum of two pods and maximum of five would be maintained while providing service the whole time.

Initiation of an upgrade is triggered by changes in the deployment specifications.  For example, if the image specified for one of the pods in the SDNC deployment specification were to change (i.e. point to a new Docker image in the nexus3 repository – commonly through the change of a deployment variable), the sequence of events described in the previous paragraph would be initiated.

Unfortunately, not all upgrades are successful.  In recognition of this the lineup of pods within an ONAP deployment is tagged such that an administrator may force the ONAP deployment back to the previously tagged configuration or to a specific configuration, say to jump back two steps if an incompatibility between two ONAP components is discovered after the two individual upgrades succeeded.  This rollback functionality gives the administrator confidence that in the unfortunate circumstance of a failed upgrade the system can be rapidly brought back to a known good state.

This process of rolling upgrades while under service is illustrated in this short YouTube video showing a Zero Downtime Upgrade of a web application while under a 10 million transaction per second load. 

Many of the ONAP components contain their own databases which are used to record configuration or state information.  The schemas of these databases may change from version to version in such a way that data stored within the database needs to be migrated between versions. If such a migration script is available it can be invoked during the upgrade (or rollback) by Container Lifecycle Hooks. Two such hooks are available, PostStart and PreStop, which containers can access by registering a handler against one or both. Note that it is the responsibility of the ONAP component owners to implement the hook handlers – which could be a shell script or a call to a specific container HTTP endpoint – following the guidelines listed on the Kubernetes site. Lifecycle hooks are not restricted to database migration or even upgrades but can be used anywhere specific operations need to be taken during lifecycle operations.

Note that although OOM uses Kubernetes facilities to minimize the effort required of the ONAP component owners to implement a successful rolling upgrade strategy there are other considerations that must be taken into consideration. For example, external APIs – both internal and external to ONAP – should be designed to gracefully accept transactions from a peer at a different software version to avoid deadlock situations. Embedded version codes in messages may facilitate such capabilities.

Geo-Redundant Deployments

As described in the Pod Placement Rules section, OOM enables the placement of specific pods into specific zones or regions thus providing protection from a single cluster failure. These placement rules can also be used to distribute specific resources, such as a DCAE cluster, close to the VNFs that DCAE is monitoring. To build such a distributed network operators will use Kubernetes Federation to link multiple clusters.

The Kubernetes federation control plane enables clusters that are geographically separated to function as a single deployment with DNS servers and load balancers distributing work across the clusters.  Federation also enables hybrid clouds say with nodes being provided by a private OpenStack cluster and a Microsoft Azure cluster. Note that clusters can each scale to thousands of nodes so it is unlikely that capacity will be the sole reason for deploying ONAP within a federation of clusters.Federation,

List of Epics

The following list of JIRA Epics represent the development activities required to complete the OOM related carrier grade activities (to be confirmed): 
