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For ONAP_Component credentials, two few use cases are described here

1. Provisioning the credentials

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2. Retrieving the credentials to use for internal communication

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.Certificate Authority Instance creation : This is normally required to be only one per ONAP deployment.

Steps are given below:

      • Administrator user creates CA instance by providing details such as following to CA Service
        • Subject name to use on self-signed CA certificate
        • PKCS11 slot ID and Key ID to use (in case PKCS11 based HW protection of CA private key)
        • Public key algorithm
        • In case of RSA, key size
        • In case of ECDSA, curve 
        • Hash algorithm and key size
        • Validity time of CA certificate
        • Whether to create token backend. If token backend is needed, life time and usage count of tokens to be supplied.
        • Returns:
          • Token request URL
          • Certificate request URL
          • CA Certificate
      • Administrator user also creates policy rules to apply on user certificate request with information such as
        • Subject name prefix, CA instance should accept.
        • Signing algorithm, key sizes or curves that are acceptable.
        • Hashing algorithm and key sizes that are acceptable.
        • MAC addresses it should accept in the subject name
        • Whether to verify MAC address in the subject name of PKCS10 request with the MAC address of the VM/Container.
        • Check for valid token (Yes/No)
        • Validity time of certificate.

2. Certificat request - Creation of credentials required for secure communication :   This normally occurs when service (e.g java application service) is started or when the certificate renewal is due

Steps are given below:

      • Java application gets the CA URL, Token, Subject name prefix  to be used via environment variables in case of containers or via cloud-init user data in case of VM.
      • Certificate Credential Client agent is called by application during its startup to create and get the certificate signed by CA by giving CA URL, token information.
      • Certificate Credential agent does following:
        • If there is an existing certificate and private key and if it is still valid, it returns back to the application immediately. If not, it does following
        • Generate ECDSA key pair.
        • Create PKCS10 request with subject name prefix + MAC address as Common Name of the subject name.
        • Sends PKCS10 request, token to CA.
        • Gets the x.50v3 certificate from CA.
        • Stores the certificate in file system.
        • Returns back private key handle, slot ID and path to the certificate.
      • Certificate credential agent informs application on acquiring credentials
      • Application moves forward to inform TLS service with CA certificate and subject prefix to validate incoming requests.
      • If Application is making TLS connection to another service, then it uses certificate enrolled and private key handle while creating TLS endpoint.

For ONAP_Foreign credentials:


  • The solution MUST support the credential management solution and MUST NOT be tied to any particular credential management scheme.
  • The soluction MUST allow Service Design and Creation to validate the package from a security perspective. 


6. ONAP known vulnerability management


  • Informing Actions that a project has to do at the release milestones.


7 (tmp) input to the S3P (carrier grade) discussions from a security perspective
