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Helen has played a critical role on successfully integrating all code bases and delivering the Amsterdam release on time. Helen's dedication and tireless hours put in related to getting the integration of ONAPs first release completed on time and leading a great set of integration team members from the whole community of diverse companies, across multiple labs , time zones and countries.  Helen has also personally helped to get the use cases working in the specific labs. The travel time and hours spent in getting things to work with real network equipment was challenging , (especially with the US holidays), but successful. Besides integration work, she has demonstrated her leadership in leading the discussions with “upstream principal” in the ONAP community, which has helped the community to build a healthier foundation, and in making the hard decision of defining the ONAP deployment strategy, heat vs OOM for this release.

Michael O'Brien

Throughout the Amsterdam release, Michael has humbly demonstrated a singular dedication to the successful integration and interworking of ONAP components and openly sharing all the collected knowledge gained along the way. This journey has involved working with many different teams such as Integration, OOM, Logging & Analytics, SO, AAI, SDN-C, and SDC.

Though the official release is out, Michael’s efforts continue without pause. He’s leading the charge to ensure anyone that wants to use ONAP Amsterdam can do so, without workarounds or close-held expertise. He also is continuing to push cross-collaboration, by helping guide our OPNFV colleagues to a successful demo at Kubecon.

Fun bonus fact: Michael has deployed ONAP more times, and in more varied environments, than anyone else on Earth.

Kang Xi:

His dedication through the integration testing of vCPE for ONAP was critical to the on time delivery. Through multiple test sessions per day through weekends including both writing scripts to streamline the testing but active debugging to help the dev teams find , fix and verify bugs was awesome.

Jimmy Forsyth:

Jimmy Forsyth:

Jimmy had a huge impact on moving A&AI forward in ONAP, taking on the ESR (External System Register) sub-project to AAI and worked to onboard folks from ZTE and Huawei who needed to use AAI in the development of ESR.

Milestone 1 of R1 Amsterdam for AAI. Jimmy defined all project deliverables, including functional architecture, scope, dependencies, test cases, packaging and installation strategy and filled out the Release Planning and Deliverables for Planning Milestone Checklist Templates. He provided onboarding guides for ONAP community members and wrote a full developer’s setup guide which showed how to pull, setup an IDE, build the microservices, and deploy the services in a development environment. This was instrumental in getting VF-C and MultiVim (former Open-O projects) to adopt AAI in ONAP, and he received contributions from VF-C and MultiVIM teams.

Milestone 2 for AAI Amsterdam: Jimmy defined and documented AAI Functional Test Cases and produced a stable document describing the API and made it available on the wiki. He tracked issues in Jira, wrote user stories to integrate internal AT&T features into ONAP, acted as committer (doing code-reviews and merging changes), and solicited help from the ONAP community.

Milestone 3 of ONAP Amsterdam R1: Jimmy worked with PTLs of client applications MSO, SDNC, Policy, APPC, VF-C, ESR to gather requirements for changes needed in support of Amsterdam. He completed API and Data freeze. He led the effort to get 50% of Functional Test Cases automated.

ONAP M4 Code Freeze: Jimmy made sure that Jira issues were either fixed in the current release or assigned to the next release, that 100% of Functional Test Cases were automated, and led the team to achieve 30% SONAR coverage on all 17 AAI microservice and library repository.

Jimmy attended the ONAP conference in Paris/Saclay, represented AAI on a promotional video, and hosted a session on the future of AAI at the conference.
ONAP RC0-RC2: Jimmy provided support for AAI in the Windriver and Rackspace labs, managed Jira and tracked bugs in AAI, supported external users of ONAP AAI on the onap-discuss mailing list, tracked down Jenkins issues, and got all Jira tickets closed by RC2 on 11/9.

Amsterdam R1 AAI delivered. Jimmy made sure all Jira bugs were closed, all docker images were deployed to the public docker hub, all integration testing completed, and that AAI passed the release criteria.

Jimmy was also a key contributor on the VID project earlier in the year. He deployed the 1.0 version of VID for openecomp. As the leader of the VID (Virtual Infrastructure Deployment) OpenECOMP initiative, he was instrumental in the coding, automated builds, named-queries for closed-loop and instantiation of VID. He succesfully deployed the inital 1.0 version of VID. Using Docker, he made VID capable of automatic instantiation in OpenECOMP under rackspace. As a software developer, he contributed significant pieces of the OpenECOMP seed code, multiple bug fixes in the OpenECOMP version, ran black duck/fossology/GREP scans and performed reporting and remediation of issues uncovered by the scan process. He innovated successful Jenkins processes to streamline the build of VID, converted code base to be free of proprietary markings, images, and logos, and remediated FOSS issues, replacing dependencies that were outside Linux Foundation standards with versions that are in compliance. He completed full integration with the openecomp Portal SDK and portal, opening multiple bugs against portal and contributing to their resolution. He merged 100% of non-AT&T specific platform software to ONAP.
As the leader of the OpenECOMP VID, Jimmy integrated VID into the LF, developed Jenkins Job Builder jobs to create builds within the LF infrastructure, and merged 1702 and 1707 ECOMP changes to VID.

Kang Xi:

His dedication through the integration testing of vCPE for ONAP was critical to the on time delivery. Through multiple test sessions per day through weekends including both writing scripts to streamline the testing but active debugging to help the dev teams find , fix and verify bugs was awesome.

Manisha Aggarwal:

Manisha is one of the A&AI contributors and has worked diligently to establish A&AI in ONAP. Manisha helped A&AI reach the goal of 100% automated builds and instantiation by leading the A&AI project to follow recommended guidelines and processes, defining configuration and troubleshooting issues. She led the team to contribute 100% of non-AT&T specific code to ONAP, though managing the user story backlog and helping to move the submission process forward.

As dev liaison/project lead for AAI for OpenECOMP Release 2, she created/assigned Jira user stories and tasks and worked with our internal scrum teams to deliver the code on schedule, and managed image/artifact tagging/release branch, versioning etc. in Gerrit. She played a key role in formulating the documentation and proposed AAI as a project at the ONAP Developer’s conference in Middletown in May. She also presented the A&AI project at the Beijing Developer’s Conference, where AAI was approved as an ONAP project. She smoothly transitioned the role to a team member as she took on a new role.

As a committer for Amsterdam and Beijing releases, she reviewed and merged submissions to A&AI in ONAP and provide guidance on architecture issues as necessary.

As one of the development leads for A&AI, she defined a process to identify non-AT&T specific code, track and improve the time taken for the integration of code from/to ONAP.

Michael O'Brien

Throughout the Amsterdam release, Michael has humbly demonstrated a singular dedication to the successful integration and interworking of ONAP components and openly sharing all the collected knowledge gained along the way. This journey has involved working with many different teams such as Integration, OOM, Logging & Analytics, SO, AAI, SDN-C, and SDC. Altough the official release is out, Michael’s efforts continue without pause. He’s leading the charge to ensure anyone that wants to use ONAP Amsterdam can do so, without workarounds or close-held expertise. He also is continuing to push cross-collaboration, by helping guide our OPNFV colleagues to a successful demo at Kubecon. Fun bonus fact: Michael has deployed ONAP more times, and in more varied environments, than anyone else on EarthJimmy had a huge impact on moving A&AI forward in ONAP, taking on the ESR (External System Register) sub-project to AAI and worked to onboard folks from ZTE and Huawei who needed to use AAI in the development of ESR.
Milestone 1 of R1 Amsterdam for AAI. Jimmy defined all project deliverables, including functional architecture, scope, dependencies, test cases, packaging and installation strategy and filled out the Release Planning and Deliverables for Planning Milestone Checklist Templates. He provided onboarding guides for ONAP community members and wrote a full developer’s setup guide which showed how to pull, setup an IDE, build the microservices, and deploy the services in a development environment. This was instrumental in getting VF-C and MultiVim (former Open-O projects) to adopt AAI in ONAP, and he received contributions from VF-C and MultiVIM teams.
Milestone 2 for AAI Amsterdam: Jimmy defined and documented AAI Functional Test Cases and produced a stable document describing the API and made it available on the wiki. He tracked issues in Jira, wrote user stories to integrate internal AT&T features into ONAP, acted as committer (doing code-reviews and merging changes), and solicited help from the ONAP community.
Milestone 3 of ONAP Amsterdam R1: Jimmy worked with PTLs of client applications MSO, SDNC, Policy, APPC, VF-C, ESR to gather requirements for changes needed in support of Amsterdam. He completed API and Data freeze. He led the effort to get 50% of Functional Test Cases automated.
ONAP M4 Code Freeze: Jimmy made sure that Jira issues were either fixed in the current release or assigned to the next release, that 100% of Functional Test Cases were automated, and led the team to achieve 30% SONAR coverage on all 17 AAI microservice and library repository.
Jimmy attended the ONAP conference in Paris/Saclay, represented AAI on a promotional video, and hosted a session on the future of AAI at the conference.
ONAP RC0-RC2: Jimmy provided support for AAI in the Windriver and Rackspace labs, managed Jira and tracked bugs in AAI, supported external users of ONAP AAI on the onap-discuss mailing list, tracked down Jenkins issues, and got all Jira tickets closed by RC2 on 11/9.
Amsterdam R1 AAI delivered. Jimmy made sure all Jira bugs were closed, all docker images were deployed to the public docker hub, all integration testing completed, and that AAI passed the release criteria.
Jimmy was also a key contributor on the VID project earlier in the year. He deployed the 1.0 version of VID for openecomp. As the leader of the VID (Virtual Infrastructure Deployment) OpenECOMP initiative, he was instrumental in the coding, automated builds, named-queries for closed-loop and instantiation of VID. He succesfully deployed the inital 1.0 version of VID. Using Docker, he made VID capable of automatic instantiation in OpenECOMP under rackspace. As a software developer, he contributed significant pieces of the OpenECOMP seed code, multiple bug fixes in the OpenECOMP version, ran black duck/fossology/GREP scans and performed reporting and remediation of issues uncovered by the scan process. He innovated successful Jenkins processes to streamline the build of VID, converted code base to be free of proprietary markings, images, and logos, and remediated FOSS issues, replacing dependencies that were outside Linux Foundation standards with versions that are in compliance. He completed full integration with the openecomp Portal SDK and portal, opening multiple bugs against portal and contributing to their resolution. He merged 100% of non-AT&T specific platform software to ONAP.
As the leader of the OpenECOMP VID, Jimmy integrated VID into the LF, developed Jenkins Job Builder jobs to create builds within the LF infrastructure, and merged 1702 and 1707 ECOMP changes to VID.


Citizenship Award 
