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$ ([DateTime]('1970,1,1')).AddSeconds(3000000000)
24 January 2065 05:20:00

Sending the JWT in a REST Request Header

You can use curl to send the JWT in a request header:

Code Block
curl -H "Authorization: Bearer $jwt" http://A1PMS/policy..

Parsing the JWT Payload in Java

Here's an example of how to parse the `client_id` from the JWT in Java:

Code Block
import java.util.Base64;

public class ParseJWT {
    public String parseServiceId(String token) {
        // Split token into its parts
        String[] chunks = token.split("\\.");
        Base64.Decoder decoder = Base64.getUrlDecoder();

        // Decode payload
        String payload = new String(decoder.decode(chunks[1]));

        // Parse JSON using Gson
        JsonObject jsonObject = JsonParser.parseString(payload).getAsJsonObject();

        // Extract the client_id
        String clientId = jsonObject.get("client_id").getAsString();
        return clientId;

In the create policy code check if there is an header and if there is a clientId use it as serviceId, other cases are covered having default serviceId (If there is no header, if there is an header but not a clientId)
Policy Creation Scenario

In this example I want to log the Bearer Token given to the call: PUT

In Postman I use the generated token I got from the bash script as Bearer Token:

It would be equivalent to:
