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6/19/17 - APPC Project Kick-Off


  • M1 update
    • APPC passed M1 on 1/18 with no issues. Manual Scaleout support included.
    • Two new folks added to the project to support Manual Scale out (Ramya and Vidhya)
  • AAF update on AAF-91 (Sai)
    • Sai has already started working on this.
    • 2/15 is target delivery date!
  • Sprint 1 planning/commitment (runs 1/24/18 thru 2/7/18) - AppC JIRA Board
    • Resiliency (Aaron)
      • Aaron got the 10 additional VM in the WindRiver dev lab
      • He will focus on getting a local environment setup in WindRiver in first sprint (APPC-455) in additional to working on Resiliency items (APPC-475).
    • Stability (Scott)
    • Manual Scale (Ramya, Vidhya)
      • Requirements discussion progressing
      • Need to determine what can be completed in first sprint; to defined by end of week. Randa will setup follow-up.
      • Scott Blandford and Lauren Lewis will be the E2E owners and drive the cross-team coordination to deliver the use case.
      • APPC needs to provide SO an updated APPC Client Library. Need to define when this can be provided.
    • Code Coverage
      • Patrick, Taka, Atul, and Tomasz contributing to code coverage in Sprint 1
    • Security
      • There are 3 things we are covering under security
        • CII Badging - Taka to go through the assesement to identify our gaps. Planned in Sprint 1
        • AAF integrations (Ryan) - this has dependency on AAF-91 delivery on 2/15. Need to see AAF design to determine scope of APPC changes. See action item above.
        • Secure DMaaP topics - currently unassigned - Shubada to investigate to see if she wants to tackle this.
    • Logging
      • Ryan Young will give a knowledge share on EELF - planned for 1/31/18
    • Documentation
      • Randa will update LCM API guide for the actions contributed by AT&T, which include:
        • QuiesceTraffic
        • ResumeTraffic
        • UpgradeSoftware
        • UpgradePreCheck
        • UpgradePostCheck
        • UpgradeBackup
        • UpgradeBackout
        • ActionCancel
        • ActionStatus
        • AttachVolume
        • DetachVolume
  • Review JIRA workflow used by APPC
    • We did not get a chance to cover this topic, but APPC uses this workflow!

  • Misc updates
    • We are still waiting on TSC to approve new repo request, until we get this, LF will not move forward with adding our repo
    • License question - still waiting for response from Steve Winslow on questions regarding licensing. As this stage, we will assume they do not apply to:
      • .gitignores
      • Eclipse environment related files
      • Test input files

01/31/18 - APPC Project Weekly Minutes


  • Code Submits
  • Sprint 1 status
  • License question
  • Upcoming milestone
  • OOM
  • JIRA
  • vDNS

Participants: Randa Maher, Scott Seabolt, Aaron Hay, Patrick Brady, Ramya Balaki, Ryan Young, Takamune ChoAtul Shegokar, Linda HornShubhada Vaze, Vidhya Nerella, Marcus Williams

Actions from last meeting:

  • Sai Gandham to schedule meeting with APPC team to review his design plans for AAF-91. 
    • Update: Per feedback from Sai Gandham, he will schedule a call for Friday
  • Skip Wonnell to investigate missing action action-cancel from LCM Provider  
    • Update: CLOSED. There is no action-cancel planned for Beijing.

New Actions Items:

  • Scott Seabolt and Takamune Cho to sync-up on questions CII Passing questionnaire to see if further clarification is needed from the Security subcommittee,
  • Ryan Young, Patrick Brady, and Marcus Williams - need further discussion on APPC-500 to determine root cause for log file growth.. Patrick will try to build with later version of CCSDK based on feedback from Marcus to see if this helps
  • Randa Maher to schedule call for Friday to discussion more detail on CDT and what is needed.


  • Code Submits
    • There are many changes being submitted to address Sonar issues, but are also making large changes to the code. Committers have no way of testing these code and a simple review for such changes is difficult. There is great concern of breaking the build and application. Contributors must test their code before committing. Please see email sent by Patrick and also refer to the instructions he provided to setup your own local environment: Building and Running APPC Docker Images - feel free to reach out to us via comments on wiki if you have any questions.
  • Sprint 1 Status:
    • In general, everyone on track for their items by 2/7 (end of Sprint 1)
    • Randa to follow-up with Skip on items assigned to him.
    • Reminder to team: Make sure your code is accompanied by junits, specially any new code. We have a target of 50% to reach for
  • License question
    • Do we need to change year in License text to reflect 2017 and 2018? Pending final input from....
  • Upcoming milestone
  • OOM
    • OOM is looking for one centralized place they can pull config info to create a Helm chart..
    • Need additional follow-up with OOM team to get more detail on proposal to create a config directory, similar to what was done with doc
  • JIRA
    • There are two different workflows supported in ONAP; APPC uses the one discussed in previous notes and discussed in this short video
    • Additional short videos will be provided, but if you have specific questions, please send or post on wiki in comments secton.
  • vDNS
    • Paul and Brian had discussions about using LCM to do the configure of vDNS in the Scale Out use case; need further discussionw with Paul on what he had in mind. Randa to follow-up