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Participants:Randa Maher; Ryan Young; Aaron Hay; Takamune Cho; Patrick Brady Vidhya Nerella; Andrej Zan, Shubhada Vaze; Vidya JogRecording: not recorded today

Actions from last meeting:


  • Patrick Brady to provide a knowledge share on the changes that upgrade to Nitrogen brings to APPC once he is done with the ODL upgrade.
  • Randa Maher setup call to discuss testing in WindRiver APPC dev lab after we get Beijing successfully deployed.
    • Update: 3/28/18: Discussions started, but until we have a working Beijing environment
    • Update: 4/11/18: In-Progress
    • Update: 4/18/18: Team is still working through APPC w/Nitrogen stability; need to get past the issue with Request Handler not coming up. Until that's resolved, little testing can be done.
  • Ryan Young to investigate security vulnerabilty reported againt org.glassfish.grizzly, which is pulled in by CDP-PAL.
    • Update: 4/18/18: No update today, have more urgent items around AAF integration feature that still needs to be completed.

New Actions Items:

  • Takamune Chowill follow-up with Dan on SDNC project to see if he was able to successfully upgrade EELF. APPC has issues with version incompatibility with logback & sl4j and ODL.

Agenda & Notes:

  • Status on outstanding items
    • ODL upgrade (Patrick)
      • Changes to upgrade to Nitrogen completed. Story APPC-403 closed.
      • Additional testing in progress, but seeing some delays due to failing builds due to changes in CCSDK (CCSDK-242). Resolved today, so should be able to proceed with new builds.
      • Currently troubleshooting issue with Request Handler bundle not coming up.
    • DMaaP issue (Ryan)
      • We have not been able to progress on testing the fix for this issue; currently blocked by issue Patrick is looking into around the Request Handler not coming up. Until this issue is fixed, this validation is blocked
      DMaaP issue (Ryan)
      • We got our fixes in; needed a new build from DMaaP for the MR client,.
      • Currently working to verify in our WindRiver environment, working through environment issues, but Ryan did test successfully in his local.
    • AAF Integration (Ryan, Scott)
      • APPC AAF integration is blocked due to AAF-250. AAF team needs to get this resolved.
    • Security items
      • Reintroduce ugraded EELF to clear logback issue?
      • EELF is pulling versions of logback and sl4j that appear to be incompatible with Nitrogen.
  • Defects
    • APPC-854  (Aaron)
      • Reassigned to Patrick.
      • The docker manifest needs to be updated when we build our release dockers.
    • APPC-307 (Taka)
      • Taka to check with Scott to see if this can be retested in Beijing to see if issue still exists.
  • Testing
    • ConfigScaleOut (Ramya, Vidhya)
      • No progress on testing in WindRiver lab due to other blocking issues with APPC build.
    • CDT - did we get details from Amaresh?
    • Resiliency (Aaron)
      • Waiting on stable Beijing with Nitrogen to rerun testsAaron submitted changes to OOM resulting from the Nitrogen upgrade ( and tested it in his environment and everything came up fine.
    • Stability retest on Beijing (Scott)
      • Waiting on stable Beijing with Nitrogen to rerun the 72hour soak test
  • Upcoming milestone - RC0 on April 19.
    • APPC Beijing RC0 Checklist - Completed checklist and current disposition is: Not ready for RC0 yet,
      • Need to address failing jenkins jobs
      • Need to provide release version artifacts
      • Need to complete AAF story
      • Need to resolve issue with Request Handler bundle failure.
      • Failing CSIT we believe is related to LF performance issues. Requests are timing out. Hopefully with today's Nexus upgrade, CSIT tests will pass. Need to check tomorrow morning.