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"description""Cloud Policy for vCPE VNF",
"content": {

//If a cloud region does not support the policy-based interface, it is given a high net value assuming the current capacity api (yes/no) returns an yes. This ensures smooth migration to the new policy-based framework. 

"cloudRegion" : {

"id": "All",


{"Burstable QoS": "TRUE", "Burstable QoS Oversubscription Percentage": "10"}, {"operator", "OR"}, {"Guaranteed QoS": "TRUE"}


"cloudCapacityUtilizaitonAttributes" : {

"current_allocated_capacity" : { {"cpu", "memory", "network"}: {"cloud": {"weight": "0.85", "threshold": "0.9"}, "tenant (resource slice)": {"weight": "0.85", "threshold": "0.9"
}, "host aggregate (resource cluster)": {"weight": "0.85", "threshold": "0.9"} } },

"average_utilization" : { {"cpu", "memory", "network"}: {"cloud": {"weight": "0.13"}, "tenant (resource slice)": {"weight": "0.13"}, "host aggregate (resource cluster)": {"weight": "0.13"} }, "time-window": "24", "unit": "hours" },

"peak_utilization" : { {"cpu", "memory", "network"}: {"cloud": {"weight": "0.02"}, "tenant (resource slice)": {"weight": "0.02"}, "host aggregate (resource cluster)": {"weight": "0.02"} }, "time-window": "24", "unit": "hours" }

//current_allocated_capacity, average_utilization and peak_utilization are normalized to 1

//For a given object such as tenant_cpu, sum of weights across all attributes (current_allocated_capacity, average_utilization & peak_utilization) must be 1

//E.g. net_value = cloud_cpu_current_allocated_capacity*0.85 + cloud_cpu_average_utilization*0.13 + cloud_cpu_peak_utilization*.02 + ...

//For a given object such as cloud_cpu, if the current_allocated_capacity "threshold" exceeds the specified value, return "high net value" 




"resources": ["vGMuxInfra", "vG"],
