Versions Compared


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Gliffy Diagram
nameCloud Agnostic Intent Execution Workflow

Follow up :

  • Policy DB – is there any restriction on json objects store? - Matti to follow up with Ankit
  • Current R2 support – single VF module (VNFC) assumption per VNF for vCPE - follow up with Kang Xi to validate


1. SO → OOF - Get Target <Cloud Owner, Cloud Region> for the Service Instances

2. OOF → Policy - Fetch


Enhanced Capacity Check & Cloud Selection Policy for Homing (need code changes) 

2a) OOF Processing - the fetched Policy is stored in a local data structure and is available for further use.2a. OOF Homing Enhanced Capacity Check & Cloud Selection Policy Example below - new in R3

Code Block
titleOOF Homing Enhanced Capacity Check & Cloud Selection Policy

"service": "cloudSelectionPolicy",
"policyName": "oofMulti-cloudCasablanca.cloudSelectionPolicy_vCPE_VNF",
"description": "Cloud Selection Policy for vCPE VNFs",
"templateVersion": "0.0.1",
"version": "oofMulti-cloudCasablanca",
"priority": "3",
"riskType": "test",
"riskLevel": "2",
"guard": "False",

		"cloudOwner": "All", //can be a specific cloud owner such as Azure, VMware VIO, Wind River Titanium Cloud etc.
		"cloudRegion": "All", //can be a specific cloud region for a cloud owner
		"capacityCheck": "TRUE", //perform capacity check per <cloud owner, cloud region>
		"dollarCostEvaluationVM-Type": "TRUE", //evaluate dollar cost per VM type if operator has configured a policy
		"dollarCostEvaluationVM-FeatureGroup": "TRUE" //evaluate dollar per feature/group of features if operator has configured a policy

"resources": ["vgw", "vgmux"], //"vgw" is also interchangeably used as "vg"
"applicableResources": "any",
"identity": "cloud-atrributes",
"policyScope": ["vCPE", "US", "INTERNATIONAL", "ip", "vgw", "vgmux"],
"policyType": "AllPolicy"


3. OOF → A&AI - Fetch Cloud-Agnostic (Standardized) Capabilities for the Service Instance

3a) OOF Processing - Perform Cloud Agnostic Capability check for each <cloud owner, cloud region>

4. OOF → MC


- Push Cloud Agnostic Policy for the Service Instance -  perform Cloud Specific Check (capability/capacity/cost metrics) for each registered Cloud Region in Multi-Cloud (need code changes)

4a) OOF Processing

The enhanced OOF ↔ MC capacity check API, described below, is filled based on the enhanced Capacity Check & Cloud Selection Policy for Homing retrieved in step 2). 

Code Block
titleOOF <-> MC API Examples
//flexibility of


Code Block
titleOOF <-> MC API Examples
//flexibility of having cloud owner and region in the new API provides optional fine grained control, addresses capacity/cost discrepanciesdifferences across different //different cloud owners/regions and ensures backward compatibility

	"VNFC": "vgw", //"vgw" is also intechangeably used as "vg" //new in R3

	{   //new in R3
		"cloudOwner": "All", //can be a specific cloud owner such as Azure, VMware VIO, Wind River Titanium Cloud etc. 
		"cloudRegion": "All", //can be a specific cloud region for a cloud owner
		"dollarCostEvaluationVM-Type": "TRUE", //evaluate dollar cost per VM type if operator has configured a policy
		"dollarCostEvaluationVM-FeatureGroup": "TRUE" //evaluate dollar per feature/group of features if operator has configured a policy
		"cloudOwner": "OpenStack", 	// new in R3, 
								   	// different cloud owners may need different capacities for the same VNFC because of implementation differences
		"cloudRegion": "All", 		// new in R3, 
							 		// different cloud regions for a cloud owner may need different capacities for the same VNFC due to different SW
							 		// versions and HW configuration		

		"capacityProperty": //same as R2, presence of this means capacity check needs to be done for the <cloud owner, cloud region>
				"{\"vCPU\": {\"quantity\": {\"get_param\": \"REQUIRED_VCPU\"}, \"Memory\": {\"quantity\": {\"get_param\": \"REQUIRED_MEM\"}, 	
				\"unit\": 	\"GB\"}, \"Storage\": {\"quantity\": {\"get_param\": \"REQUIRED_DISK\"}, \"unit\": \"GB\"}}"

//return netValue per <cloud owner, cloud region>
//cloud regions which fail capacity check are not in this list
		"cloudOwner": "OpenStack",
		"cloudRegion": "1",
		"netValue": "99"
		"cloudOwner": "VIO",
		"cloudRegion": "5",
		"netValue": "100"
		"cloudOwner": "Azure",
		"cloudRegion": "3",
		"netValue": "101"

OOF->MC Processing

MC Inter-Cloud Placement (aka Homing) Policy

5a) MC Processing

For each cloud owner

  •  Instance Type Handling
    • Instance Type is passed in the capacity check API from OOF (Discuss) //Note, SO → MC passes OpenStack flavor name in the Heat Template/Env file
    • Convert to appropriate instance type based on intent //e.g. "Infrastructure Resource Isolation for VNF" may result in a different instance type if the cloud owner supports "Burstable QoS"
  • Parse OOF → MC Policy API 
  • For each cloud region // Public cloud could have different costs in different geographic locations
    • net_value_cost = net_value_cost + cost_instance_type // cost per instance type is based on policy (for R3, it is picked up from Multi Cloud configuration file)
    • net_value_cost = net_value_cost + cost_intent //e.g. "Infrastructure High Availability (HA) for VNF" may have additional cost
    • Capacity Check 
      • Private Clouds (OpenStack based)
        • Perform capacity check per specified Tenant (OpenStack Project)
        • If Capacity check fails, drop the cloud region out of the candidate list
      • Public Clouds or Other Clouds
        • Capacity check always succeeds //assumption: public cloud has infinite capacity

5. MC →  OOF – Return a net value for each <cloud owner, cloud region> if the capacity check succeeds

6. OOF → SO - Return the target <cloud owner, cloud region> for the Service Instance

7. SO → MC - Deploy VNF template in the target <cloud owner, cloud region> for the Service Instance (need code changes)

OOF->MC Processing

MC Inter-Cloud Placement (aka Homing) Policy 

Code Block
titleMC Inter-Cloud Placement (aka Homing) Policy
Code Block
titleMC Inter-Cloud Placement (aka Homing) Policy
			"name": "Infrastructure High Availability (HA) for VNF", 
				//realization thru OpenStack-based: anti-affinity, Azure: Fault Domain or
    			//Different anti-affinity models from ETSI -- host-level, rack-level, availability zone level
				//max-count in heat template - scale out factor
				//server-group in heat template - usable thru API and CLI in OpenStack, VMware VIO
			"name": "Infrastructure High ResourceAvailability Isolation(HA) for VNF", 
				// realization possible without dedicating CPU and Memory, refer to section on "Cloud Resource Partitioning for Differentiated QoS" 
				// on how this can help in offering tiered services
				{"Burstable QoS": "TRUE", "Burstable QoS Oversubscription Percentage": "25"}thru OpenStack-based: anti-affinity, Azure: Fault Domain or
    			//Different anti-affinity models from ETSI -- host-level, rack-level, availability zone level
				//max-count in heat template - scale out factor
				//{"Burstable QoS": "TRUE", "Burstable QoS Oversubscription Percentage": "25"}, {"operator", "OR"}, {"Guaranteed QoS": "TRUE"}server-group in heat template - usable thru API and CLI in OpenStack, VMware VIO
			"name": "Infrastructure Resource Isolation for VNF", 
				// VMware VIO - tenant VDC CLI and API - configure the appropriate settings per tenantrealization possible without dedicating CPU and Memory, refer to section on "Cloud Resource Partitioning for Differentiated QoS" 
				// Burstableon QoShow isthis specifiedcan throughhelp minin guaranteeoffering (part of flavor metadata -- 

SO Processing

  • Same as R2


  • Same as R2

SO → MC Processing

MC Workload Deployment Policy

Code Block
titleMC Workload Deployment Policy
			"name": "Infrastructure High Availability (HA) for VNF", tiered services
				{"Burstable QoS": "TRUE", "Burstable QoS Oversubscription Percentage": "25"}
				//{"Burstable QoS": "TRUE", "Burstable QoS Oversubscription Percentage": "25"}, {"operator", "OR"}, {"Guaranteed QoS": "TRUE"}
				// VMware VIO - tenant VDC CLI and API - configure the appropriate settings per tenant
				//realization Burstable QoS is specified through min guarantee (part of flavor metadata -- 

SO Processing

  • Same as R2


  • Same as R2

SO → MC Processing

MC Workload Deployment Policy

Code Block
titleMC Workload Deployment Policy
			"name": "Infrastructure High Availability (HA)thru OpenStack-based: anti-affinity, Azure: Fault Domain or
    			//Different anti-affinity models from ETSI -- host-level, rack-level, availability zone level
				//max-count in heat template - scale out factor
				//server-group in heat template - usable thru API and CLI in OpenStack, VMware VIO
			"name": "Infrastructure Resource Isolation for VNF", 
				// realization possible without dedicating CPU and Memory, refer to section on "Cloud Resource Partitioning for Differentiated QoS" thru OpenStack-based: anti-affinity, Azure: Fault Domain or
    			//Different anti-affinity models from ETSI -- host-level, rack-level, availability zone level
				//max-count onin howheat thistemplate can- helpscale in offering tiered services
				{"Burstable QoS": "TRUE", "Burstable QoS Oversubscription Percentage": "25"}out factor
				//server-group in heat template - usable thru API and CLI in OpenStack, VMware VIO
			"name": "Infrastructure Resource Isolation for VNF", 
				//{"Burstable QoS": "TRUE", "Burstable QoS Oversubscription Percentage": "25"}, {"operator", "OR"}, {"Guaranteed QoS": "TRUE"} realization possible without dedicating CPU and Memory, refer to section on "Cloud Resource Partitioning for Differentiated QoS" 
				// VMwareon VIOhow -this tenantcan VDChelp CLIin andoffering API - configure the appropriate settings per tenanttiered services
				// {
				{"Burstable QoS is specified through min guarantee (part of flavor metadata -- 

OOF → Multi-VIM/Cloud Policy API - Key Processing Steps

For each cloud owner


  • Instance Type is passed in the capacity check API from OOF (Discuss) //Note, SO → MC passes OpenStack flavor name in the Heat Template/Env file
  • Convert to appropriate instance type based on intent //e.g. "Infrastructure Resource Isolation for VNF" may result in a different instance type if the cloud owner supports "Burstable QoS"


  • net_value_cost = net_value_cost + cost_instance_type // cost per instance type is based on policy (for R3, it is picked up from Multi Cloud configuration file)
  • net_value_cost = net_value_cost + cost_intent //e.g. "Infrastructure High Availability (HA) for VNF" may have additional cost
  • Capacity Check – Continue R2 Plan
    • Private Clouds (OpenStack based)
      • Capacity check per Tenant (OpenStack Project)
        • returns yes or no 
    • Public Clouds or Other Clouds
      • Capacity check per tenant 
        • return yes always //assumption: public cloud has infinite capacity
  • If infra capacity is finite (Private cloud or Public cloud with reserved instances) // e.g. object of interest is OpenStack Project with a quota (upper limit) for cpu, mem and local disk
    • Option A: (potentially supportable with OpenStack based clouds, other clouds to be investigated)
      • normalized_cpu_per_object = (current_cpu_used_object + instance_type_cpu*number_of_instances_of vnfc)/total_cpu_object
        • if normalized_cpu_per_object > 1, capacity check failed
      • normalized_mem_per_object = (current_mem_used_object + instance_type_mem*number_of_instances_of_vnfc)/total_mem_object
        • if normalized_mem_per_object > 1, capacity check failed 
      • normalized_disk_per_object = (current_disk_used_object + instance_type_disk*number_of_instances_of_vnfc)/total_disk_object
        • if normalized_disk_per_object > 1, capacity check failed 
      • net_value_capacity = normalized_infra_capacity = wcpu*normalized_cpu_per_object + wmem*normalized_mem_object + wdisk*normalized_disk_per_object // wcpu, wmem, wdisk are specified in a multi-cloud configuration file; wcpu + wmem + wdisk = 1
    • Option B: (under study)
      • normalized_instances_per_object = (current_used_reserved_instances + number_of_instances_of_vnfc)/total_reserved_instances
      • net_value_capacity = normalized_instances_per_object


": "TRUE", "Burstable QoS Oversubscription Percentage": "25"}
				//{"Burstable QoS": "TRUE", "Burstable QoS Oversubscription Percentage": "25"}, {"operator", "OR"}, {"Guaranteed QoS": "TRUE"}
				// VMware VIO - tenant VDC CLI and API - configure the appropriate settings per tenant
				// Burstable QoS is specified through min guarantee (part of flavor metadata -- 

OOF → Multi-VIM/Cloud Policy API - Other
