Versions Compared


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For each cloud owner

  • Parse OOF → MC Policy (Intent) API 
  • For each cloud region // Public cloud could have different costs in different geographic locations
    • Compute net_value based on cost
      • net_value = net_value + workload_deployment_cost 
        • The workload deployment cost is computed per <instance type, cloud region> based on workload deployment cost policy described in Step 5b).
          • Instance Type is derived from <Service, VNFC, cloud owner>
          • More details are in 5b)
        • Implementation Notes:
          • It is not mandatory for all plugins to implement this feature since the OOF → MC API has the flexibility of turning on this feature per <cloud owner, cloud region>
    • Capacity Check 
      • Private Clouds (OpenStack based)
        • Perform capacity check per specified Tenant (OpenStack Project)
        • If Capacity check fails, drop the cloud region out of the candidate list
      • Public Clouds or Other Clouds
        • Capacity check always succeeds //assumption: public cloud has infinite capacity


  • Parse Template (e.g. OpenStack Heat Template)
    • For each VNFC, instance type in the template
      • Fetch Cloud-Agnostic Workload Deployment Policy (Intent) based on <Service (e.g. vCPE), VNFC (e.g. vGW)>
        • Value/Content: <Policy JSON> 
        • Note: The policy details are in Section 7b).
      • Parse Policy JSON
      • Modify template according to Intent 
        • Intent examples of interest for R3 
          • "Infrastructure High Availability (HA) for VNF" 
          • "Infrastructure Resource Isolation for VNF"   
            • "Burstable QoS"
          • "Infrastructure Resource Isolation for VNF"   
            • "Guaranteed QoS"
  • Policy (Intent) Realization

    • "Infrastructure High Availability (HA) for VNF"
      • OpenStack-based Cloud realization 
        • For R3, Host-based anti-affinity using server groups //Beyond R3, Support other anti-affinity models at availability zone level etc. 
        • Implementation Notes: 
          • Instance "count" in heat template specifies VNFC scale out factor 
          • While dynamic injection of server group into heat template is ideal, a simple starting point could be just switching to an alternate heat template which is identical to the deployment template and additionally has server group
      • Azure realization 
        • Availability Set?
    • "Infrastructure Resource Isolation for VNF" – { "qosProperty": { {"Burstable QoS": "TRUE", "Burstable QoS Oversubscription Percentage": "25"} } }

        • Example 
          • VNFC with "Guaranteed QoS" 
            • "flavor-xyz-no-oversubscription"
            • vCPU (Min/Max) - 16, Mem (Min/Max) - 32GB 
          • Same VNFC with "Burstable QoS", 25% over-subscription 
            • "flavor-xyz-25-percent-oversubscription"
            • vCPU (Min) - 16, Mem (Min) - 32GB 
            • vCPU (Max) - 20, Mem (Max) - 40GB  
        • Only certain pre-defined over-subscription values are allowed to simplify implementation
        • Implementation Notes:
          • While dynamic injection of limit/reservation into flavor is ideal, a simple starting would be to be to switch to a pre-defined flavor in the environment file
            • For aforementioned example
              • Original flavor - "flavor-xyz-no-oversubscription"
              • Modified flavor based on Policy - "flavor-xyz-25-percent-oversubscription" 
    • Implementation Notes:
      • From an implementation stand point, MC could be exposing an a Workload Deployment Policy (Intent) API
        • Input : deployment-intent, cloud owner, cloud region, deployment template, deployment environment file, ...
        • Output : Success or Failure with reason, modified deployment template, modified deployment environment file, ...
