Versions Compared


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  • A design idea
    • Why not Camunda Cockpit as is: current Camunda Cockpit was designed from a BPMN process management perspective (note: need to study for TOSCA cases).
      • It does not meet service-level orchestration monitoring.
      • It is designed for BPMN definition/execution monitoring; require process knowledge for monitoring.
    • We need higher-level monitoring abstraction for both BPMN and TOSCA.
      • Associate Request Id / Service Instance Id (or other keys) to the top-level process instance id. For the association, 
      • Could use a process variable holding the Request Id / Service Instance id (or other keys), or
      • Could use a database holding the association
      • Allow VID, UUI or external apps monitor process workflow process (graphically and text-based) based on extensible search keys.
    • We need a platform level run-time and history process activity report capabilities out of the box.
      • Regardless use of Camunda Enterprise Edition or Community Edition.
      • Query to Camunda/ARIA database to extract activities. 
    • The following diagram depicts the high-level concept. 


  • High-Level Requirements
    • Dashboard views of Service lists
      • Filtering capabilities based on search criteria
      • Configurable search criteria
    • Dashboard views of statistics (donuts, pie charts, etc.) for filtered request/service instances
    • Process / Service Instance Rendering and detail panel views
      • with sub-process/service instance drill-drown and drill-up capabilities
        • A process/service instance could be realized by multiple process instances
      • with process / task detail
      • Topology (workflow) views during/after orchestration
    • Input/output data views for process/task/service task (messages, parameters)
      • Display on service / task detail panel
      • Provide message log views (could be on a pop-up widget)
    • Color coding/visual indication of statistic and service type and status
    • Troubleshooting capabilities by manipulating the workflow during orchestration for troubleshooting and retry from the current location (stretch goal)
    • TOSCA orchestration monitoring (stretch goal)


  • UI Widgets
    • Service List 
    • Service Statistic
    • Process/Service Instance Rendering and Detail


  • Widget Requirements and Design
    • *** Note 1: actual screen layout and display can be changed based on implementation decisions. ***
    • *** Note 2: the service list panel columns can be changed based on the database table columns. The important fields would be the request id / service instance id, requester id, date/time for filtering.***
    • *** Note 3: we can add a new field, Proc_Inst-ID varchar(64) to the Infra_Active_Requests database table, to associate it (as a top-level process instance id) with the service instance id
    • Service List Widget 
      • Capabilities
        • Provides monitoring capabilities for processed services based on search criteria
          • Configurable Search Criteria filtering: Service ID, Operation Type, Status, User Id, Date/Time range
          • Actual filtering criteria fields could be changed based on configuration
        • The Service List panel will display the filtered Service list.
        • This widget can be triggered from other UIs (VID, UUI, external applications).
      • Design
        • The search criteria fields will be defined in a search criteria field configuration file (e.g., so-monitoring-config.yaml). So, they can be customized and support internationalization.
        • Based on the fields and buttons configuration, the Service List widget will render the corresponding fields and buttons.
        • The search criteria fields support the field validation based on the field type; e.g., length, date format, time format.
        • The Service List panel supports pagination, which will be controlled by the Navigation buttons.
        • Queries a service list from the SO Request DB through the Monitoring REST APIs.
        • Action buttons are enabled/disabled based on data population and/or context.
        • The wild characters are supported for the Search fields.
        • Note: for security (who, when and how access info), the requester info (User Id) is needed. It could be a future requirement.
          • The flexible filtering expression could be a stretch goal (it depends the BE Request DB query capabilities)


    • Search Operations:
      • Capabilities
        • Retrieve a service list thru the Service List REST API, getServiceList(...)
        • Provides filtering, Service ID, Operation Type, Status, Date/Time range (actual criteria could be configured).
        • Click the Search button, and the filtered service list will be displayed.
      • Design
        • After the user fills up the desired search crtieria fields, and click the Search button.
        • Use a REST API, getServiceList with search criteria parameters based on a new getInfraRequest(...)
        • Provide pagnation for the list, and enable/disable the navigation buttons based on the page location.
          • When the retreieved rows exceed the max-row configuration value, provide the user a warning to narrow the search scope.
        • When the Service List data is NOT populated, only the Search button is enabled; rest buttons are disabled.
        • When the Service List data is populated, enable the navigation, Statistic and Monitor buttons.
        • Stretch goals
          • sort the list ascending and descending order per column
          • change the column position

  • Service List Get Process / Service Instance Monitoring
    • Capabilities
      • Select a row and click the Monitor button. Then, it will open the process / Service instance (maps into process instance in Camunda) monitoring widget for the selected Service process / Service instance on the secondary/pop-up browser page.
    • Design
      • when a user clicks on a row, highlight the selected row and enable the Monitor button.
      • Once the Monitor button is clicked, go to the process / Service Instance Rendering and Deail widget, passing key fields such as process / service instance id, which will be mapped into the process instance id to find a matched process instance id in Camunda database in the Service Instnce Instance Rendering and Detail widget.


    • Service Statistic Widget (stretch goal)
      • When, the static button is clicked, the Service Statistic dashboard will be shown. 
      • Collect and display Request / Service Instance statistic per filtered service list, for the filtered service range.
      • Design
        • Query for service list data for a given search criteria. 
          • Use a REST API, getServiceList with search criteria parameters based on a new getServiceStatic(...) based on the  getInfraRequest(...)
        • Count the total number per status (Finished, Processing, Error)
        • Status Total / total number

    • Process / Service Instance Rendering and Detail Widget
      • Capabilities
        • Get a process definition XML through the Service Id and Process instance association.
        • use Camunda REST API, GET /process-defintion/{id}/xml
        • Get the state of a process instance from the activity-instances
        • Use Camunda REST API, get/process-instance/{id}/activity-instances
        • Render the BPMN XML with and  (or equivalent) and places markers on top of it, and provide process / Service instance detail views.
      • Design
        • This widget will be on the secondary/pop-up browser page. 
          • The Service List page will be the primary page, so the user can open multiple Service Process / Service Instance Rendering and Detail pages.
        • The search criteria fields are for display only, and they cannot be changed.
        • The Detail panel is scrollable and display contents with the tag: value formt.
        • Query a process instance with the matched 'serviceInstanceId' process variable.
          • get a process instande id: query bases on the process variable, 
            • GET /history/variable-instance/{variableValue}, where {variableValue} = 'serviceIntanceId' ;
          • query BPML XML based on a process instance id
            • GET /process-definition/{id}/xml
          • query the process instance detail such as process variables
            • GET /process-instance/{id}/variables
            • Display the process variables on the Process / Service Instance Detail panel
          • query and activity instance (tree) for the process instance id
            • GET /process-instance/{id}/activity-instances
            • GET /history/activity-instance/{id}
            • The response provides child activity instance info. By using this we can find the parent and child process instnce id and definition id.
              • If the current process instance id has its parent, enable the Drill-Up button.
            • When a user clicks on a task, display the task varables
              • GET /task/{id}variables
              • When the task activity type is call activity, it enables the Drill-Down button.
        • Render the process instance diagram with the retrieved XML.
          • use javascript library for the XML rendering and event attachments for process instance tasks.


    • The following is a possible alternative process / service instance rendering based on the Camunda Cockpit screen. If we go this path, the Camunda Cockpit customized plugin would be used. 
    • Calling the process instance cockpit page
      • get the processInstanceId from the getProcessInstanceId(String serviceInstanceId).
      • call the process instance cockpit page, e.g., following a function like below:
      • $scope.getProcessInstanceUrl = function(processInstance, params) {
        var path = '#/process-instance/' +;
        var searches = angular.extend({}, ($ || {}), (params || {}));

        var keepSearchParams = [ 'viewbox' ];
        for (var i in params) {

        return routeUtil.redirectTo(path, searches, keepSearchParams);


    • Task Drill-Down/Drill-Up and Detail View
      • Capabilities
        • Support Task (Call Activity) drill-down/drill-up capabilities.
        • When a call activity task is selected, the Drill-Down button will be enabled.
        • Provide detail views for the selected Task.
        • When a task is selected including the call activity, the Detail view panel will display details for the selected task.
      • Design
        • When a selected/clicked task activity type is the Call Activity, the Drill-Down button is enabled.
          • if (activityType.equals('CallActivity') {enableDrillDown();}

        • If the current process instance has its parent process instance (from the activity tree), the Drill-Up button is enabled.
          • if (parentActivityInstanceId != null) {enableDrillUp();}

    • Sub-Process/Service Instance Rendering and Detail View
      • Capabilities
        • Get a sub process defintion XML through the Service Id and Process Instance association.
        • Use Camunda REST API, get/process-definition/{sub-id}/xml
        • Get the state of a sub-process instance from the activity-instances.
        • Use Camunda REST API, get/process-instance/{sub-id}/activity-instances
        • Render the BPMN XML with and places markers on top of it, and provides process/service instance detail views.
        • This widget uses the same code of the Process/Service Instance Rendering and Detail View with the sub-process instance id. 
        • The Drill-Up button will be enabled.
      • Design
        • This widget code is the same as the Process/Service Instance Rendering and Detail. 
        • The difference is the passed process id; the child process instance id will be passed.




Development Estimate




Development Estimate


1REST APIs for providing data to UIs40 hours / Java developer
    • REST facade for
      • collecting and consolidating various Camunda process instance and history data to simplify GUI data collection interaction.
      • collecting SO Request DB data
2SO Service List widget60 hours / UI developer
    • populate search filter criteria
    • Displays a service list panel
    • control action buttons

Process/Service Instance Rendering

and Detail Panel

60 hours / UI developer
    • Renders process/service instance workflow graphically
    • provides the process/ service instance details and selected task details
    • Provides drill-down and drill-up capabilities
4Statistic Dashboard (stretch goal)40 hours / UI developer
    • Displays statistic for the selected service scope
5Custom History Producer (stretch goal)40 hours / Java developer
    • Not need for Casablanca
    • Produce history with additional data population
    • This is an option, and is used only if the Camunda history data is not sufficient.