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titleOpen Questions


  • Do we need to consider intraoperator multi-administrative domain interaction – i.e communication across different instances of domain orchestrators (ONAP or non-ONAP) belonging to the same operator?
  • Do we need to limit the scope of Interlude to Service Control, Activation, and Configuration or include Service Order Management?
  • Use Cases: What use cases we should consider for the interlude specification? Generic Operational use cases (Service activation, query etc)  or Specific Business use case ? (NaaS, NFaaS, Access E-Line etc) – Short term and Long Term Target?
  • Consideration for interaction between ONAP and non-ONAP (Legacy) Management system across operator domains
  • Strategy for closed-loop control (Assurance) – Who will manage? Partner managed or SP managed
  • Resiliency requirements for inter-operator management connectivity – Failover mechanisms
  • Do we need to consider interdependency of Interlude and Legato/Sonata interface? (for example contract) 
  • Service Impact Assessment - Need for doing a Service impact analysis before any operation over the interlude
  • Need for Service Change Management: Interlude operations to be initiated as work order through a Change management API (e.g. TMF 655) - Is this the practical mode of operation? Or expect a more dynamic service control operation?
  • Dynamic or Static workflows to be supported to accommodate Interlude operations (SO and beyond)
  • Need for supporting ETSI Or-Or interface (ETSI SOL011) at Ext-API level or it can be supported as a component level (SO or VFC) east-west API

Architecture Subcommittee

    Onboarding and distribution model for SP and Partner Service Descriptors - Controlled by separate SDC instances or by common SDC instance
  • CatalogueCatalog and Inventory Management – Strategy for 1) onboarding the catalog with service specification across interdomain boundaries 2) Reconciliation and aggregation of inventory at each domain – Pull vs Push model
  • ONAP specific terminology: Different SDOs follow different terminology e.g. operator interoperability, domain interoperability, administrative system interoperability etc.
  • Cross-layer interaction requirement and the need to accomodate accommodate this as part of interlude scope: for example OOF layer of SP need to interact with Multi-VIM of Partner for resource utilization, SDNC of partner sharing data to DCAE of SP (both not via Ext-API interlude but inter-component APIs) – Is this model valid (MLPOC as per ETSI IFA028 )
  • Federation vs Delegation
  • Federation actors and Roles: What type of provider roles we should consider ? Infrastructure provider, Connectivity SP, Partner SP, Master/Slave), Do we also need to consider different layers of partners – infrastructure, connectivity etc.
  • Need for including the Business layer interactions within the scope of interlude (for example dependency on Service Policy), Service Creation (in the absence of Business Application)
  • Separation of concerns: All external facing interactions to be managed via External-API, Should SO be Sservice Service Order aware?
  • Need for supporting Or-Or interface over the interlude reference point

Modeling Subcommittee

  • Service Model Impact: Service hierarchy in the Service model – i.e Composite or Nested Service, Constituent Service – How the service model is decomposed and distributed to operator and partner domains? Any pattern to follow? Or based on request attributes?
  • Representation of Partner Service and Resources , Partner Registration data, Policy, Service associations between SP and Partner in Inventory
  • Use of Allotted Network Function vs SPPartner for representing Partner Service
  • Data Model Alignment for Ext-API : TMF vs MEF vs ONAP runtime model
  • SPPartner and ANF have similar functionality - Are they redundant ?

Security Subcommittee

  • Security mechanism to be established between parties - Recommendations and guidance
  • Regulatory guidance : What kind of regulatory checks to be incorporated

Project team input

  • SO: Plan for supporting Service configuration, Service change - What REST APIs to use PUT or PATCH of Service or a dedicated action
  • Policy: Representation of confguration policies for cross operator interaction, representation of constraints for scheduling operations on Interlude
  • SDC : Modelling and managing Partner services, service access points, distribution of service
  • A&AI : Representation of partner resources and services
titleDerived Ext-API Interlude Requirements (WIP)

External API Requirements for supporting Inter-Provider API

Roles / Actors

    • SP A(ONAP deployment)
      • Administrator: Manages lifecycle of Services
      • Operation Engineer: Manages operational tasks like distribution of packages, manage/process work orders
      • Designer: Onboard VNF packages and designs Service Package
      • Tester: Verifies the Service package and approves the package for distribution
    • SP B (assuming anon-ONAP deployment)
      • Administrator: Manages the lifecycle of services
      • OperationEngineer:Managesoperational tasks
    • Partner A (assuming an ONAP deployment)
      • same as for ONAP SP
    • Partner B (assuming anonONAP deployment)
      • Administrator: Manages lifecycle of Services
      • OperationEngineer :Manages Operational

Types of Interactions

Image Modified

Scenario 1: Both SP and Partner have ONAP

Scenario 2: SP uses Non-ONAP solution and Partner uses ONAP (SP is the Master for all interactions - ONAP at Partner domain is Subordinate)

Scenario 3: SP uses ONAP solution and Partner uses non-ONAP solution (SP is Master)

General User Stories

  1. As a Designer in SP A ONAP, I shall be able to design a composite hybrid service with constituent services that may be realized by SP and or Partner, so that I can represent services in an abstract model which may be used by the ONAP runtime environmentdesign the services as per business need.
  2. As a designer of theSP the SP A ONAP I shall be able to represent the policy and access mechanism with end-point URL, security credentials in the partner service abstract model to access the partner API gateway (the equivalent of Ext-API on the partner side) , so that unauthorized access to partner domain can be avoided
  3. As a designer of SP AONAPI A ONAP I shall be able to represent the URL of the Partner API gateway in the partner service abstract model so that reachability to partner API gateway can be ensuredcreate configuration policies that represent access rights, allowed management operations, overall interaction controls so that I can abide by the business agreement between the SP and Parties.
  4. As an Operation engineer of SP A ONAP I shall be able to dynamically register Partner API gateway on the A&AI Inventory so that reachability information to Partner can be configured on demand
  5. As an administrator of SP A ONAP I shall be able to query onboarded on boarded Services in the Partner Service Catalog via theSP the SP A External API exposed REST APIs so that the correct service specification can be verified with the abstract model maintained locally
  6. As an operation engineer of SP A or Partner A ONAP, I shall be able to configure the services set of management operations that can be accessed on the partner side, so that unsubscribed service operation access can be avoided
  7. As an administrator of SP A ONAP I shall be able to query the instantiated services in the Partner Service Inventory via theSP the SP A External API exposed REST APIs so that state, configured service characteristics of the instantiated services can be verified and reconciled with the local inventory.
  8. As an administrator ofSPA of SPA ONAP I shall be able to place a request for Service Configuration on Partner API gateway via theSP the SP A External API exposed REST APIs with appropriate Service Characteristics associated and as defined in a Service Specification , so that desired end to end service requirement can be fulfilled.
  9. As an administrator of SP A ONAP I shall be able to control and enforce the policies for accessing the Partner API gateway from SP A External API so that I can manage the ongoing operational requirements.
  10. As an administrator operations engineer of SP A ONAP I shall be able to define the filter and transformation rules that govern the API requests on SP A External API and as needed and forwarded to Partner API Gateway so that SP A runtime components are not loaded andrealtimePartner Service state can be realized and reconciledso that I can route the request to appropriate domain.
  11. As an administrator of SP A ONAP, I shall be able to register for Service notification on the Partner API gateway for receiving any notifications related to Service Configuration and Control Request so that requests placed on the Partner domain can be monitored in an asynchronous manner
  12. As an administrator of SP A ONAP I shall be able to manage life cycle of collectors for receiving the performance related statistics (this can be SLA update) from the Partner API gateway so that performance metrics associated with Partner Services can be collected on demand
Service Configuration and Control Stories
  1. As a designer an operations engineer of SP A or Partner A ONAP, I shall be able to uniquely identify and represent service characteristics that can be modified on demand Service models in the SP domain and Partner domain so that any unnecessary service impacting changes can be avoidedinternal changes to service models is handled by appropriate mapping within respective domains.

Service Configuration and Control Stories

  1. As a designer of SP A or Partner A ONAP, I shall be able to identify and represent service characteristics which are service impacting that can be modified on demand so that any unnecessary service impacting changes can be avoided
  2. As an administrator of SP A ONAP I shall be able to schedule Service Configuration request through SP A External API to be executed and forwarded to Partner API gateway so that I can ensure optimal execution of request based on the desired condition.
  3. As an administrator of SP A ONAP I shall be able to lock or unlock a partner service configuration and control through SP A External API REST API so that any service impacting Service configurations or simultaneous access by multiple users can be avoided
  4. As an administrator of SP A ONAP I shall be able to assign ownership mastership of the Partner Service (Partner owned, configured or SP owned configured) to SP A or Partner so that Service updates are not carried out in a consistent manner
  5. As an administrator of SP A or Partner A ONAP, I shall be able to check the feasibility of Service configuration and control on the Partner domain so that I can ensure that the subsequent configuration request can be fulfilled without issue
  6. As an administrator of SPA ONAP Is hall be able to activate or deactivate a Service on the Partner domain via the SP A External API exposed REST APIs so that the partner services can be used during desired period and desired condition.
  7. As an administrator of SP A ONAP I shall be able to check the status of a Service Configuration and Control request placed on the Partner API gateway in an asynchronous manner so that state of the service can be updated in the inventory
  8. As an administrator of SP A ONAP I shall be able to retry a Service Configuration and Control request on the Partner API gateway or recover from the error by executing a predefined recovery logic so that Service jeopardy condition can be mitigated.

S3P Requirements

Component Specific Requirements (To be elaborated in detail later)
ONAP ComponentRequirement No
  1. API support for Service Configuration and Control - TMF 641 (or TMF 655)
  2. Integration with Policy Engine to check the Partner API access policies
  3. Integration with OOF to schedule Service Configuration
  4. Integration with SO to invoke Service Configuration Operation
  5. Integration with SDC Catalog to fetch Service Model details
  6. Integration with A&AI to check and update the Partner service status
  1. Support for Service Modification API for end to end and nested service through a Patch or Put Request
  2. Handling of Service Modification request with appropriate workflow invocation (dynamic or static workflow)
  3. Management of Service Modification jeopardy conditions - additional workflow

titleONAP Dublin Requirements


Study how we can control modification requested at Interlude level – they are at least 2 subtopics there:

    • Identify where the information could be managed within ONAP (in SDC ? have attribute change value and state change authorized at SOF-SOF interaction level ?)
    • Explore if External API can be used by internal ONAP Components as a proxy to talk to external Partner ( e.g. ONAP 1 SO call ONAP 1 ExtAPI, then ONAP 1 ExtAPI call ONAP 2 ExtAPI ) i.e. ONAP internal components can communicate securely internally, External API act as proxy to forward request ( e.g. Service Order ) to Partner ( maybe a Partners ONAP External API Framework ). 
    • Define the API (resource model) that allow the system to request ‘authorized’ service modification (Policy API ?)

Dependency on other projects
