Versions Compared


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  1. persistently (up to 7 days) deliver all the policy-update notifications per subscriber_topic
  2. component will listen for the subscriber_topic of the policy-update notification from MR of DMaaP with long-collect-polling time like 15 seconds to grab the push notification


Requirements on component

Option -1 - Less requirements on component - policy-handler to do the subscription with PDP for the component

  1. on startup – get the subscriber_topic=“policies_DCAE_tca_<service-component-name>” from config-binding-service

  2. listen for subscriber_topic of policy-update notification from MR of DMaaP with long-collect-polling time like 15 seconds to grab the push notification

  3. on receiving the policy-update pushed notification from DMaaP, handle the policy-update that contains the full snapshot of all the policies that match to the component

    1. calculate the delta between the current set of policies and the received shapshot of policies


Code Block
titleR5-1 El Alto proposal for policy flows between the new PDP and DCAE component PDP does the pub-sub for policies per component
@startuml r5-1_proposed_policy_update_flow
scale 4096*4096

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title = R5-1 El Alto proposal for \n policy flows between the new PDP and DCAE component \n PDP does the pub-sub for policies per component \n %date[yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm]%

package "<&dollar> Policy-Engine" as policy_engine #88ff88 {
    component "<&dollar> new Policy-Access-Point (<b>new PAP</b>)" as PAP
    component "<&dollar> new Policy-Decision-Point (<b>new PDP</b>)\n==pub-sub==\n maintains the table of policy-update subscribers \nwith <&crop> policy-filters and subscriber_topic\n--subscribe--\n[0.3.2] insert-update the record for the <b>subscriber_topic</b>\n[0.3.3] notify the subscriber_topic \nwith the latest snapshot of policies that match to any of policy-filters\n--unsubscribe--\n[99.2] delete the record for the <b>subscriber_topic</b>\n==[1] on policy push/delete from PAP==\n[1.0] select all  subscribers that match to the pushed/deleted policies \n by any <&crop> policy-filter\n[1.1] for each affected subscriber retrieve all the latest snapshot of policies \n[1.2] notify each subscriber_topic separately \nwith the latest snapshot of policies" as PDP

    database "<&list> <b>policy-update subscribers</b> (table in database)\n..unique topic per each component instance..\n<b>subscriber_topic</b> TEXT <&key> PK -- "policies_DCAE_tca_<service-component-name>"\n..\n action TEXT -- "configure"\nONAPName TEXT -- "DCAE"\nONAPComponent TEXT -- "tca"\nONAPInstance TEXT -- "<service-component-name>"\n..list of policy-filters on subscriber_topic (component)..\n<&list> <&crop> <b>policy-filters</b> JSON -- list of the <b>"resource"</b> objects of /decision/v1: \n[{"policy-id": ["onap.scaleout.tca", "onap.restart.tca"]}, ...]" as policy_update_subscribers

package "<&dollar> DCAE" as DCAE {
    package "<&signpost> DCAE-Controller" as DCAE_Controller #eeffee {
        package "<&cog> deployment" #eeeeff {
            component "<&aperture> <b>deployment_handler</b>\n--\n[0] install component through cloudify for the blueprint+inputs\n--\n[99] uninstall component through cloudify" as deployment_handler

            component "<&aperture> <b>policy_handler</b>\n--[0.3] on startup of component - /subscribe--\n[0.3.1] get <b>subscriber_topic</b> and all policy-filters from req from plugin\n[0.3.2] subscribe with PDP for policy-updates on all <&crop> policy-filters and \n<b>subscriber_topic</b>="policies_DCAE_tca_<service-component-name>"\n--\n==[99.2] on shutdown of component - /unsubscribe==\n[99.2] unsubscribe <b>subscriber_topic</b> from PDP" as policy_handler

            package "<b>cloudify</b>" as cloudify_server #00ffff {
                control cloudify
                component "<&aperture> <b>k8s_plugin decorated with @policies_gather</b>\n--[0] install component--\n[0.0] <b>k8s_plugin</b>: save config for component into consul-kv under <service-component-name>\n[0.1] <b>@policies_gather</b>: gather policy-filters assigned to component in blueprint+inputs\n[0.2] <b>@policies_gather</b>: save <service-component-name>:<b>subscriber_topic</b>='policies_DCAE_tca_<service-component-name>' into consul-kv\n[0.3] <b>@policies_gather</b>: subscribe the component for policy-updates through policy_handler\n pass <b>subscriber_topic</b>="policies_DCAE_tca_<service-component-name>" \nand multiple policy-filters for component as [{"policy-id": ["onap.scaleout.tca", "onap.restart.tca"]}]\n[0.4] <b>k8s_plugin</b>: install and start component\n--[99] uninstall component--\n[99.0] <b>@policies_gather</b>: delete records from consul-kv\n[99.1] <b>k8s_plugin</b>: delete records from consul-kv\n[99.2] <b>k8s_plugin</b>: stop and uninstall component" as k8s_plugin
        database "<&target> <b>consul-kv</b>\n--config for component--\n<service-component-name>={...config...}\n<service-component-name>:<b>subscriber_topic</b>='policies_DCAE_tca_<service-component-name>'" as consul_kv
        component "<&aperture> <b>config_binding_service</b>" as config_binding_service

    component "<&target> <b>DCAE component like TCA</b>\n--[0.4] on startup - run policy-update receiver--\n[0.4.1] get subscriber_topic along with the config from CBS\n[0.4.2] listen for policy-update notifications from <b>MR of DMaaP</b> on \n<b>subscriber_topic</b>="policies_DCAE_tca_<service-component-name>"\n with long-collect-polling time like 15 seconds to grab the push notification\n--\n[0.3.3] and [1.2] on receiving the push-notification of policy-update, \n[1.3] calculate the delta - compare the collection of existing policies \n versus the latest snapshot of policies and figure out \nwhat policies are added/updated/removed \n[1.4] handle and consume the added/updated/removed policies" as dcae_component #eeeeff

component "<&rss> <b>Message Router of DMaaP</b>\n--\n [0.3.3] and [1.2] persistently delivers \nthe policy-update notification \nto each <b>subscriber_topic</b> \nwith the latest snapshot of policies" as DMaaP #ff8888

PAP .down.> PDP : [1] push/delete policies
PDP .down.> policy_update_subscribers : [0.3.2] subscribe\n insert/update \nsubscriber record
PDP .down.> policy_update_subscribers : [1.0] iterate through \nall subscribers
PDP ..> policy_update_subscribers : [99.2] unsubscribe \n delete <b>subscriber_topic</b>

PDP .down.> DMaaP : [0.3.3] and [1.2] push policy-update \n for DCAE component instance
DMaaP .up.> dcae_component : [0.3.3] and [1.2] push policy-update for DCAE component instance

dcae_component .right.> config_binding_service : [0.4.1] get subscriber_topic along with the config
config_binding_service .right.> consul_kv : [0.4.1] get config and subscriber_topic

policy_handler ..> PDP :     [0.3.2] POST /v1/decision/<b>subscription</b>/<<b>subscriber_topic</b>>
policy_handler ..> PDP : [99.2] DELETE /v1/decision/<b>subscription</b>/<<b>subscriber_topic</b>>

deployment_handler .down.> cloudify : [0] install component
deployment_handler .down.> cloudify : [99] uninstall \ncomponent
cloudify .down.> k8s_plugin : [0] install \ncomponent
cloudify .down.> k8s_plugin : [99] uninstall \ncomponent
k8s_plugin .down.> consul_kv : [0.0] and [0.2] save config and <b>subscriber_topic</b> for component
k8s_plugin .down.> consul_kv : [99.0] and [99.1] delete records

k8s_plugin .up.> policy_handler : [0.3] subscribe
k8s_plugin .up.> policy_handler : [99.2] unsubscribe

k8s_plugin .left.> dcae_component : [0.4]  start  component
k8s_plugin .left.> dcae_component : [99.2] stop component

' note "[99.2] http DELETE /decision/<b>subscription</b>/v1/<<b>subscriber_topic</b>>" as message_unsub_to_PDP
' dcae_component .down.> message_unsub_to_PDP
' message_unsub_to_PDP ..> PDP

left footer
    <&thumb-up> no middleman (DCAE-Control) for policy update flow
    <&thumb-up> minimal number of messages and volume of data
    <&thumb-up> Message Router of DMaaP persistently delivers the push-notification of the policy-update per each component instance globally identified by subscriber_topic

    <b>requirements on new PDP -- see the diagram</b>
    <&task> maintain pub-sub table per subscriber_topic with policy-filters
    <&task> notify about the policy added/updated/removed through Message Router of DMaaP

    <b>requirements on DCAE Component -- see the diagram</b>
    <&task> on start, get
        + subscriber_topic (globally unique for the component instance like "policies_DCAE_tca_<service-component-name>")
    <&task> provide handler for the push-notification of the polciy-update received from Message Router of DMaaP
    <&task> listen for the policy-update notification on subscriber_topic coming through the Message Router of DMaaP with long polling collect-time
    <&task> calc delta of policy-update and consume it

    <b>requirements on Config-Binding-Service - new data from consul-kv</b>
    <&task> get from consul-kv and return the
        + subscriber_topic (globally unique for the component instance like "policies_DCAE_tca_<service-component-name>")

    <b>requirements on @policies_gather -- see the diagram</b>
    <b>requirements on k8s_plugin -- see the diagram</b>
    <b>requirements on policy_handler -- see the diagram</b>



Option - 3 - More requirements on component (initial proposal) - too much to ask the components

  1. on startup – subscribe to PDP with the policy-filter the component is interested in and the subscriber_topic=“policies_DCAE_tca_<service-component-name>that that uniquely identifies the component instance
  2. listen for subscriber_topic of policy-update notification from MR of DMaaP with long-collect-polling time like 15 seconds to grab the push notification
  3. on receiving the policy-update pushed notification from DMaaP, handle the policy-update that contains the full snapshot of all the policies that match to the component

    1. calculate the delta between the current set of policies and the received shapshot of policies

  4. n stop, unsubscribe subscriber_topic from PDP
