Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Code Block
//import routes.js

const customersRouters = require('./routes’);
function serverRewrite() {


Code Block
//configuration in routes.js
module.exports =
   ///////<-------------general interface--------->/////
        "/api/*": "/$1",
        "/*/*": "/$1_$2",
        "/*/*/*": "/$1_$2_$3",
        "/*/*/*/*": "/$1_$2_$3_$4",


Code Block
const fakeData = require('./fakedata.js');
module.exports = {
    //Mock json
    'customer_info': fakeData.customer,
    'alarm_formdata_multiple': fakeData.customer,
    'home': fakeData.home,
    'language': fakeData.language,


Code Block
const fakeData = require('./fakedata.js');
module.exports = {
    //Mock json
    'customer_info': fakeData.customer,
    'alarm_formdata_multiple': fakeData.customer,
    'home': fakeData.home,
    'language': fakeData.language,


Code Block
titleimport fake data object and merge it into the existed data objectFadeToGrey
// import fake data object and merge it into the existed data object
const fakeoriginalData = require('./fake/mock.js');  //import datas created in fakedata.js
   files.forEach((filename) => {
          if (isDir) {
          Object.keys(fakeoriginalData).map(item => {
              localJsonDb[item] = fakeoriginalData[item];


By all these operations above, we have the capacity to support a totally independent frontend development. Hurray! Hurray!

8.2 Customized Configuration

After met the basic requirement, we have to solve the difficulties discussed in Chapter 5.

8.2.1 Customized Request Routes

As we know that json-server can read the request routes automatically, however, if those paths are irregular’,the basic methods will not work. For example, the program can not handle this kind of request:

Code Block
createServiceType: this.baseUrl + "/uui-lcm/customers/*_*/service-subscriptions/*+*", 
getCustomerresourceVersion: this.baseUrl + "/uui-lcm/customers/*_*", 
getServiceTypeResourceVersion: this.baseUrl + "/uui-lcm/customers/*_*/service-subscriptions/*+*",

The *_*  and  *+* represent variables. The routes above contains several variables which makes it hard for json-server to handle automatically, so that’s why we need routes.js and configure all the specially routes in it:

Code Block
"/uui-lcm/serviceNumByServiceType/:customer": "/CustomersColumn",
"/uui-lcm/customers/:customer": "/getCustomerresourceVersion”,
"/uui-lcm/customers/:customer/service-subscriptions/:id": "/getServiceTypeResourceVersion",

By configuring, we clarify all the irregular routes. Next, we just need to import the file into server.js and use it as Chapter 8.1.2

8.2.2 Interface Interception

As we have discussed in Chapter 5, in this project, one single API route can be used by several different request methods and all these requests have their specific response data format which is totally different from that provided by json-server. For example:

Code Block
    customers: this.baseUrl + "/uui-lcm/customers", /* get */
    deleteCustomer: this.baseUrl + "/uui-lcm/customers", /* delete */
    createCustomer: this.baseUrl + "/uui-lcm/customers/", /* put */
    getAllCustomers() {
        return this.http.get<any>(this.url.customers);
    createCustomer(customer, createParams) {
        let url = this.url.createCustomer + customer;
        return this.http.put(url, createParams);
    deleteSelectCustomer(paramsObj) {
        let url = this.url.deleteCustomer;
        let params = new HttpParams({ fromObject: paramsObj });
        return this.http.delete(url, { params });

As the codes shown, ‘/uui-lcm/customers’ is used by PUT, DELETE and GET method. The program must intercept all those routes and mark them with different request methods, otherwise json-server would not return the response data we create and since we ignore the db.json which is to contain the mock data json-server created, there will be error 404. Here’s the codes in server.js:

Code Block
const fs = require('fs');
const path = require('path');
const jsonServer = require('json-server');
const server = jsonServer.create();
const middlewares = jsonServer.defaults();
const customersRouters = require('./routes');
const baseUrl = "/usecaseui-server/v1";
…………`${baseUrl}/*`, (req, res, next) => {
    const prefix = req.url.replace(baseUrl, "");
    req.url = `${baseUrl}/POST${prefix}`;
    req.method = 'GET';
server.put(`${baseUrl}/*`, (req, res, next) => {
    const prefix = req.url.replace(baseUrl, "");
    req.url = `${baseUrl}/PUT${prefix}`;
    req.method = 'GET';
server.delete(`${baseUrl}/*`, (req, res, next) => {
    const prefix = req.url.replace(baseUrl, "");
    req.url = `${baseUrl}/DELETE${prefix}`;
    req.method = 'GET';

The codes above uses json-server to intercept data interfaces of different request methods and then rewrite the previous request routes, as well as switch all the request methods to GET. Later, we have to change routes.js and specific json files names to make the changes work.

Code Block
"/PUT/uui-lcm/customers/:name/service-subscriptions/:id": "/PUT_uui-lcm_customers_service-subscriptions”,
"/DELETE/uui-lcm/customers/:customer/service-subscriptions/:id": "/DELETE_uui-lcm_customers_service-subscriptions",

Image Added

Image 4

The reason why we do these changes is that at the developing period of a project, frontenders only have to be focused on the request parameters and response data. In other words, request methods means little for a frontender in this period so that we transfer all the request methods to GET temporarily to make mock server normally work.

Now, we have achieved all the optimization goals and a mock server can finally run healthily by one command. Hurray! Hurray! Hurray!

9. Final Result

After the optimization, the mock data scheme has been built. This new scheme supports ‘one command startup’ and allows frontenders develop independently when the backenders are not ready. And of course, this scheme perfectly reuses the original mock data files which makes this optimization the least cost.
At last, I’d like to show the final result of our work. You can also see the codes in the Gerrit repo (

The mock folder structure is as follow:

Image Added

Image 5

The related configuration in package.json is as follow:

Code Block
"scripts": {
    "ng": "ng",
    "start": "ng serve",
    "server": "ng serve --proxy-config proxy.conf.json",
    "mockproxy": "ng serve --proxy-config localproxy.conf.json",
    "mockconfig": "node ./src/app/mock/server.js --port 3002",
    "mock": "npm run mockconfig | npm run mockproxy”,

The full codes of server.js is as follow:

Code Block
const jsonServer = require('json-server');
const server = jsonServer.create();
const middlewares = jsonServer.defaults();
const customersRouters = require('./routes');
const baseUrl = "/usecaseui-server/v1";

// Set default middlewares (logger, static, cors and no-cache)

// Get mock data
const fs = require('fs');
const path = require('path');

let localJsonDb = {};  //import mock datas
const fakeoriginalData = require('./fake/mock.js');  //import datas created in fakedata.js
const mockFolder = './src/app/mock/json'; //mock json path folder
const filePath = path.resolve(mockFolder);


function fileDisplay(filePath) {
    let fileList = [];
    // Return filelist on based of filePath
    const files = fs.readdirSync(filePath);
    files.forEach((filename) => {
        // Get filename's absolute path
        let filedir = path.join(filePath, filename);
        // Get the file information according to the file path and return an fs.Stats object
        fs.stat(filedir, (err, stats) => {
            if (err) {
                console.warn('Get files failed......');
            } else {
                let isFile = stats.isFile(); // files
                let isDir = stats.isDirectory(); //files folder
                if (isFile) {
                    fileList.push(path.basename(filedir, '.json'));
                    fileList.forEach(item => {
                        localJsonDb[item] = getjsonContent(item);
                if (isDir) {
                    console.warn("=====> DO NOT support mock data in folder");
                Object.keys(fakeoriginalData).map(item => {
                    localJsonDb[item] = fakeoriginalData[item];
    setTimeout(() => {
    }, 100)

function getjsonContent(path) {
    let newpath = `./src/app/mock/json/${path}.json`;
    let result = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(newpath));
    return result;

//only multi router data needs jsonServer.rewriter
function serverRewrite() {

function runServer(db) {
}`${baseUrl}/*`, (req, res, next) => {
    const prefix = req.url.replace(baseUrl, "");
    req.url = `${baseUrl}/POST${prefix}`;
    req.method = 'GET';
server.put(`${baseUrl}/*`, (req, res, next) => {
    const prefix = req.url.replace(baseUrl, "");
    req.url = `${baseUrl}/PUT${prefix}`;
    req.method = 'GET';
server.delete(`${baseUrl}/*`, (req, res, next) => {
    const prefix = req.url.replace(baseUrl, "");
    req.url = `${baseUrl}/DELETE${prefix}`;
    req.method = 'GET';

server.listen(3002, () => {
    console.log('Mock Server is successfully running on port 3002!')

That's all our jobs. Looking forward to suggestion and discussion.