Versions Compared


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Features/CapabilitiesK8S EnvironmentCNTT/Arch Ref.2  ONAP (Today)



CNF Scalability

From an Orchestration perspective: Cluster Autoscaler, HPA and VPA

Handling within its own cluster

From an Automation, Control Loop (CL) perspective

OOF, SO, Multi-Cloud

CL (DCAE, Policy, CLAMP + Triggered Action)

Adding value: Handling multiple K8S, Clusters

See K8S/SO presentation (3/17)

Not ONAP Scalability itself otherwise MUSIC, OOM (Container Orchestration)

CNF Resiliency

From an Orchestration perspective: K8S Services

From an Automation, Control Loop (CL) perspective

OOF, MSO, Multi-Cloud

CL (DCAE, Policy, CLAMP + Triggered Action)

See K8S/SO presentation (3/17)Not ONAP Resiliency itself otherwise MUSIC, OOM (Container Orchestration)
 CNF AvailabilityPublic Cloud is currently offering <99.999

Opportunity for ONAPNot ONAP availability itself otherwise 99.9999+ built inside ONAP 

Secured service-to-service communication

Additional SW to be uploaded on top of K8S:

Linkerd, ISTIO


(VNFs only)

Integrate our ONAP Apps to Service Mesh (question) while keeping AAF as optional

Do we provide any certificate or shall we rely on a Certification Manager?


Stackdriver Logging





Centralization of Logging - ONAP feature or external system to ONAP?


OOM - Consul


Events, Alarms, Analytics

Prometheus -

Open-source systems monitoring and alerting toolkit

Jaeger -

As on-the-ground microservice practitioners are quickly realizing, the majority of operational problems that arise when moving to a distributed architecture are ultimately grounded in two areas: networking and observability. It is simply an orders of magnitude larger problem to network and debug a set of intertwined distributed services versus a single monolithic application.

based on grafana technologies (UI part) 


Specific VES

Integration with Promotheus and Grafana technologies (UI) as POC by AT&T

-Check the CNF Conformance to understand what are the requirements

-Shall we integrate one of the open sources to DCAE (like we did with PNDA) or shall we create DCAE CNCF version?


CNFs Storage

  •  Secured mechanism to store/inject CNF images (Extension to Artifactory - Separate virtual repos)

Under investigation


CNF Security Requirements 

Ingress Controllers

How to address Networking back to provider network (question)

Expansion of Container Security for K8S (out of scope from SECCOM?)


OpenTelemetry provides a single set of


OpenTelemetry provides a single set of APIs, libraries, agents, and collector services to capture distributed traces and metrics from your application. You can analyze them using Prometheus, Jaeger, and other observability tools. -

DCAE DCAE - Telemetry under assessment

CNF Compliance:

The CNF supports OpenTelemetry-compatible tracing
– Does the CNF generate Open Telemetry compliant data?
– Is there traffic to Jaeger? 


Where are we on the CNCF Trail Journey?

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 Network Interfaces

Dual Stack Network:

  •  IPv4 K8s cluster with IPv4 pods and services 
  •  IPv6 (question)

  • DPDK (question)
  • SRIOV (question)

Adapt our CI/CD - Toolchain

E2E Testing - Working jointly under OVP PH2 (OPNFV, CNTT, VTP, ONAP/VVP/VNFSDK)

Where are we on the CNCF Trail Journey?

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Step #1 Containerization

Step #1 Containerization Step #2 CI/CD

CNF Deployment 


  •  Review "Features/Capabilities - How We complement each other?"
    • Observability/Events/Alarms/Analytics
    • Tracing/Telemetry


March 17th, 2020

  •  Review "Features/Capabilities - How We complement each other?"
    • Security
    • Network Services
    • Adapt our CI/CD
  • K8S/SO proposal by Seshu Kumar Mudiganti
    • Discussion K8S orchestrator vs ONAP Orchestrator adding values to support CNF i.e. Inventory i.e. AAI, Operational cockpit (CDS), Optmization (OOF) and Control Loop (DCAE/CLAMP/Policy) 

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Other Topics - Week March 16-20:

  • Homework (ALL): read CNF Compliance pdf and Identify additional features/capabilities  K8S/SO proposal presented next week by Seshu Kumar Mudiganti
  • Initial Security CNF thoughts presented by Krzysztof Opasiak  
