Versions Compared


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  • Currently: varies (no default prescribed by ONAP application logging guidelines.pdf).
  • Affects: most ONAP components, superficially. 
  • Why:
    • Reduced complexity. 
    • Fewer special cases, simplified orchestration.
    • Certain components are presently not configurable, e.g. Portal, for which even trivial reconfiguration of logging requires reassembly of its WAR.
    • See Support for analytics pipelines
  • Notes:
    • This simplifies deployment automation, reconfiguration, etc. 
    • These paths will normally be local to a container, NOT on a mounted shared volume.
    • The exact path can be fine-tuned, but:
      • The benefit of an ONAP-wide convention should be obvious.
      • This corresponds to the convention implemented (updated for ONAP) by MSO and others.
      • It should be aligned with conventions for other component- and subcomponent-specific configuration documents. 

One logfile per subcomponent

Logfiles that are machine-readable and report only populated MDCs don't benefit from sorting log entries into multiple files. Writing fewer files reduces complexity.

  • Currently: the standard logback configuration writes several files: audit.logmetric.logdebug.logtransaction.log, etc. (In some cases all.log).
  • Affects: all ONAP components, but only by way of a configuration change.
  • Why
    • This complicates analytics configuration. (It also complicates other kinds of analysis, since output is further fragmented).
    • The sorting is arbitrary. There are many other equally valid ways that output could be partitioned.
    • There is negligible benefit to justify the additional complexity.
  • Notes:
    • This is separate to the issue of rollover.
    • There is a school of thought which says that logger output should be to STDOUT and STDERR only, and redirected as necessary, for example We don't need to go quite that far, but they make an eloquent case for simplicity.
    • ONAP components typically consist of one or more subcomponents. Subcomponent generally corresponds to a container. 

Configuration overrides

All configuration locations to be overrideable by a system or file property passed to (or read by) the JVM. (No specific convention suggested, because it'll only divert attention from the importance of having a convention). 
