Versions Compared


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in createAll.bash add the following two lines just before namespace creation - to create a secret and attach it to the namespace (thanks to Jason Hunt of IBM last friday to helping us attach it - when we were all getting our pods to come up).  A better fix for the future will be to pass these in as parameters from a prod/stage/dev ecosystem config.

create_namespace() {
  kubectl create namespace $1-$2
+  kubectl --namespace $1-$2 create secret docker-registry regsecret --docker-username=docker --docker-password=docker
+  kubectl --namespace $1-$2 patch serviceaccount default -p '{"imagePullSecrets": [{"name": "regsecret"}]}'

Monitor Container Deployment


In settings | Host Configuration | set your IP

[root@obrien-b2 etcd]# sudo docker run -e CATTLE_AGENT_IP=""  --rm --privileged -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock -v /var/lib/rancher:/var/lib/rancher rancher/agent:v1.2.2
INFO: Launched Rancher Agent: 1130bdae106396623a01e34a54f72627da2673e466fc78229688330f597ea247

See your host registered

Image RemovedImage Added

Bare RHEL 7.3 VM - Multi Node Cluster
