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Project NameEnter the name of the project
Target Release NameGuilin Release
Project Lifecycle StateIncubation.( Refer to ONAP Charter, section 3.3 Project Lifecycle for further information)
Participating Company AT&T, CenturyLink, China Mobile, China TelecomHuawei, Orange, PCCW Global, Turk Telekom, Verizon, Amdocs, Ciena, HuaweiWipro, IntelHCL, WiproTech Mahindra, Netcracker, ZTE, MEF, TMF


What is this release trying to address


  • E2E Network Slicing - two Jira opened  Image AddedEXTAPI-449 - E2E Network Slicing: Lifecycle management operations – standard interface OPEN  Enhancements for Service activation, deactivation, termination (based on TMF 641) and  Image AddedEXTAPI-450 - E2E Network Slicing: KPI monitoring OPEN  KPI Monitoring e.g., based on TMF 628. Discussion on the requirements for Guilin with Priyadharshini B Swaminathan S Guobiao Mo
    • Slides presented covering the NBI requirement for E2E External API Framework: 5GNetworkSlicing_ExtAPI_20200610_v1.0.pptx
    • Actions/updates:
      • Briefly discussed reg. the use of TMF 641 APIs for service activation/deactivation/termination. We will go ahead with the proposed approach based on last week's discussion to use ServiceState of Service object
      • Discussed with @Jack Pugaczewski reg. use of (modernized) TMF 628 for "On Demand" PM collection.
      • Share DES APIs (that would have been invoked from UUI), as well as the typical response from DES for a KPI monitoring request – can be the draft version. Guobiao Mo LUKAI
      • Get the draft updated TMF 628 swagger from Jack. Adrian OSullivan
      • Try to map the request from UUI to TMF 628 onDemandCollection Priyadharshini B Adrian OSullivan Swaminathan S
      • If the mapping looks reasonable, make a simple start implementation in Guilin release – this will have impact in UUI and ExTAPI. LIN MENG Swaminathan S to confirm resources.
      • Update the ppt with relevant details. Priyadharshini BSwaminathan S/Guobiao Mo
      • Last week Items:

  • Macromode for Guilin,  Image AddedEXTAPI-258 - "Macro" mode OPEN   Sanchita Pathak - Support for when SDC instantiationType = macro
  • TSC Must Have Requirements for ExtAPI - as per 
    serverONAP JIRA
    • Document current upgrade component strategy (TSC must have)  -  to be covered by 
      serverONAP JIRA
    • SECCOM Perform Software Composition Analysis - Vulnerability tables (TSC must have)
    • SECCOM Password removal from OOM HELM charts (TSC must have) To be covered by 
      serverONAP JIRA
    • SECCOM HTTPS communication vs. HTTP (TSC must have) - to be covered by 
      serverONAP JIRA
  • Deliver increased interoperability between ONAP and External Systems ( e.g. Service Catalog Notifications ) 
    serverONAP JIRA
    • Service Catalog -
      • Add notification for serviceCatalog API
        • Description:
          • Allow BSS catalog function to receive service catalog notification as serviceSpec status change or characteristic change (new value in an enum list for example). Could be interesting to track these serviceSpec update to update accordingly productSpec
        • Relevance:
        • Complexity: Moderate - need to subscribe to authenticated topic
        • Prerequisites: It requires to have a notification from SDC via DMaaP
        • Resources: Adrian O'Sullivan
      • Operation Domain Manager ( stretch goal ) specification focus around supporting POST of partner ServiceSpecification 
        serverONAP JIRA
        (Specification Focus) Analysis of new Operation Domain Manager APIs in SDC and impact on support POST for ServiceSpecification Resource. Currently Telstra are working on SDC APIs for onboarding a Partner ServiceSpecification reference in SDC with all the information to communicate with Partners External APIs for Service Instantiation. ( Stretch goal - resources permitted to look at supporting POST ServiceSpecifcation - potential to use jolt to transform to new SDC API format_.
    Continue to enhance ONAP External APIs exposed to BSS/OSS (e.g. Increase support for SO Service APIs , macro mode)Service Ordering
    Add Support for serviceOrder API for Service Instantiation via macro mode in 
    serverONAP JIRA
    • Description: 
      • With Dublin, a new mode is available in SO to instantiate a service : the "macro" mode.

        In SDC, a service can be declared with an instantiationType equal to "A-la-carte" or equal to "Macro". This information is then available in the Tosca service definition file.

        When "Macro" mode is chosen for a service, the SO will use different kind of BPMN workflow.

        This "macro" mode need to be managed by NBI.

        NBI needs to look at service definition in Tosca file, select the mode, build the "macro" request toward SO  when service instantiationType is "Macro". 

        REQUEST 1 : NBI have to send a request to SO with the parameter "aLaCarte": false when instantiationType is Macro in service definition file

        In macro mode, the SO request may also contain, in the "userParams" section, all needed information about VNFs and VF-module(s) to be instantiated.

        All those necessary information are in the Tosca service definition file generated by SDC.

        If NBI do not fill those information, the serviceOrder sent to NBI will have to provide those informations (that means an external system will have to do the job)

        REQUEST 2 : NBI to look at VNF, VF-module and Network in the Tosca service definition file in order to build the full "macro" request toward SO.

    • Relevance:
    • Complexity: High
    • Prerequisites: 
    • Resources: Romain and Rene
    Update serviceOrder API to use GR_API  - 
    serverONAP JIRA
    • Description: 
      • SO can use two kind of API with SDNC : Generic-Resource API (GR_API) or VNF_API.It seems that it is better to indicate to SO to use GR_API now. It is the value of the field "testApi" that need to be modified in SO request to instantiate service object. Can be an environment variable.

    • Relevance:
    • Complexity: Easy
    • Prerequisites: 
    • Resources: Romain
  • Update ServiceOrder to accommodate Service Characteristics of "object" type
    • Description: 
      • Need to handle service orders which use "object" type in the serviceCharacteristics, i.e. utiizing the new specificationInputSchema . Also update the object to be stored as "object" v "Object" in the service catalog response.

    • Relevance:
    • Complexity: Easy
    • Prerequisites: 
    • Resources: Adrian O'Sullivan - Note work complete 
  • ( stretch goal ) Specification work on how to Handle action modify in ServiceOrder in a manner other than recreate Service 
    • Description: 
      • 5G Network Slicing plan to have new SO capability for Service Modifications, specifically allowing an instantiated and activated service to be deactivated without being deleted.

    • Relevance:
    • Complexity: Moderate
    • Prerequisites: 
    • Resources: Adrian O'Sullivan
  • Performance Management (stretch goal ) specification focus: specification work associated with Network Slicing KPI reporting.
  • Operation Domain Manager ( stretch goal ) specification focus around supporting POST of partner ServiceSpecification 
    serverONAP JIRA
  • Integration 
  • Integrate External API/NBI within ONAP DMaap for authenticated topics ( Adrian )
  • Integrate External API/NBI with AAF for security enhancement, introduce https support  ( Matthieu )

Use Cases

The existing use cases are still going to be supported ( BBS, CCVPN ) and additional use cases will be supported for the Frankfurt Release (as defined by the Control loop sub committee and TSC)., CCVPN ) in the Guilin Release

5G E2E Network Slicing Use case 5G Network Slicing Use case is a new use case which have plans to use External API Service Order APIs to Create, Delete and modify ( activate / deactivate) Communication Services. The hope is to reuse existing Service Order APIs. Some enhancements may be needed, mainly in the ability to modify a service ( updateType, pending support from SO ) plus allowing serviceType to be an optional parameter in the Service Order ( used in AAI ). Wipro has taken ownership of 

 for enhancements needed. Impact assessment completed by Adrian, updates only to support Service Ordering considered in Frankfurt timescale. There is minor changes to reuse the existing Service Order APIs to activate and deactivate Service Instances via ServiceState. 

The major impact is for the catering Performance Management and the possible inclusion of a subset of the TMF 628 API. See 

Platform Maturity

 Platform Maturity (i.e., S3P items)  Frankfurt Release Platform Maturity
